Thursday, March 28, 2024

Nokian henkilöstöjohtaja Amy Hanlon-Rodemich jättää yhtiön


Nokia Oyj


28.3.2024 klo 16.15

Nokian henkilöstöjohtaja Amy Hanlon-Rodemich jättää yhtiön

Espoo – Nokian henkilöstöjohtaja Amy Hanlon-Rodemich jättää yhtiön ja sen johtoryhmän. Seuraajahaku käynnistyy välittömästi ja Amy jatkaa neuvonantajana irtisanoutumisaikansa ajan.

Amy aloitti Nokiassa vuonna 2022 ja on keskittynyt uudistamaan Nokian henkilöstöprosesseja ja työntekijäkokemusta laajemman organisaatiouudistuksen osana.

"Tämä oli vaikea päätös, sillä olen viihtynyt Nokialla hyvin. Nyt on kuitenkin oikea aikaa ottaa seuraavat askeleet urallani. Toivotan Nokialle kaikkea menestystä myös jatkossa", Amy kommentoi.

"Haluan kiittää Amya hänen panoksestaan Nokian johtoryhmässä ja työstään henkilöstöorganisaation kehittämiseksi. Toivotan Amylle kaikkea hyvää hänen tuleviin tehtäviinsä", sanoi Pekka Lundmark, Nokian toimitusjohtaja.

Nokian väliaikaiseksi henkilöstöjohtajaksi seuraajahaun ajaksi on nimitetty Lorna Gibb, joka työskentelee tällä hetkellä yhtiön työoikeusasioiden johtajana.



Nokia luo teknologiaa, joka auttaa maailmaa toimimaan yhdessä.


B2B-teknologia- ja innovaatiojohtajana olemme tulevaisuuden aistivien, ajattelevien ja älykkäiden verkkoratkaisujen edelläkävijä. Johtoasemamme pohjautuu osaamiseemme matkapuhelin-, kiinteissä ja pilvipalveluverkoissa. Luomme arvoa immateriaalioikeuksilla ja pitkäaikaisella tutkimus- ja kehitystyöllä palkitun Nokia Bell Labsin johdolla.


Palveluntarjoajat, yritykset ja muut kumppanimme ympäri maailmaa luottavat Nokian verkkojen suorituskykyyn, vastuullisuuteen ja turvallisuusstandardeihin. Työskentelemme yhdessä kumppaneidemme kanssa kehittääksemme tulevaisuuden digitaalisia palveluita ja sovelluksia.






Puh. +358 10 448 4900


Kaisa Antikainen, viestintäpäällikkö




Puh. +358 40 803 4080




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Chief People Officer, Amy Hanlon-Rodemich to leave Nokia


Nokia Corporation

Stock Exchange Release

28 March 2024 at 16:15 EET


Chief People Officer, Amy Hanlon-Rodemich to leave Nokia

Espoo, Finland – Nokia today announces that its Chief People Officer, Amy Hanlon-Rodemich, will leave the company and step down from its Group Leadership Team. A recruitment process will begin immediately for her successor and Amy will retain an advisory role during her notice period.

Amy joined Nokia in 2022 and has been key to renewing the company's people services and employee experience.

"This has been a difficult decision for me to take. I've enjoyed my time at Nokia and am looking forward to the next chapter in my career. I wish everyone at Nokia continued success," commented Amy.

"I would like to thank Amy for her contributions to Nokia and leadership of the People organisation. I wish her all the best with her future endeavours," said Pekka Lundmark, President and CEO of Nokia.

Lorna Gibb, Vice President, Labor & Employment, will assume the role of interim Chief People Officer for Nokia as the search commences.


About Nokia

At Nokia, we create technology that helps the world act together.


As a B2B technology innovation leader, we are pioneering networks that sense, think and act by leveraging our work across mobile, fixed and cloud networks. In addition, we create value with intellectual property and long-term research, led by the award-winning Nokia Bell Labs.


Service providers, enterprises and partners worldwide trust Nokia to deliver secure, reliable and sustainable networks today – and work with us to create the digital services and applications of the future.




Nokia Communications

Phone: +358 10 448 4900


Kaisa Antikainen, Communications Manager



Investor Relations

Phone: +358 40 803 4080



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Thursday, March 21, 2024

Nokia enhances optical network automation capabilities to help network operators reduce CAPEX and OPEX, increase revenues 



Press Release

Nokia enhances optical network automation capabilities to help network operators reduce CAPEX and OPEX, increase revenues 

  • New enhancements to better streamline operations, speed up introduction of new capacity and reduce risks due to network failures. 
  • Optical network automation critical for network operators to meet rapidly shifting customer expectations for bandwidth, latency, reliability and more. 


21 March 2024

Espoo, Finland - Nokia today announced enhancements to its WaveSuite optical network automation platform aimed at meeting urgent customer needs for increased bandwidth, reliability and imperceptible latency. Nokia's enhanced WaveSuite platform provides exceptional insight into and control of customer networks with a growing roster of applications targeting specific use cases to help them optimize their network and operations, scale network capacity and monetize network assets.


In the face of increased network complexity and constrained resources, network operators are increasingly reliant on automation to make more efficient use of networking expertise and reduce human error associated with tedious manual processes, improve service turn-up times, shrink operational cost reductions and drive revenue growth.


Today's enhancements to WaveSuite streamline network operations to cut labor time and the inherent human errors, accelerate the introduction of new capacity to reduce time-to-revenue, and to help eliminate risks associated with network failures that impact end-customer service level agreements (SLAs).


Key among the new WaveSuite enhancements is support within the Service Enablement application for network operators to better integrate BSS (business support systems) billing with optical network functions. Network operators will be able to fulfill optical service requests to wholesale partners and their end subscribers, and provide them with individualized, real-time KPI assurance metrics. It enables them to offer differentiated services, such as latency-aware layer one services and spectrum-as-a-service, creating new revenue opportunities in a formerly untapped market. 


Nokia's enhanced WaveSuite portfolio also incorporates machine learning into the Health and Analytics application to use network intelligence to support optical fiber sensing, which will help network operators detect disturbances to the fiber optic cable within their networks that may produce outages. Unlike other approaches that require additional hardware, the innovative WaveSuite solution takes advantage of polarization data provided by the coherent digital signal processor at the heart of Nokia Photonic Service Engines, such as PSE-6s. It allows network operators to proactively identify, prepare for and respond to events in the network that may affect network performance before they occur, decreasing down time and promoting better adherence to service level agreements with customers. 


Finally, WaveSuite's new features combine network planning with network provisioning, significantly reducing the effort required to scale network capacity by 33%. This enables automated flow-through provisioning by synchronizing between existing physical networks and planned network designs, eliminates errors in the transition between planning and provisioning, and significantly reduces the time and human resources network operators need to dedicate to scaling their optical networks. This enhancement was analyzed in a Jan 2024 Analysys Mason report where the research firm quantified the benefits of optical network automation. 


Justin van der Lande, Research Director, Analysys Mason, said: "Our recent research collaboration with Nokia revealed operators could achieve up to 81% cost savings after deploying optical network automation for their network and service lifecycle management. Nokia's new capabilities have the potential to go even further to improving the OPEX and revenue-enhancing gains we uncovered during our research."


Ravi Parmasad, Optical Network Automation Leader at Nokia, said: "We continue to work with leading service providers to help them transform their optical networks with automation. Nokia's WaveSuite platform enables our customers to leverage data-driven insights and intelligent actions to optimize their network performance, reduce operational costs and accelerate service delivery. With WaveSuite, we are bringing the benefits of automation to the optical domain and empowering our customers to build more agile and resilient networks for the future."


To learn more about Nokia's enhanced WaveSuite portfolio, visit them at booth #3327 at the Optical Fiber Conference 2024 #OFC24


Resources and additional information

Blog: Where, oh where, can my faults be? Using automation to reduce your MTTR

Website: WaveSuite applications | Nokia 

Study: Analysys Mason - Quantifying the benefits of optical network automation, Michelle Lam and Justin van der Lande, January 2024.  


Blog: Reduce optical network cost by up to 81% | Nokia 


About Nokia

At Nokia, we create technology that helps the world act together.


As a B2B technology innovation leader, we are pioneering networks that sense, think and act by leveraging our work across mobile, fixed and cloud networks. In addition, we create value with intellectual property and long-term research, led by the award-winning Nokia Bell Labs.


Service providers, enterprises and partners worldwide trust Nokia to deliver secure, reliable and sustainable networks today – and work with us to create the digital services and applications of the future.


Media inquiries

Nokia Communications, Corporate



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Monday, March 18, 2024

Nokia käynnistää omien osakkeiden takaisinosto-ohjelman ensimmäisen vaiheen


Nokia Oyj


18.3.2024 klo 16.30

Nokia käynnistää omien osakkeiden takaisinosto-ohjelman ensimmäisen vaiheen


Espoo – 25.1.2024 julkistetun omien osakkeiden takaisinosto-ohjelman mukaisesti Nokia Oyj ("Nokia" tai "Yhtiö") on tänään päättänyt Nokian omien osakkeiden takaisinosto-ohjelman ensimmäisen vaiheen käynnistämisestä.

Takaisinosto-ohjelman ensimmäisen vaiheen keskeinen sisältö:

  • Nokian osakkeiden hankintaan käytettävä kokonaissumma on enintään 300 miljoonaa euroa.
  • Takaisinostot alkavat aikaisintaan 20.3.2024 ja päättyvät viimeistään 18.12.2024.
  • Takaisinostojen tarkoituksena on optimoida Nokian pääomarakennetta alentamalla omaa pääomaa. Takaisinostetut osakkeet mitätöidään tämän mukaisesti. Takaisinostoihin käytetään yhtiön sijoitetun vapaan oman pääoman rahastoa ja takaisinostot vähentävät yhtiön vapaata omaa pääomaa.
  • Takaisinostot toteutetaan Nokian yhtiökokouksen 4.4.2023 hallitukselle antaman valtuutuksen mukaisesti. Nokian osakkeita voidaan ostaa enintään 200 miljoonaa kappaletta, mikä vastaa noin neljää prosenttia kaikista Nokian osakkeista.
  • Osakkeet hankitaan julkisessa kaupankäynnissä Nasdaq Helsingin säännellyllä markkinapaikalla sekä tietyissä monenkeskisissä kaupankäyntijärjestelmissä. Omia osakkeita ei hankita Yhdysvalloissa. Nokia on nimittänyt ulkopuolisen välittäjän osakkeiden takaisinosto-ohjelman ensimmäisen vaiheen järjestäjäksi. Järjestäjä tekee kaupankäyntipäätökset itsenäisesti Nokiasta riippumatta. Takaisinostot toteutetaan ns. turvasatamamenettelyllä EU:n markkinoiden väärinkäyttöasetuksen (EU N:o 596/2014) 5 artiklan mukaisesti.
  • Osakkeesta maksettava hinta määräytyy sen hankintahetkellä kullakin markkinapaikalla vallitsevan hintatason mukaisesti, noudattaen turvasatamamenettelyn mukaisia hinta- ja volyymirajoja.

Nokia voi lopettaa takaisinosto-ohjelman ennen sen suunniteltua loppumisajankohtaa. Nokia julkaisee tällöin asiasta pörssitiedotteen.



Nokia luo teknologiaa, joka auttaa maailmaa toimimaan yhdessä.


B2B-teknologia- ja innovaatiojohtajana olemme tulevaisuuden aistivien, ajattelevien ja älykkäiden verkkoratkaisujen edelläkävijä. Johtoasemamme pohjautuu osaamiseemme matkapuhelin-, kiinteissä ja pilvipalveluverkoissa. Luomme arvoa immateriaalioikeuksilla ja pitkäaikaisella tutkimus- ja kehitystyöllä palkitun Nokia Bell Labsin johdolla.


Palveluntarjoajat, yritykset ja muut kumppanimme ympäri maailmaa luottavat Nokian verkkojen suorituskykyyn, vastuullisuuteen ja turvallisuusstandardeihin. Työskentelemme yhdessä kumppaneidemme kanssa kehittääksemme tulevaisuuden digitaalisia palveluita ja sovelluksia.






Puh. +358 10 448 4900


Kaisa Antikainen, viestintäpäällikkö




Puh. +358 40 803 4080




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Nokia launches first phase of share buyback program


Nokia Corporation

Stock Exchange Release

18 March 2024 at 16:30 EET


Nokia launches first phase of share buyback program

Espoo, Finland – In line with the share buyback program announced on 25 January 2024, Nokia Corporation ("Nokia" or the "Company") has today decided to launch the first phase of the share buyback program.

The main terms of the first phase of the share buyback program:

  • The aggregate purchase price of all Nokia shares to be acquired shall not exceed EUR 300 million.
  • The repurchases will start at the earliest on 20 March 2024 and end by 18 December 2024.
  • The purpose of the repurchases is to optimize Nokia's capital structure through the reduction of capital. The repurchased shares will be cancelled accordingly. The repurchases will be funded using funds in the reserve for invested unrestricted equity and the repurchases will reduce total unrestricted equity.
  • The repurchases are based on the authorization granted by Nokia's Annual General Meeting on 4 April 2023. The maximum number of shares that can be repurchased under the first phase of the program is 200 million shares corresponding to approximately 4 % of the total number of shares in Nokia.
  • The shares will be acquired through public trading on the regulated market of Nasdaq Helsinki and select multilateral trading facilities. No repurchases will be made in the United States. Nokia has appointed a third-party broker as the lead-manager for the first phase of the buyback program. The lead-manager will make trading decisions independently of and without influence from Nokia. The repurchases will be carried out in accordance with the so-called safe harbour rules referred to in Article 5 of the EU Market Abuse Regulation (EU N:o 596/2014).
  • The price payable per share shall be determined in public trading on the relevant trading venue at the time of the repurchase, in compliance with the price and volume limits applicable under the safe harbour rules.

Nokia may terminate the program prior to its scheduled end date and will in such case issue a stock exchange release to this effect.


About Nokia

At Nokia, we create technology that helps the world act together.


As a B2B technology innovation leader, we are pioneering networks that sense, think and act by leveraging our work across mobile, fixed and cloud networks. In addition, we create value with intellectual property and long-term research, led by the award-winning Nokia Bell Labs.


Service providers, enterprises and partners worldwide trust Nokia to deliver secure, reliable and sustainable networks today – and work with us to create the digital services and applications of the future.




Nokia Communications

Phone: +358 10 448 4900


Kaisa Antikainen, Communications Manager



Investor Relations

Phone: +358 40 803 4080



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Thursday, March 14, 2024

Nokia expands Optical LAN portfolio to support enterprises in achieving sustainability targets



Press Release

Nokia expands Optical LAN portfolio to support enterprises in achieving sustainability targets

  • Nokia launches new in-wall Optical Network Terminal (ONT) to provide fast and cost-effective fiber-based in-building enterprise and campus connectivity.
  • Optical LAN can reduce energy costs by roughly 40%* helping enterprises fulfill sustainable building initiatives and standards.
  • More than 600 enterprises including hotels, hospitals, university campuses, and airports around the globe are using Nokia's Optical LAN solution.


14 March 2024

Espoo, Finland – Nokia today announced the launch of a new in-wall ONT for enterprise optical LAN connectivity. The new product delivers gigabit speeds to provide a reliable, fast, and secure broadband connection inside offices, hotels, hospitals, schools, and other enterprise segments. The Nokia ONT is part of Nokia's comprehensive Optical LAN portfolio designed to help enterprises meet environmental, social, and governance (ESG) objectives.  


With demand for gigabit services, IoT, and file sharing applications growing, enterprises need to establish a local area network (LAN) that can meet and stay ahead of evolving demands. Delivering a fraction of the complexity, space, energy, and costs of a traditional copper-based LAN, Optical LAN leverages fiber optic cables to provide a future-proof, high-capacity network alternative for in-building and campus connectivity that can help reduce energy costs by roughly 40%.    


Nokia's new ONT can help enterprises effectively extend the reach of their Optical LAN network to deliver more data capacity to employees using video, voice and data intense applications over the network. The ONT can power additional endpoint devices such as access points or cameras and can be securely mounted in the wall to help save space and reduce the chances for damage or theft. The new Nokia ONT for Optical LAN will be available in 2Q 2024.  


Geert Heyninck, General Manager of Broadband Networks at Nokia, said: "Optical LAN is the right technology for enterprise connectivity today and in the future. Today, we have more than 600 customers, including hospitality, healthcare, airports, and universities, that are deploying it with great success, and the number continues to grow. Helping to reduce TCO by as much as 50%, Optical LAN provides enterprises with significant operational and sustainable benefits that collectively can help reduce the energy and CO2 emissions of the IT networks they run." 


Julie Kunstler, Chief Analyst, Broadband Access Intelligence Service at Omdia, said: "Optical LAN simply makes sense for enterprises. It´s environmentally sustainable, using passive components while reducing energy-consuming network elements. Furthermore, fiber-based LANs are adaptable, a key requirement in an ever-changing world. An Optical LAN will provide a future-proof LAN solution for years to come." 


About the  Nokia in-wall ONT Optical LAN solution

  • Modular design 
  • 4 x GE ports with auto-negotiation  
  • PoE powering up to 60W per Ethernet port

Resources and additional information

Customer Video: Michigan State University

Customer Video: Clinica de las Americas

Webpage: Nokia Optical LAN (POL)
Web page: Sustainability


About Nokia

At Nokia, we create technology that helps the world act together.


As a B2B technology innovation leader, we are pioneering networks that sense, think and act by leveraging our work across mobile, fixed and cloud networks. In addition, we create value with intellectual property and long-term research, led by the award-winning Nokia Bell Labs.


Service providers, enterprises and partners worldwide trust Nokia to deliver secure, reliable and sustainable networks today – and work with us to create the digital services and applications of the future.


Media inquiries

Nokia Communications, Corporate



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* Total amount of energy savings depends on network size and configuration




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Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Nokia introduces toolkit to boost Corteca developer ecosystem and expand applications for home broadband devices


Press release

Nokia introduces toolkit to boost Corteca developer ecosystem and expand applications for home broadband devices

  • Nokia Corteca Developer Toolkit simplifies and speeds the development of new home broadband device applications made available to operators through Nokia's Corteca Marketplace.
  • Creation of new value-added applications for home broadband devices, allows service providers to generate new revenue streams, enrich user experiences, and boost the value of broadband offerings.
  • Nokia adds eleven new applications to its Corteca Marketplace, a cloud-based platform where service providers can browse, try, and install applications across Nokia broadband devices.

13 March, 2024

Berlin, Germany – Nokia today announced the release of the Corteca Developer Toolkit, an open-source software package that equips developers with essential tools to create applications that enhance broadband offerings in the home for service providers. The new toolkit from Nokia will help developers significantly reduce the time and cost of creating new applications for its Corteca Marketplace.


Service Providers are increasingly seeking home broadband device applications that can enhance broadband services and customer satisfaction. However, many are stuck having to find, sort, and test each application separately to ensure viability before individually contracting with each software provider. Additionally, third-party developers often have to customize their applications to each service provider's network and type of device.


Helping bring application partners to new commercial opportunities, Nokia's Corteca Developer Toolkit makes it easier for both operators and developers to create and deploy value-added applications. For third-party developers, the toolkit offers open-source software and a virtualization platform that lets them rapidly develop and test applications for use in Nokia broadband devices powered by Corteca device software. Developers can then load their applications into the Corteca Marketplace platform, part of Nokia's Corteca Cloud, where operators can, try, install, or update any application across their network and broadband devices. Service providers can also centrally control what applications are accessible to their subscribers and track the usage and performance of each one that is installed.


Nokia is also adding eleven new multi-faceted containerized and cloud-based applications to its Corteca Marketplace. The applications cover a variety of use cases, including enhanced security, parental control, intelligent device fingerprinting, quality of experience optimization, FCC compliance, FWA optimization, packet sniffing, VPN services, and speed tests. Developed by Nokia or third-party partners, such as F-Secure, Domos, Netduma, and Gryphon, each can be installed on select Corteca-powered devices, such as the Nokia ONTs, the Nokia FastMile 5G Gateways or the Nokia WiFi mesh beacons.


Developers, partners, and service providers can access Nokia's Corteca Marketplace and its 11 new applications starting in 2Q 2024.


Dirk Verhagen, head of Broadband Devices for Nokia, said: "The Corteca Developer Toolkit makes it effortless for third-party developers to quickly create, test, and launch new service provider applications. By tying this to the Corteca Marketplace, Service Providers can now have a single place to quickly access a diverse set of value-added applications that help unlock new revenue opportunities and foster competitive differentiation."      


Olav Nedrelid, CEO at Domos, said: "Remote working exploded during the pandemic, and the trend continues to grow. Combining the platform capabilities of the leading video conferencing services and Nokia's Corteca software suite will allow us to help employers invest more in their employees' home broadband and, with that, also help service providers monetize the growth we see in remote working and time shifting."


Dmitri Vellikok, Vice President Embedded Security Business at F-Secure, said: "Nokia's wide availability of broadband devices and access to a market of millions of connected homes is unrivaled. Joining forces with Nokia to run our applications was an easy decision, and we are excited about the potential this can have for F-Secure and the operators that decide to use our applications."


John Wu, CEO, at Gryphon said: "Making Gryphon's award-winning Parental Control and Network Security software easily available to millions of households is why we chose to partner with Nokia. They have a leading position in Fiber ONTs, 5G FWA, and mesh WiFi, plus the Corteca software suite is best in breed. This partnership expands our mission of empowering families everywhere to take back control over their Internet safety."


Luke Barlow, CEO & Co-Founder, at Netduma said: "With home internet environments becoming ever busier thanks to high definition video streaming, work-from-home meetings and online gaming services, delivering the best possible quality of service so consumers can enjoy buffering-free video, smooth, lag-free gaming and non-stuttering web meetings is more vital than ever. All internet subscribers deserve to enjoy the ultimate quality of experience, and with millions of devices deployed, Nokia's extensive reach into the home makes them an ideal partner to extend the reach of our SmartBOOST solution. 


Resources and additional information


About Nokia

At Nokia, we create technology that helps the world act together.


As a B2B technology innovation leader, we are pioneering networks that sense, think and act by leveraging our work across mobile, fixed and cloud networks. In addition, we create value with intellectual property and long-term research, led by the award-winning Nokia Bell Labs.


Service providers, enterprises and partners worldwide trust Nokia to deliver secure, reliable and sustainable networks today – and work with us to create the digital services and applications of the future.


Media Inquiries

Nokia Communications, Corporate



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Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Nokia launches new 25G PON fiber modem to accelerate multi-gigabit broadband deployments


Press release

Nokia launches new 25G PON fiber modem to accelerate multi-gigabit broadband deployments

  • New 25G PON fiber modem from Nokia helps operators unlock additional revenue streams through new premium residential, business, and mobile services.
  • 25G PON provides the easiest, most cost-effective, and power-efficient way to upgrade current GPON and 10G PON networks.
  • New 25G PON ONT delivers 20x more bandwidth than current gigabit solutions while keeping the same size and energy efficiency.
  • 25G PON allows operators to connect fiber to everything using the same fiber infrastructure to deliver enhanced services and grow revenue.


12 March 2024

Berlin, Germany – Nokia today announced the launch of a new, symmetrical 25G PON fiber modem. Helping to further accelerate 25G PON deployments, the compact solution can easily be installed on a wall, inside a building, or in an outdoor enclosure to immediately deliver internet speeds that are 20x faster than current gigabit solutions. Once deployed, operators can leverage their existing fiber network to offer new premium residential, business, or anyhaul services that unlock additional revenue streams.


Demand for high-speed broadband access is accelerating with end-users increasingly seeking quality multi-gigabit services to power their homes and businesses. From the Metaverse and cloud gaming to cyber security, and Industry 4.0 applications, users want multi-gigabit services that can meet their evolving broadband needs. 


Nokia's new 25G PON fiber modem allows operators to establish a future-ready network that can immediately address the growing demand for more capacity and enhanced broadband services. The new 25G PON solution enables operators to quickly upgrade their existing GPON or XGS PON network to deliver true 10Gbs speeds and beyond with unprecedented ease. For enterprises, this can help significantly improve business productivity and enhance connectivity to the cloud or value-added applications located in data centers. For consumers and power users, the solution provides immediate access to additional capacity needed to support bandwidth-hungry applications such as AI, gaming, or security.     


Geert Heyninck, General Manager of Broadband Networks at Nokia, said: "The 25G PON eco-system is growing and with it, the technology that continues to bring concrete business benefits to customers. The market for 25G PON is here and with the new fiber modem, we have a very efficient 25G solution that can support all types of services and applications in the fiber-for-everything era. 25G PON continues to be the easiest, most cost-effective and power-efficient way for services providers to upgrade and maximize the use of their existing fiber network to deliver ultra-fast broadband access."


Jeff Heynen, Vice President, Broadband Access and Home Networking at Dell'Oro Group, said: "25G PON deployments and the 25GS-PON MSA (Multi-Source Agreement) Group has grown substantially over the past year. One of the driving factors for the growing interest in 25GS-PON is its ability to coexist with GPON and XGS-PON without having to deploy additional feeder fiber, splitters, or other ODN elements. This past year we've seen large operators like Google indicate plans to make 25G PON service available to its customers while the MSA continues to expand, encompassing a diverse range of service providers, equipment vendors, and component suppliers."


The new 25G PON fiber modem complements Nokia's growing 25G PON portfolio, which includes the Lightspan FX, DF and MF fiber access platforms (OLTs) and the industry's first 25G PON sealed fiber access node designed for cable operators.


25G PON ONT product details:

  • Coexistence with GPON, XGS-PON and 50G PON on the same ODN
  • Hardened and compact design for various deployment practices and environments
  • Symmetrical 25 Gb/s throughput using pluggable optics
  • Frequency and time-of-day synchronization functions for mobile transport
  • Can be used to connect cell sites to transport mobile traffic over PON network in plug-and-play mode, delivering the required capacity, latency and synchronization required for 5G networks.
  • Supports demarcation point functions for enterprise and wholesale services.


Resources and additional information

Webpage: Lightspan FX

Webpage: Lightspan SF-8M sealed fiber access node

Webpage: Lightspan MF fiber platform

Webpage: 25G PON


  • Nokia has shipped more than one million 25G PON ready ports to date.
  • 25G PON is ready to be activated in more than 150 networks worldwide.
  • The eco-system for 25G PON is mature with more than 60 operators, system vendors, chipset and optical suppliers part of a MSA focused on standardizing and accelerating the technology.
  • Some of the operators currently deploying 25G PON include Google Fiber, EPB, Vodafone Qatar and OGI,
  • There are more than 30 operators trialing 25G PON for residential, mobile fronthaul and business connectivity applications.

About Nokia

At Nokia, we create technology that helps the world act together.


As a B2B technology innovation leader, we are pioneering networks that sense, think and act by leveraging our work across mobile, fixed and cloud networks. In addition, we create value with intellectual property and long-term research, led by the award-winning Nokia Bell Labs.


Service providers, enterprises and partners worldwide trust Nokia to deliver secure, reliable and sustainable networks today – and work with us to create the digital services and applications of the future.


Media inquiries

Nokia Communications, Corporate



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Thursday, March 7, 2024

Nokia’s People and Planet 2023 report underlines the importance of digital in creating a more sustainable future



Press Release

Nokia's People and Planet 2023 report underlines the importance of digital in creating a more sustainable future

  • Progress made provides a solid foundation as Nokia continues to develop ESG into a competitive advantage.
  • Nokia's People and Planet 2023 report charts a year of achievements and challenges on the journey to net zero and continued progress in its sustainability strategy.
  • Nokia is intent on maximizing its handprint – the enablement effect of the technology solutions it provides - while also collaborating throughout its value chain to continually minimize its footprint.

7 March 2024

Espoo, Finland – Nokia today announced its 2023 sustainability report outlining its performance relating to the company's sustainability strategy. The strategy consists of five focus areas: Environment, Industrial Digitalization, Security and Privacy, Bridging the Digital Divide, and Responsible Business. Nokia's sustainability approach aims to maximize impact in the areas most material to the company and its stakeholders and is integral to the technology and business decisions it takes.


Subho Mukherjee, VP, Global Head of Sustainability at Nokia, said: "We believe that digitalization, powered by enhanced connectivity, will play an increasingly significant role in helping industries and economies decarbonize while enabling a more inclusive society. Nokia's role in maximizing the handprint of our technology to connect the underserved, secure critical networks and decarbonize industries, while minimizing our footprint through product energy efficiency, circularity, de-risking technology misuse as well as building a sustainable supply chain are detailed in the People & Planet report 2023. The progress, including learnings from challenges, provide a solid foundation as Nokia continues to develop ESG into a competitive advantage with its customers and stakeholders."


Nokia's sustainability achievements in 2023 included:



  • Reduced total greenhouse gas emissions across Scope 1,2 and 3 by 11% from 2022.
  • Achieved 2023 AirScale 5G massive MIMO BTS target with a 50% reduction in power consumption compared to 2019. This is enabled by continuous improvements in software functionalities, and new 5G products based on the latest generation of Nokia ReefShark SoCs.
  • Achieved 2023 renewable energy target with 75% of purchased electricity across Nokia's global facilities coming from renewable sources.
  • Achieved a 54% decrease in logistics emissions compared to 2019. Nokia continues to work with innovative solutions such as sustainable aviation fuel.


Industrial digitalization

  • Recognized as the market leader in private wireless--which helps industrials accelerate their own digital transformation--with over 710 customers globally.
  • Secured more than 120 new customers in 2023, helping industrials accelerate their digital transformation to create more efficient processes and empower workers for high-quality output.


Security and privacy

  • Conducted security training program which included annual mandatory training, quarterly awareness campaigns, monthly phishing simulations, and expanded initiatives to safeguard key data such as Nokia's Zero-Trust and Critical Information Protection Program and Nokia's dedicated Application Security Program.
  • Developed and maintained an actionable Cyber Resilience service which includes investments in Nokia's Cyber Defense Center and its Computer Emergency Response team.


Bridging the digital divide

  • Reached 691 534 direct beneficiaries, including 130 832 added in 2023 through social digitalization projects, building digital skills, connecting the unconnected or underserved, and improving inclusion, equity and diversity.
  • First telecommunications equipment vendor to announce the fiberoptic broadband network electronic products and optical modules in the US for use in the Broadband Equity, Access and Deployment (BEAD) program.
  • Supported digital centers in 350 villages across India. Nokia's multi-year Smartpur digital village ecosystem program empowers local entrepreneurs by providing them with facilities to make digital services accessible in rural villages. The number of direct beneficiaries reached in 2023 is estimated to be 119 795.

Responsible business

  • Recognized for the eighth time by Ethisphere as one of the World's Most Ethical Companies®.
  • Completed second independent assessment for the Global Network Initiative. The assessors highlighted Nokia's strong human rights culture, and robust Human Rights Due Diligence process.
  • Achieved a ranking of A- from CDP for work on climate change and recognized as a supplier engagement leader by CDP's Supplier Engagement Rating program.
  • Announced Sustainable Finance Framework. This framework reinforces Nokia's commitment to sustainable growth by ensuring its financing strategy supports the company's ESG strategy.


In early 2024, Nokia committed to net-zero greenhouse gas emissions across its value chain (scopes 1, 2 and 3) by 2040. Nokia also committed to accelerate its existing interim 2030 target to reduce GHG emissions across its own operations (scopes 1 and 2), reaching an 83% reduction by 2030 from a 2019 baseline. To ensure the targets are aligned with climate science, Nokia submitted its net-zero letter of commitment to the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) in February 2024.


Nokia's People and Planet sustainability report is published annually. The scope of the 2023 sustainability report covers Nokia Group. The report is prepared in accordance with the GRI Standards. As part of its reporting, Nokia also recognizes other sustainability-reporting frameworks, such as SASB Standards and the UN Global Compact. The selected key sustainability indicators have been assured by Nokia's independent auditor, Deloitte.


Resources and additional information


Website: People and Planet 2023 report

Website: Sustainability


About Nokia                         

At Nokia, we create technology that helps the world act together.


As a B2B technology innovation leader, we are pioneering networks that sense, think and act by leveraging our work across mobile, fixed and cloud networks. In addition, we create value with intellectual property and long-term research, led by the award-winning Nokia Bell Labs.


Service providers, enterprises and partners worldwide trust Nokia to deliver secure, reliable and sustainable networks today – and work with us to create the digital services and applications of the future.


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