Friday, August 30, 2024

Nokia expands its R&D footprint in India with Fixed Networks’ largest lab in Chennai, Tamil Nadu



Press Release

Nokia expands its R&D footprint in India with Fixed Networks' largest lab in Chennai, Tamil Nadu

  • The R&D expansion underscores Nokia's commitment to India's growth.
  • The new R&D facility will help foster new technology innovations that further strengthen Nokia's fixed networks portfolio across fiber, Wi-Fi and fixed wireless technologies.
  • The Government of Tamil Nadu's support on the policy and infrastructure front was key to facilitating the expansion of the R&D facility.

30 August 2024

New Delhi, India - Nokia today announced the expansion of its Fixed Networks R&D facility in Chennai, Tamil Nadu. With the support of Tamil Nadu government, the new R&D lab will be one of the largest globally for Nokia and the largest for its Fixed Networks business. This expansion underpins Nokia's commitment to developing cutting-edge technologies that help connect the unconnected and reduce the digital divide.


As a key hub for Fixed Networks, this investment will further strengthen Nokia's technology innovations in 10G, 25G, 50G and 100G PON, Fixed Wireless Access, Wi-Fi and MDU solutions, as well as access network and home controllers.


The Government of Tamil Nadu has been key to facilitating this expansion and will provide Nokia with essential infrastructure, regulatory and policy support in line with current policies. This collaboration reinforces Chennai's strategic importance in Nokia's global operations and underscores the region's increasing prominence as a center for technological innovation.


To formalize the expansion of the Nokia R&D lab in Chennai, a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was recently exchanged between Guidance Tamil Nadu and Nokia in the presence of Thiru. M. K. Stalin, Hon'ble Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu, and Dr. T. R. B Rajaa, Hon'ble Minister for Industries, Government of Tamil Nadu in San Francisco, California, USA


Dr. TRB Rajaa, Hon'ble Minister for Industries, Government of Tamil Nadu, said: "Today, Tamil Nadu has evolved into a global destination of choice for R&D and technology services. Nokia has been a long-standing partner in Tamil Nadu's growth story, and it is a matter of pride for us that the new facility, the largest fixed network lab within Nokia and probably the whole world, will be in Chennai. This is a result of path-breaking initiatives of the Honourable Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu Thiru. MK Stalin, like Naan Mudhalvan and the Tamil Nadu R&D Policy 2022, which have also led to unprecedented investments. It is our endeavor to sustain this momentum and generate high-value employment opportunities for our youth."


Vimalkumar Kothandaraman, Head of Fixed Networks for Asia Pacific at Nokia, said: "Our R&D footprint in Chennai is critical to our Fixed Networks strategy. This investment highlights our dedication to India and global technology advancements, and allows us to further leverage the abundant talent pool in the region. This MoU solidifies our collaboration with the Tamil Nadu government to jointly drive telecom industry innovations, expanding our world-class R&D hub in Chennai."


Resources and additional information

Webpage: Fixed networks


About Nokia

At Nokia, we create technology that helps the world act together.


As a B2B technology innovation leader, we are pioneering networks that sense, think and act by leveraging our work across mobile, fixed and cloud networks. In addition, we create value with intellectual property and long-term research, led by the award-winning Nokia Bell Labs.


Service providers, enterprises and partners worldwide trust Nokia to deliver secure, reliable and sustainable networks today – and work with us to create the digital services and applications of the future.


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Nokia Communications, Asia Pacific



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Thursday, August 29, 2024

Nokia kommentoi osakkeensa kaupankäyntiä


Nokia Oyj


29.8.2024 klo 22:30 EEST

Nokia kommentoi osakkeensa kaupankäyntiä


Espoo – Nokia julkistaa tämän pörssitiedotteen kommentoidakseen markkinahuhusta johtuvaa osakkeensa viimeaikaista kaupankäyntiä. Nokialla ei ole mitään tiedotettavaa liittyen tänään mediassa julkaistuun markkinahuhuun, eikä siihen liittyvää sisäpiiriprojektia.


Matkapuhelinverkot on strategisesti erittäin tärkeä Nokialle ja sen asiakkaille, ja yhtiö on sitoutunut sen menestykseen. Matkapuhelinverkot on edistynyt tänä vuonna merkittävästi sekä kustannusrakenteensa alentamisessa että tuoteportfolionsa kilpailukyvyn varmistamisessa. Se on voittanut sopimuksia uusien asiakkaiden kanssa ja kasvattanut osuuttaan jo olemassa olevissa asiakkuuksissa. Nokia keskittyy varmistamaan, että Matkapuhelinverkot on hyvin asemoitunut tarjoamaan asiakkailleen alan parhaimpia verkkoja, investoimaan portfolioonsa ja luomaan lisäarvoa Nokian osakkeenomistajille.




Nokia luo teknologiaa, joka auttaa maailmaa toimimaan yhdessä.


B2B-teknologia- ja innovaatiojohtajana olemme tulevaisuuden aistivien, ajattelevien ja älykkäiden verkkoratkaisujen edelläkävijä. Johtoasemamme pohjautuu osaamiseemme matkapuhelin-, kiinteissä ja pilvipalveluverkoissa. Luomme arvoa immateriaalioikeuksilla ja pitkäaikaisella tutkimus- ja kehitystyöllä palkitun Nokia Bell Labsin johdolla.


Palveluntarjoajat, yritykset ja muut kumppanimme ympäri maailmaa luottavat Nokian verkkojen suorituskykyyn, vastuullisuuteen ja turvallisuusstandardeihin. Työskentelemme yhdessä kumppaneidemme kanssa kehittääksemme tulevaisuuden digitaalisia palveluita ja sovelluksia.






Puh. +358 10 448 4900


Maria Vaismaa, viestintäjohtaja




Puh. +358 40 803 4080



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Nokia comments on trading activity of its stock


Nokia Corporation

Stock Exchange Release

29 August 2024 at 22:30 EEST


Nokia comments on trading activity of its stock


Espoo, Finland - Nokia is issuing this stock exchange release in response to the recent trading activity of its stock due to a market rumour. Nokia has nothing to announce in relation to the speculations published in an article today, and no related insider project exists.


Nokia is committed to the success of its Mobile Networks business, a highly strategic asset for both Nokia and its customers. The business has made significant progress this year both on right-sizing its cost-base while protecting its product roadmap and winning new deals with new customers and increasing share with existing customers. Nokia is focused on ensuring that Mobile Networks is positioned to serve its customers building the best performing networks, investing in its portfolio and creating value for Nokia's shareholders.


About Nokia

At Nokia, we create technology that helps the world act together.


As a B2B technology innovation leader, we are pioneering networks that sense, think and act by leveraging our work across mobile, fixed and cloud networks. In addition, we create value with intellectual property and long-term research, led by the award-winning Nokia Bell Labs.


Service providers, enterprises and partners worldwide trust Nokia to deliver secure, reliable and sustainable networks today – and work with us to create the digital services and applications of the future.




Nokia Communications

Phone: +358 10 448 4900


Maria Vaismaa, Global Head of External Communications


Nokia Investor Relations

Phone: +358 40 803 4080


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Muutokset Nokia Oyj:n omien osakkeiden omistuksessa


Nokia Oyj
29.8.2024 klo 16.30

Muutokset Nokia Oyj:n omien osakkeiden omistuksessa


Espoo – Nokia on tänään luovuttanut 7 455 343 yhtiön hallussa ollutta Nokian osaketta (NOKIA) vastikkeetta suorituksena Nokian osakepohjaisiin kannustinohjelmiin osallistuneille henkilöille ohjelmien ehtojen mukaisesti. Osakkeiden luovutus perustuu 4.10.2023 julkistettuun hallituksen päätökseen yhtiön hallussa olevien osakkeiden antamisesta ohjelmien mukaisten sitoumusten täyttämiseksi.


Nokia Oyj:n hallussa olevien omien osakkeiden lukumäärä luovutuksen jälkeen on 149 486 937.



Nokia luo teknologiaa, joka auttaa maailmaa toimimaan yhdessä.


B2B-teknologia- ja innovaatiojohtajana olemme tulevaisuuden aistivien, ajattelevien ja älykkäiden verkkoratkaisujen edelläkävijä. Johtoasemamme pohjautuu osaamiseemme matkapuhelin-, kiinteissä ja pilvipalveluverkoissa. Luomme arvoa immateriaalioikeuksilla ja pitkäaikaisella tutkimus- ja kehitystyöllä palkitun Nokia Bell Labsin johdolla.


Palveluntarjoajat, yritykset ja muut kumppanimme ympäri maailmaa luottavat Nokian verkkojen suorituskykyyn, vastuullisuuteen ja turvallisuusstandardeihin. Työskentelemme yhdessä kumppaneidemme kanssa kehittääksemme tulevaisuuden digitaalisia palveluita ja sovelluksia.






Puh. +358 10 448 4900


Maria Vaismaa, viestintäjohtaja




Puh. +358 40 803 4080




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Changes in Nokia Corporation's own shares



Nokia Corporation
Stock Exchange Release
29 August 2024 at 16:30 EEST

Changes in Nokia Corporation's own shares


Espoo, Finland – A total of 7 455 343 Nokia shares (NOKIA) held by the company were transferred today without consideration to participants of Nokia's equity-based incentive plans in accordance with the rules of the plans. The transfer is based on the resolution of the Board of Directors to issue shares held by the company to settle its commitments to participants of the plans as announced on 4 October 2023.


The number of own shares held by Nokia Corporation following the transfer is 149 486 937.


About Nokia

At Nokia, we create technology that helps the world act together.


As a B2B technology innovation leader, we are pioneering networks that sense, think and act by leveraging our work across mobile, fixed and cloud networks. In addition, we create value with intellectual property and long-term research, led by the award-winning Nokia Bell Labs.


Service providers, enterprises and partners worldwide trust Nokia to deliver secure, reliable and sustainable networks today – and work with us to create the digital services and applications of the future.




Nokia Communications

Phone: +358 10 448 4900


Maria Vaismaa, Global Head of External Communications



Investor Relations

Phone: +358 40 803 4080




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Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Bite Group selects Nokia’s Packet Core to drive 5G evolution and to simplify and enhance network capacity


Press release


Bite Group selects Nokia's Packet Core to drive 5G evolution and to simplify and enhance network capacity

  • Deployment will increase Bite Group's business agility, optimize network operational costs, and enable more rapid delivery of new services.
  • Nokia's appliance-based Packet Core solution seamlessly integrates 2G, 3G, 4G, and 5G technologies into a single set of servers for millions of subscribers.


28 August 2024

Vilnius, Lithuania and Espoo, Finland – Bite Group has selected Nokia's Packet Core appliance-based solution to drive the operator's evolution toward advanced 5G services and to simplify its network architecture in Latvia and Lithuania, while increasing capacity and performance of the core network.


By implementing Nokia appliance-based Packet Core, Bite can offer its customers ultra-reliable connectivity and enhanced mobile broadband data services, and provide more advanced solutions, like mobile enterprise virtual private network services.


The appliance-based solution provides a pre-integrated and modular server-based configuration for increased flexibility to support a wider range of business and operational deployment models, allowing Bite to rapidly target and serve new customers and create new revenue streams. These include expanding Fixed Wireless Access (FWA) offerings with additional capacity for home broadband and enterprise-critical application services in underserved areas, and delivering extreme bandwidth and capacity to end users using Nokia's 5G Standalone solution.


As part of the agreement, Bite will integrate Nokia's MantaRay Network Management solution for a consolidated and automated network view that optimizes network monitoring and management. Bite has already been using FastMile 5G Receivers, among other Nokia products, in its network to make broadband connectivity easier and more reliable for users.


Mindaugas Rauba, CTO at Bitė Group, said: "We are very pleased to extend our partnership with Nokia and to strengthen our network capabilities through its packet core and fixed wireless access solutions. These will facilitate important changes to our network quality and service delivery and, most importantly, elevate the overall customer experience."


Erez Sverdlov, Vice President and Market Leader for Europe, Cloud and Network Services at Nokia, said: "We are delighted to support Bite Group's 5G evolution and enable greater network agility, service offerings, and reliability. Our packet core and fixed wireless access solutions, amongst others, are just part of the broad family of Nokia solutions that demonstrate our technology leadership in the market by helping our customers solve problems, satisfy their customer needs, and generate new revenue streams."


About Nokia

At Nokia, we create technology that helps the world act together.


As a B2B technology innovation leader, we are pioneering networks that sense, think and act by leveraging our work across mobile, fixed and cloud networks. In addition, we create value with intellectual property and long-term research, led by the award-winning Nokia Bell Labs.


Service providers, enterprises and partners worldwide trust Nokia to deliver secure, reliable and sustainable networks today – and work with us to create the digital services and applications of the future.


Media inquiries

Nokia Corporate Communications



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Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Nokia selected by Claro Argentina for 5G network deployment


Press Release

Nokia selected by Claro Argentina for 5G network deployment

  • Nokia to provide equipment from its industry-leading AirScale portfolio, including services.
  • 5G to underpin digital revolution across Argentina supporting vertical sectors, including manufacturing, and oil and gas.
  • Claro Argentina first customer to deploy Nokia's Interleaved Passive Active Antenna (IPAA+) across its entire site footprint.

27 August 2024

Espoo, Finland – Nokia today announced it has signed a comprehensive 5G deal with Claro Argentina (Claro) to deploy 5G infrastructure across the country. The agreement will cover the first phase of 5G implementation in the country, reaching Argentina's largest cities. The deal supports Claro's strategy of digitizing Argentina with reliable, low-latency and ultra-high-speed connectivity for consumers and enterprises. Nokia is the sole supplier and will see its market share increase in the deal.


Nokia will deploy equipment from its industry-leading 5G AirScale portfolio, powered by its energy-efficient ReefShark System-on-Chip technology. This includes base stations, baseband units and its latest generation of Massive MIMO radios, delivering extensive, superior 5G capacity and coverage, as well as enabling easy deployments. 5G technology is set to transform a number of vertical sectors in Argentina including manufacturing, and oil and gas, among others. Nokia will also offer planning, deployment, integration and network optimization services.


Claro will become the first customer in Latin America to deploy Nokia's Interleaved Passive Active Antenna (IPAA+) across its entire footprint. Service providers typically face the challenge of finding additional space on towers and rooftops to add 5G antennas. Nokia's IPAA+ accelerates the deployment of 5G by addressing this practical issue. Its modular design supports a wide range of frequencies, from 700 MHz to 2.6 GHz, and the 3.5 GHz 5G band with a compact antenna solution.


Nokia is a long-standing partner of Claro Argentina and has supported the operator with the deployment of its 2G, 3G, 4G, and now 5G networks.


Julio Carlos Porras, CEO at Claro Argentina, said: "The investment in our 5G network with our partner, Nokia, confirms our technology leadership and commitment to innovation. It will continue to digitize society by bringing high-speed connectivity, increased capacity, and seamless connectivity to densely populated areas supporting citizens and enterprises alike. This will enable unprecedented levels of innovation and efficiency across various sectors, empowering organizations to thrive in today's fast-paced digital landscape."


Tommi Uitto, President of Mobile Networks at Nokia, said: "Claro Argentina has big plans for transforming Argentinian society through the deployment of 5G networks, and we are proud to support it as its strategic partner. Our industry-leading 5G portfolio will establish the foundation for digital transformation, opening exciting new opportunities for people and businesses to experience enhanced mobile connectivity."


Resources and additional information

Webpage: Nokia AirScale Cloud RAN
Webpage: Nokia AirScale Baseband 

Webpage: Nokia Sustainability


About Nokia

At Nokia, we create technology that helps the world act together.


As a B2B technology innovation leader, we are pioneering networks that sense, think and act by leveraging our work across mobile, fixed and cloud networks. In addition, we create value with intellectual property and long-term research, led by the award-winning Nokia Bell Labs.


Service providers, enterprises and partners worldwide trust Nokia to deliver secure, reliable and sustainable networks today – and work with us to create the digital services and applications of the future.


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Nokia Corporate Communications



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Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Nokia enhances TM’s international optical network for hyperscaler connectivity demand



Press Release

Nokia enhances TM's international optical network for hyperscaler connectivity demand

  • Advanced optical backbone to enhance hyperconnectivity across data centers and support AI-readiness, in line with TM's strategic direction.
  • Nokia's field-proven optical technology will strengthen TM's network capacity and performance, meeting growing traffic demand with reduced latency.
  • TM to fulfil hyperscaler customers' demands and become a leading provider of high-speed and reliable optical network services in Malaysia and Southeast Asia.


22 August 2024

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia – Nokia has been selected by TM to build a dedicated international optical Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing (DWDM) network, improving the management of growing data traffic and improving data center connectivity. Nokia's industry-leading DWDM solution will allow TM to effectively support massive increments in data traffic and fulfil the increasing demand for cloud-based real-time and low-latency services and applications by its hyperscaler customers.


The new DWDM network will act as an express route for cross-country traffic, connecting the Malaysia-Thailand border to the Malaysia-Singapore border. It will provide hyperconnectivity to the main data centers in Malaysia and a cable landing station to accommodate the exponential growth of data traffic across these countries. Once completed, the new network will help TM expedite its adoption of Artificial Intelligence (AI) to leverage automation for enhanced network performance and operations.


Powered by Nokia's fifth-generation super-coherent Photonic Service Engine (PSE-Vs), the all-optical network will provide superior transmission performance over long distances, leading to improved capacity, scalability and interoperability while ensuring environmental sustainability through its low energy consumption per bit. By transmitting signals over a single fiber optic cable, TM will be able to efficiently manage the massive volumes of data generated by hyperscalers.


TM will also leverage the Nokia WaveSuite platform to optimize its network and operations while monetizing its network assets through the service enablement application.


John Harrington, Senior Vice President and Head of Asia Pacific Sales for Network Infrastructure at Nokia, said: "As a trusted partner to TM, we are delighted to collaborate with our customer to help accelerate the adoption of AI and address the ever-growing hyperconnectivity of traffic. Our best-in-class optical solutions will enable TM to provide a sustainable and world-class network experience to its end users in the region. Our technical lab in Malaysia, coupled with local manufacturing of DWDM gear, allows us to ensure the timely and smooth execution of this important project."


Resources and additional information

Webpage: 1830 Photonic Service Switch (PSS)

Webpage: WaveSuite Applications

Webpage: PSE-V Family: Going Beyond The Limit


About Nokia

At Nokia, we create technology that helps the world act together.


As a B2B technology innovation leader, we are pioneering networks that sense, think and act by leveraging our work across mobile, fixed and cloud networks. In addition, we create value with intellectual property and long-term research, led by the award-winning Nokia Bell Labs.


Service providers, enterprises and partners worldwide trust Nokia to deliver secure, reliable and sustainable networks today – and work with us to create the digital services and applications of the future.


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Nokia Communications, Asia Pacific



Nokia Corporate Communications



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Nokia and Axiom Space partner to enable high-speed cellular network capabilities in next-gen lunar spacesuits


Press Release

Nokia and Axiom Space partner to enable high-speed cellular network capabilities in next-gen lunar spacesuits

  • Nokia will equip Axiom Space next-generation spacesuits for Artemis III lunar mission with 4G/LTE connectivity.
  • Integrated network connectivity in the suit will advance space exploration with crew-to-crew communication and ability to capture and transmit real-time HD video with Earth.


21 August 2024

Espoo, Finland – Nokia has partnered with Axiom Space to integrate advanced 4G/LTE communication capabilities into the next-generation spacesuits that will be used for the Artemis III lunar mission.


Together, Nokia and Axiom Space will incorporate high-speed cellular-network capabilities in the Axiom Extravehicular Mobility Unit (AxEMU), supporting HD video, telemetry data and voice transmission over multiple kilometers on the Moon. This advancement will enable Artemis III crewmembers to capture real-time video and communicate with mission controllers on Earth while they explore the lunar surface.


Russell Ralston, Axiom Space executive vice president of extravehicular activity, said: "Axiom Space is excited to work with Nokia to build on the advanced capabilities of our next-generation spacesuit. Adding high-speed 4G/LTE network capability on the Moon will serve as a vital bridge linking astronauts to Earth, facilitating crucial data exchange, and enabling high-definition video communication over long distances."


Nokia plans to deploy the first cellular network on the Moon as part of Intuitive Machines' IM-2 mission, which is scheduled to be delivered to the launch site in 2024. During that mission, Nokia aims to demonstrate that cellular connectivity can facilitate crucial communications during future lunar or Mars missions. Nokia's Lunar Surface Communications System (LSCS), pioneered by Nokia Bell Labs' research and innovation, will be deployed during IM-2 and will be further adapted for use in the AxEMU spacesuit.


Thierry E. Klein, President of Bell Labs Solutions Research at Nokia, said: "Just as astronauts will need life support, shelter and food, they will need advanced networks to communicate with each other and go about their crucial work. Bell Labs has a long history of working on space projects, and Nokia is a leader in designing and building networks that connect the world. We are taking advantage of the same standards-based technologies that connect billions of devices on Earth every day, while bringing new innovation and technologies to bear on the specific challenges encountered in space."


The fully autonomous LSCS has two components: a network-in-a-box combines the radio, base station and core network elements of a terrestrial cellular network into a single unit, and device modules that will be integrated into the AxEMU spacesuits. Both the network and device modules have been carefully engineered to withstand the extreme environmental conditions on the lunar surface and the dynamic stress of spaceflight, and have been optimized for size, weight and power consumption.


Axiom Space's spacesuits will provide astronauts with advanced capabilities for space exploration while providing NASA with commercially developed human systems needed to access, live, and work on and around the Moon.


Axiom Space's development of these next-generation spacesuits and Nokia's lunar surface communications innovations are significant advancements toward furthering American leadership in space exploration, enabling a deeper understanding of the Moon, the solar system, and beyond.


Resources and additional information

Website: The first cellular network on the Moon

Website: An inside look at Nokia's Moon mission


About Nokia

At Nokia, we create technology that helps the world act together.


As a B2B technology innovation leader, we are pioneering networks that sense, think and act by leveraging our work across mobile, fixed and cloud networks. In addition, we create value with intellectual property and long-term research, led by the award-winning Nokia Bell Labs.


Service providers, enterprises and partners worldwide trust Nokia to deliver secure, reliable and sustainable networks today – and work with us to create the digital services and applications of the future.


About Axiom Space

Axiom Space is building for beyond, guided by the vision of a thriving home in space that benefits every human, everywhere. The leading provider of human spaceflight services and developer of human-rated space infrastructure, Axiom Space operates end-to-end missions to the International Space Station today while developing its successor, Axiom Station – the world's first commercial space station in low-Earth orbit, which will sustain human growth off the planet and bring untold benefits back home. For more information about Axiom Space, visit


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Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Nokia and illwerke vkw AG announce state-of-the-art optical transport network in Austria


Press Release

Nokia and illwerke vkw AG announce state-of-the-art optical transport network in Austria

  • Leading Austrian energy service provider illwerke vkw AG offers telecom services to mobile network providers.
  • Illwerke vkw AG evolving existing network to meet rapidly growing capacity demand.
  • Nokia optical network deployed to major sites across state of Vorarlberg, providing 10G, 25G and 100G mobile backhaul and fronthaul transport services.

21 August 2024

Vorarlberg, Austria – Nokia has been selected by illwerke vkw AG, a leading power utility and telecom service provider in Vorarlberg, Austria to deploy an optical transport solution to illwerke vkw's business customers. The deployment, which is expected to be completed by late 2024, will provide illwerke vkw AG with a new, resilient and modernized optical network capable of supporting 400G wavelengths and beyond.


illwerke vkw AG is the leading energy service provider in the Austrian state of Vorarlberg, generating its power exclusively from renewable sources. The company supplies energy to around 200,000 customers and offers telecom services to mobile network providers (MNOs). Faced with rapidly growing capacity demand, illwerke vkw AG chose to evolve its existing network to a modern infrastructure leveraging Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing (DWDM) and high-performance Nokia Photonic Service Engine (PSE) technology capable of increasing network scale, optimizing performance and ensuring sustainable growth.


The new optical network from Nokia will span 15 sites in Vorarlberg providing 10G, 25G and 100G mobile backhaul and fronthaul transport services to connect MNO cell sites and central offices. Illwerke vkw AG will also provide optical transport services for other business customers in the region.


Featuring Nokia's 1830 Photonic Service Switch (PSS), the new network will allow illwerke vkw AG to efficiently manage wavelengths at the photonic layer. It will also include Optical Channel Protection for the highest resiliency of services and support for all fronthaul protocols, making the network ready to support multi-generation radios (3G/4G/5G). This includes support of high-performance synchronization distribution (frequency/time/phase) meeting strict (ITU-T G.8273.2 Class B and C) timing requirements for backhaul and fronthaul services as enabled through the 1830 PSS and 1830 Time-sensitive Packet Switch (TPS), respectively.


The new optical network also employs the Nokia WaveSuite Network Operations Center (WS-NOC) providing unified end-to-end optical management and support functions including service provisioning and service assurance.


Christoph Märk, Head of IT at illwerke vkw AG, said: "We are excited to work with Nokia to evolve our existing network infrastructure. The new optical network will enable us to meet the growing capacity demands and provide high-quality telecom services to mobile service providers and business customers in Vorarlberg."


Matthieu Bourguignon, Senior Vice President and Head of Europe for Network Infrastructure Business at Nokia, said: "As a premier energy service provider in Austria, illwerke vkw AG stands out by harnessing renewable energy and extending its network and expertise to offer telecommunications services to mobile network operators. Like its global counterparts in the energy and telecom sectors, our customer is facing unrelenting demand for capacity which requires significant network modernization. Nokia will provide a resilient and superior optical transport network capable of supporting 400G wavelengths and beyond, which will serve the present and future requirements of illwerke vkw AG's customers."


Resources and additional information:

Webpage: Nokia 1830 Photonic Service Switch

Webpage: 1830 Time-sensitive Packet Switch

Webpage: WaveSuite applications


About Nokia 

At Nokia, we create technology that helps the world act together. 


As a B2B technology innovation leader, we are pioneering networks that sense, think and act by leveraging our work across mobile, fixed and cloud networks. In addition, we create value with intellectual property and long-term research, led by the award-winning Nokia Bell Labs.  


Service providers, enterprises and partners worldwide trust Nokia to deliver secure, reliable and sustainable networks today – and work with us to create the digital services and applications of the future.


About illwerke vkw AG

illwerke vkw AG is a leading power utility company in Vorarlberg, Austria, that also provides telecom services to mobile service providers and business customers. With a focus on innovation and quality, illwerke vkw AG is dedicated to meeting the evolving needs of its customers and the region.


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Nokia Corporate Communications



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Monday, August 19, 2024

Nokia and HOMEPLUS bring 25G PON services to Taiwan



Press Release   

Nokia and HOMEPLUS bring 25G PON services to Taiwan

  • HOMEPLUS becomes the first broadband operator in Taiwan to deploy and launch 25G PON, making its fiber network one of the fastest in the region.
  • Nokia 25G PON fiber solution enables HOMEPLUS to provide 25Gb/s symmetrical broadband speeds, paving the way for new enhanced residential and enterprise services.
  • Nokia is the only vendor supporting all next-generation PON technology options allowing operators to choose the right strategy for their needs and business case.

20 August 2024

Taipei, Taiwan – Nokia today announced that HOMEPLUS will deploy its 25G PON fiber solution to deliver some of the fastest broadband speeds in Taiwan. With internet speeds 125x faster than the national average (200Mb/s), the 25G PON commercial deployment will enable HOMEPLUS to deliver new enhanced residential and business services. The deployment will make HOMEPLUS the first provider in Taiwan to provide residential and business 25G PON services.


Fiber is a futureproof, sustainable, high-speed solution for connecting everything to multi-gigabit services. As the digital economy expands, providers like HOMEPLUS are increasingly looking to introduce new services that can provide a superior user experience and adapt to evolving customer demands. With Nokia's fiber solution, HOMEPLUS can leverage a full range of secure PON technologies, from GPON to 25G PON and beyond to deliver market-leading speeds and enhanced services that help increase its competitive advantage.


Based on the Quillion chipset and Lightspan FX platform, Nokia's fiber broadband solution allows HOMEPLUS to reuse its existing fiber broadband equipment to immediately address the demand for more capacity and enhanced broadband services. This will allow HOMEPLUS to quickly and efficiently boost speeds up to 25Gb/s and offer its customers the next generation of gigabit services essential for cloud computing, 8K video streaming, online gaming, virtual reality, and Internet of Things applications.


Cliff Lai, Vice Chairman of HOMEPLUS, said: "We have been actively investing in our network and services we provide to ensure customers receive the best quality experience possible. This partnership with Nokia allows us to future proof our network and provide unprecedented broadband speeds that can help drive a whole new set of services that further enhance the unmatched customer experience we're committed to delivering."


John Harrington, Senior Vice President and Head of Asia Pacific Sales, Network Infrastructure at Nokia, said: "The superior connectivity developed across Nokia's long-standing and close partnership with HOMEPLUS has been important not only to both of our organizations but also to Taiwan's people and businesses. Leveraging Nokia's cutting-edge 25G PON solution, this latest upgrade will usher in a new era of sustainable, futureproofed connectivity for HOMEPLUS's customers that is capable of delivering 25Gbps broadband speed."


Resources and additional information:

Webpage: Nokia 25G PON

Webpage: Next-generation PON

Webpage: Nokia Lightspan FX for flexible fiber access


About Nokia 

At Nokia, we create technology that helps the world act together. 


As a B2B technology innovation leader, we are pioneering networks that sense, think and act by leveraging our work across mobile, fixed and cloud networks. In addition, we create value with intellectual property and long-term research, led by the award-winning Nokia Bell Labs.  


Service providers, enterprises and partners worldwide trust Nokia to deliver secure, reliable and sustainable networks today – and work with us to create the digital services and applications of the future.


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