Thursday, September 25, 2014

Nokia Oyj:n osakkeiden merkinnät optio-oikeuksilla


Nokia Oyj:n osakkeiden merkinnät optio-oikeuksilla

Nokia Oyj
26.9.2014 klo 09:30

Nokia Oyj:n vuoden 2011 optio-ohjelman optio-oikeuksilla on 15.9-22.9.2014 välisenä aikana merkitty 9 875 kappaletta Nokian osakkeita. Merkintähinta oli 5,76 euroa osakkeelta. Osakemerkinnöistä saatu merkintähinta, yhteensä 56 880 euroa kirjataan kokonaisuudessaan sijoitetun vapaan oman pääoman rahastoon eikä yhtiön osakepääomaa merkintöjen seurauksena koroteta. 

Nokian osakkeiden kokonaismäärä on rekisteröinnin jälkeen 3 745 004 217 kappaletta. Uudet osakkeet tuottavat kaikki osakkeenomistajan oikeudet rekisteröintipäivästä 26.9.2014 lukien. Osakkeet otetaan 26.9.2014 lukien kaupankäynnin kohteeksi NASDAQ OMX Helsinki Oy:ssä vanhojen osakkeiden (NOK1V) kanssa.

Nokia sijoittaa teknologioihin, jotka mahdollistavat maailman, jossa miljardit laitteet ovat yhteydessä toisiinsa verkon välityksellä. Nokialla on kolme liiketoimintaa: verkkoinfrastruktuurin ohjelmistoihin, laitteisiin ja palveluihin keskittyvä Nokia Networks, sijaintitietoon keskittyvä HERE ja teknologiakehitykseen -ja lisensointiin keskittyvä Nokia Technologies. Kaikki Nokian liiketoiminnat ovat omien toimialueidensa johtavia toimijoita.

Lisätietoja tiedotusvälineille:
Puh. +358 (0) 10 448 4900

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Exercises with stock options of Nokia Corporation


Exercises with stock options of Nokia Corporation

Nokia Corporation
Stock exchange release
September 26, 2014 at 09:30am (CET +1)

Espoo, Finland - Based on Nokia Corporation's 2011 Stock Option Plan a total of 9 875 Nokia shares were subscribed for between September 15 and September 22, 2014. The subscription price was EUR 5.76 per share. The total amount of the subscription price, EUR 56,880, will be recorded in the fund for invested non-restricted equity and, consequently, the share capital of the company does not increase.

The amount of Nokia shares after registration of the shares in the Trade Register is 3 745 004 217 shares. Each share carries one vote. The new shares carry all the shareholder rights as of the registration date September 26, 2014. The shares are subject to trading in NASDAQ OMX Helsinki Oy together with other Nokia shares (NOK1V) as of September 26, 2014.

About Nokia
Nokia invests in technologies important in a world where billions of devices are connected. We are focused on three businesses: network infrastructure software, hardware and services, which we offer through Nokia Networks; location intelligence, which we provide through HERE; and advanced technology development and licensing, which we pursue through Nokia Technologies. Each of these businesses is a leader in its respective field.

Media Enquiries:
Tel. +358 (0) 10 448 4900

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Arvopaperimarkkinalain 9 luvun 10 §:n mukainen ilmoitus: BlackRock, Inc:n osuus Nokia Oyj:n osakepääomasta alitti 5 %


Arvopaperimarkkinalain 9 luvun 10 §:n mukainen ilmoitus: BlackRock, Inc:n osuus Nokia Oyj:n osakepääomasta alitti 5 %

Nokia Oyj
25.9.2014 klo 13.00

Nokia Oyj:n saaman tiedon mukaan BlackRock, Inc:n määräysvallassa olevien yritysten hallinnoima osuus Nokia Oyj:n osakepääomasta ja äänimäärästä on alittanut 5 % päivämääränä 23.9.2014.

BlackRock, Inc:n osoite on 55 East 52nd Street, New York, NY 10055, USA ja sen yhdysvaltalainen verotunnus on 32-0174421.


Nokia sijoittaa teknologioihin, jotka mahdollistavat maailman, jossa miljardit laitteet ovat yhteydessä toisiinsa verkon välityksellä. Nokialla on kolme liiketoimintaa: verkkoinfrastruktuurin ohjelmistoihin, laitteisiin ja palveluihin keskittyvä Nokia Networks, sijaintitietoon keskittyvä HERE ja teknologiakehitykseen -ja lisensointiin keskittyvä Nokia Technologies. Kaikki Nokian liiketoiminnat ovat omien toimialueidensa johtavia toimijoita.

Lisätietoja tiedotusvälineille:
Puh. +358 (0) 10 448 4900

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Notification under Chapter 9, Section 10 of the Finnish Securities Market Act: holdings of BlackRock, Inc. in Nokia Corporation below 5%


Notification under Chapter 9, Section 10 of the Finnish Securities Market Act: holdings of BlackRock, Inc. in Nokia Corporation below 5%

Nokia Corporation
Stock exchange release
September 25, 2014 at 13:00 (CET +1)

Espoo, Finland - According to information received by Nokia Corporation, the holdings of BlackRock, Inc. in Nokia, through its controlled undertakings has decreased to below 5% of the share capital and voting rights of Nokia on September 23, 2014.

BlackRock, Inc. is addressed at 55 East 52nd Street, New York, NY 10055, USA and its USA Tax identification number is 32-0174421.

About Nokia
Nokia invests in technologies important in a world where billions of devices are connected. We are focused on three businesses: network infrastructure software, hardware and services, which we offer through Nokia Networks; location intelligence, which we provide through HERE; and advanced technology development and licensing, which we pursue through Nokia Technologies. Each of these businesses is a leader in its respective field.

Media Enquiries:
Tel. +358 (0) 10 448 4900

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Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Arvopaperimarkkinalain 9 luvun 10 §:n mukainen ilmoitus: BlackRock, Inc:n osuus Nokia Oyj:n osakepääomasta ylitti 5 %


Arvopaperimarkkinalain 9 luvun 10 §:n mukainen ilmoitus: BlackRock, Inc:n osuus Nokia Oyj:n osakepääomasta ylitti 5 %

Nokia Oyj
24.9.2014 klo 9.50

Nokia Oyj:n saaman tiedon mukaan BlackRock, Inc:n osuus Nokia Oyj:n osakepääomasta ja äänimäärästä ylitti 5 %.

BlackRock, Inc:n määräysvallassa olevien yritysten hallinnoimien Nokia-omistusten määrä, joka koostuu osakkeista ja Nokian liikkeeseenlaskemasta vaihtovelkakirjalainasta, oli 22.9.2014 yhteensä 188 139 957 osaketta, joka vastaa noin 5,02 % Nokian koko osake- ja äänimäärästä.

Yllä mainittu kokonaisomistus kattaa 179 656 351 Nokian osaketta, joka vastaa noin 4,80 % Nokian koko osake- ja äänimäärästä, ja Nokian liikkeeseenlaskemasta vaihtovelkakirjalainasta, joka johtaisi tämänhetkisellä vaihtohinnalla konvertoitaessa 8 483 606 Nokian osakkeen omistukseen, joka vastaa noin 0,23 % Nokian tämänhetkisestä kokonaisosake- ja äänimäärästä. Vaihtovelkakirjalainan eräpäivä on 26.10.2017.

BlackRock, Inc:n osoite on 55 East 52nd Street, New York, NY 10055, USA ja sen yhdysvaltalainen verotunnus on 32-0174421.


Nokia sijoittaa teknologioihin, jotka mahdollistavat maailman, jossa miljardit laitteet ovat yhteydessä toisiinsa verkon välityksellä. Nokialla on kolme liiketoimintaa: verkkoinfrastruktuurin ohjelmistoihin, laitteisiin ja palveluihin keskittyvä Nokia Networks, sijaintitietoon keskittyvä HERE ja teknologiakehitykseen -ja lisensointiin keskittyvä Nokia Technologies. Kaikki Nokian liiketoiminnat ovat omien toimialueidensa johtavia toimijoita.

Lisätietoja tiedotusvälineille:
Puh. +358 (0) 10 448 4900

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Notification under Chapter 9, Section 10 of the Finnish Securities Market Act: holdings of BlackRock, Inc. in Nokia Corporation exceeded 5%


Notification under Chapter 9, Section 10 of the Finnish Securities Market Act: holdings of BlackRock, Inc. in Nokia Corporation exceeded 5%

Nokia Corporation
Stock exchange release
September 24, 2014 at 9:50 (CET +1)

Espoo, Finland - According to information received by Nokia Corporation, the holdings of BlackRock, Inc. in Nokia have exceeded 5% of the share capital and voting rights of Nokia.

On September 22, 2014, the holdings of BlackRock, Inc. in Nokia, through its controlled undertakings, comprising of both shares and convertible bonds issued by Nokia, amounted to a total of 188 139 957 shares, corresponding to approximately 5.02% of the total number of shares and voting rights of Nokia.

The above total holdings comprise of 179 656 351 Nokia shares, corresponding to approximately 4.80% of the total number of shares and voting rights of Nokia, and convertible bonds issued by Nokia that would, upon conversion based on the current conversion price result to a holding of 8 483 606 Nokia shares, corresponding to approximately 0.23% of the current total number of shares and voting rights of Nokia. The maturity date of the convertible bonds is October 26, 2017.

BlackRock, Inc. is addressed at 55 East 52nd Street, New York, NY 10055, USA and its USA Tax identification number is 32-0174421.

About Nokia

Nokia invests in technologies important in a world where billions of devices are connected. We are focused on three businesses: network infrastructure software, hardware and services, which we offer through Nokia Networks; location intelligence, which we provide through HERE; and advanced technology development and licensing, which we pursue through Nokia Technologies. Each of these businesses is a leader in its respective field.

Media Enquiries:

Tel. +358 (0) 10 448 4900

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Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Muutokset Nokia Oyj:n omien osakkeiden omistuksessa


Muutokset Nokia Oyj:n omien osakkeiden omistuksessa

Nokia Oyj
17.9.2014 klo 13:25

Perustuen aiemmin julkistettuun hallituksen päätökseen yhtiön hallussa olevien osakkeiden antamisesta tänään on luovutettu 133 341 yhtiön hallussa olevaa Nokian osaketta (NOK1V) suorituksena Nokian vuoden 2013 osakesäästöohjelmaan osallistuneille Nokian työntekijöille ohjelman ehtojen mukaisesti.


Nokia sijoittaa teknologioihin, jotka mahdollistavat maailman, jossa miljardit laitteet ovat yhteydessä toisiinsa verkon välityksellä. Nokialla on kolme liiketoimintaa: verkkoinfrastruktuurin ohjelmistoihin, laitteisiin ja palveluihin keskittyvä Nokia Networks, sijaintitietoon keskittyvä HERE ja teknologiakehitykseen -ja lisensointiin keskittyvä Nokia Technologies. Kaikki Nokian liiketoiminnat ovat omien toimialueidensa johtavia toimijoita.

Lisätietoja tiedotusvälineille:
Puh. +358 (0) 10 448 4900

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Changes in Nokia Corporation's own shares


Changes in Nokia Corporation's own shares

Nokia Corporation 
Stock exchange release
September 17, 2014 at 13:25 (CET +1)

Espoo, Finland - Based on the previously announced resolution of the Board of Directors to issue shares held by the Company, 133,341 Nokia shares (NOK1V) held by the Company were today transferred to participants of Nokia's Employee Share Purchase Plan 2013 as settlement in accordance with the plan rules. 

About Nokia

Nokia invests in technologies important in a world where billions of devices are connected. We are focused on three businesses: network infrastructure software, hardware and services, which we offer through Nokia Networks; location intelligence, which we provide through HERE; and advanced technology development and licensing, which we pursue through Nokia Technologies. Each of these businesses is a leader in its respective field.

Media Enquiries:

Tel. +358 (0) 10 448 4900

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Tuesday, September 9, 2014

HERE maps the future of smarter cities


HERE maps the future of smarter cities


Detroit - Today HERE, a leader in navigation, mapping and location services, announced two new research collaborations with the SWARCO Group and the Oakland County Connected Vehicle Task Force (OCCV). Together with its partners in the intelligent transportation space, HERE is showcasing technologies that have the potential to alleviate some of the chief headaches of urban motorists - traffic and parking - as well as make roads safer. At ITS World Congress in Detroit this week, HERE will demonstrate how these technologies could help cities transform their road networks.

"Cities are not getting any smaller and one of the problems that poses is more vehicles and more congestion. Fortunately, modern technologies can help," said Ogi Redzic, Vice President of Connected Driving at HERE. "In two demonstrations in Detroit next week, we look forward to showing how the HERE location cloud can be combined with smart new technology to help cities become better places to drive a car."

SWARCO and HERE pave the way for smoother traffic in the connected mobility space

At ITS World Congress, HERE and SWARCO will demonstrate how technology can help cities like Rome better control, predict and manage traffic flows. Through SWARCO's next generation traffic management solution, SWARCO's traffic signal and sensor data, integrated with HERE probe data, will help city managers better predict traffic and control vehicle flow. The HERE location cloud can leverage this traffic data to enable intelligent services that help automakers optimize driving strategies for their drivers.

ITS World Congress attendees will be able to view a kiosk display of traffic in Rome and witness how the integrated offering from HERE and SWARCO can improve traffic conditions in congested cities.

"SWARCO is committed to enriching people's lives and their intermodal mobility experience every day, through the use of advanced technology and delivery of seamless and sustainable mobility services," said Mr. Cees De Wijs, CEO of the SWARCO Group. "With the collaboration with HERE, our traffic management and control systems are evolving by exploiting the capability to interact with the vehicles, so to address individually the road users and improving the safety, efficiency and comfort of their travel."

HERE supports Oakland County Connected Driving Task Force initiative

At ITS World Congress, HERE will also showcase an alternate and potentially fail-safe means of maintaining accurate positioning in parts of a city where there isn't adequate GPS coverage, such as between high buildings, in parking garages or in underpasses.

With support from the Oakland County Connected Vehicle Task Force (OCCV) and Paxgrid, HERE will show, through a parking demonstration, how this technology can provide precise location positioning of a vehicle with the use of two small roadside boxes known as WAVE DSRC units, but without GPS or cellular positioning information.

HERE is providing its precise maps for the technology, which has the potential to be a key element of future city-wide connected vehicle systems. Positioning technology like this could enable vehicles - as well as bicycles and skateboarders - to be part of a grid of moving objects. The ability for vehicles to know where other drivers are at any given moment could result in safer roads and fewer collisions. It could also help drivers overcome everyday frustrations like finding vacant parking spaces.

"My call for a countywide connected vehicle ecosystem is a great challenge. Early testing by the Oakland County Connected Vehicle Task Force and its partners like HERE indicates that we are moving in the right direction," Oakland County Executive L. Brooks Patterson said.

The traffic management demonstration with SWARCO and the Oakland County localization demo

Will take place on Belle Isle in the HERE lot. Both demos will take place Monday, Sept. 8 through Thursday, Sept. 11.

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About HERE

HERE, a Nokia company, is a leader in navigation, mapping and location experiences. We combine highly accurate and fresh maps with cloud technology to enable rich, real-time location experiences in a broad range of connected devices - from smartphones and tablets to wearables and vehicles. To learn more about HERE, including our work in the areas of connected and autonomous driving, visit

About the SWARCO Group

SWARCO - the Austrian-based traffic technology corporation of Tyrolean entrepreneur Manfred Swarovski - is an international group providing the complete range of products, systems, services and solutions for road safety and intelligent traffic management. With almost five decades of experience in the industry, SWARCO supports the growing mobility needs of society with turnkey systems and solutions in road marking, urban and interurban traffic control, parking, public transport, detection, infomobility and energy-efficient, LED-based signalling and lighting technologies. The Group comprises 80 companies in 24 countries, employs a total staff of 2700 people and generates annual revenues of almost half a billion Euro.

About Oakland County Connected Vehicle Task Force

In February 2014, County Executive L. Brooks Patterson appointed three outstanding Oakland County business leaders to a task force that will make recommendations on how to deploy the world's first county-wide connected car vehicle system. He announced this ambitious initiative during his 20th State of the County speech Wednesday evening at Centerpoint Marriott in Pontiac.

Fred Nader, founder and president of AutoTech Technology Development, Inc. was appointed the chairperson for the task force. Joining him on the committee is Elaina Farnsworth, CEO of Mobile Comply, and Paul Haelterman, vice president and managing director of IHS Automotive Advisory Services. Their charter is to collect information from connected vehicle stakeholders and industry leaders and experts in order to develop an implementation plan to present to Patterson's office.


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HERE, a Nokia company
Tel. +358 (0)10 448 4900




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