Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Nokia nimittää Gabriela Styf Sjömanin strategiajohtajaksi ja Nokian johtokunnan jäseneksi



Nokia Oyj


22.8.2019 klo 09.30


Nokia nimittää Gabriela Styf Sjömanin strategiajohtajaksi ja Nokian johtokunnan jäseneksi


Espoo – Nokia ilmoitti tänään kokeneen teknologia- ja innovaatiojohtaja, Gabriela Styf Sjömanin, nimityksestä strategiajohtajaksi ja johtokunnan jäseneksi 1.12.2019 alkaen. Gabriela seuraa strategiajohtajana Kathrin Buvacia, joka jatkaa Enterprise-liiketoimintaryhmän johtajana ja johtokunnan jäsenenä.


Gabriela siirtyy Nokiaan Telia Companyn palveluksesta Ruotsista, jossa hän on toiminut mm. globaaleista palveluista ja toiminnosta vastaavana varajohtajana ja verkkoliiketoiminnan johtajana. Viimeisimpänä hän on toiminut verkkopalveluista ja toiminnoista vastaavana johtajana vastuullaan kiinteiden ja mobiiliverkkojen teknologiastrategia, arkkitehtuuri, suunnittelu, toimitus ja toiminnot. Lisäksi hän on vastannut Telia Companyn 5G-valmiusstrategian toteuttamisesta Pohjoismaissa ja Baltiassa.


"Olemme iloisia toivottaessamme Gabrielan tervetulleeksi Nokiaan tällä ratkaisevalla hetkellä 5G-taipaleellamme. Hän tuo mukanaan runsaasti kansainvälistä tietoa ja toimialamme, sen asiakkaiden ja teknologioiden syvää ymmärrystä", sanoi Rajeev Suri, Nokian toimitusjohtaja. "Hänen näkemyksensä on kriittisen tärkeä tulevaisuuden strategiamme hiomisessa. Haluan myös kiittää Kathriniä, joka on tämän vuoden tammikuusta lähtien johtanut strategiaorganisaatiotamme Enterprise-liiketoimintaryhmän johtajan tehtävien ohessa."


"Olen innoissani siirtymisestä Nokian palvelukseen näin merkittävällä hetkellä", sanoi Gabriela. "Laajan tuote- ja palveluvalikoimansa ja innovatiivisen teknologiansa ansiosta Nokia on hyvässä asemassa auttaakseen asiakkaitaan hyötymään 5G:n koko potentiaalista. Odotan saavani tehdä oman osani vahvistaakseni Nokian asemaa 5G:ssä."


Ennen aloittamistaan Telia Companyssä vuonna 2017, Gabriela vietti kaksi vuotta Telecom Italian palveluksessa tekniikasta ja Telecom Italia Group Labsista vastaavana johtajana. Sitä ennen hän työskenteli yli kymmenen vuotta Ericssonilla erilaisissa johtotehtävissä Kiinassa, Saksassa ja Yhdysvalloissa.


Gabriela on aito maailmankansalainen, jolla on meksikolainen äiti ja ruotsalainen isä. Hän kasvoi Meksikossa, Yhdysvalloissa, entisessä Tšekkoslovakiassa ja Ruotsissa. Hän opiskeli oikeustieteitä, yleistä valtio-oppia ja kansainvälisiä suhteita Uppsalan yliopistossa Ruotsissa, hänellä on myös ylempi korkeakoulututkinto kauppatieteissä (MBA) Durham Universitystä Yhdistyneestä kuningaskunnasta.


Gabrielan asemapaikka tulee olevaan Espoossa ja hän tulee raportoimaan Nokian toimitusjohtaja Rajeev Surille.  


Tämän nimityksen myötä Nokian johtokunta tulee muodostumaan seuraavista jäsenistä: Rajeev Suri, Nassib Abou-Khalil, Basil Alwan, Hans-Juergen Bill, Kathrin Buvac, Ricky Corker, Joerg Erlemeier, Barry French, Sanjay Goel, Bhaskar Gorti, Federico Guillén, Jenni Lukander, Sandra Motley, Kristian Pullola, Sri Reddy, Gabriela Styf Sjöman, Tommi Uitto ja Marcus Weldon.


Lisätietoja kaikista nykyisistä johtokunnan jäsenistä löytyy sivulta:



Luomme teknologiaa yhdistämään koko maailman. Nokialla on toimialan ainoa maailmanlaajuisesti saatavilla oleva kokonaisvaltainen valikoima verkkoratkaisuja, ohjelmistoja, palveluita ja lisensointimahdollisuuksia. Asiakkaitamme ovat viestintäpalvelujen tarjoajat, joiden verkoissa on yhteensä yli 6,1 miljardia käyttäjää, sekä yrityksiä yksityisellä ja julkisella sektorilla, jotka käyttävät ratkaisujamme parantaakseen tuottavuutta ja rikastuttaakseen asiakkaidensa elämää.


Maailmankuulun Nokia Bell Labsin ja muiden tutkimusyksiköidemme työn ansiosta johdamme siirtymää kohti nopeampia ja turvallisempia 5G-verkkoja, joilla on käänteentekevä vaikutus ihmisten elämään sekä yhteiskuntaamme. Nokia sitoutuu korkeimpiin eettisiin liiketoimintaperiaatteisiin ja luo laadukasta teknologiaa, jolla on yhteiskunnallista merkitystä.


Lisätietoja tiedotusvälineille:



Puh. +358 (0) 10 448 4900


Katja Antila, johtaja, mediasuhteet



Nokiaan ja sen liiketoimintoihin liittyy erilaisia riskejä ja epävarmuustekijöitä, ja tietyt tässä esitetyt lausumat, jotka eivät koske jo toteutuneita seikkoja, ovat tulevaisuutta koskevia lausumia. Nämä tulevaisuutta koskevat lausumat heijastavat Nokian tämänhetkisiä odotuksia ja näkemyksiä tulevaisuudesta. Näitä ovat esimerkiksi: A) odotukset, suunnitelmat tai hyödyt, jotka liittyvät strategioihimme ja kasvun hallintaan; B) odotukset, suunnitelmat tai hyödyt, jotka liittyvät liiketoimintojemme tulevaan tulokseen ja odotettavissa oleviin osinkoihin; C) odotukset ja tavoitteet, jotka koskevat tuloskehitystämme, tulostamme, saatavien ajoitusta, liiketoiminnan kuluja, veroja, valuuttakursseja, suojauksia, kustannussäästöjä ja kilpailukykyä sekä liiketoiminnan tulosta, mukaan lukien tavoitellut synergiat ja tavoitteet, jotka koskevat markkinaosuuksia, hintoja, liikevaihtoa ja katteita; D) odotukset, suunnitelmat tai hyödyt, jotka liittyvät muutoksiin toiminnallisessa rakenteessamme ja toimintamallissamme; E) odotukset markkinoiden kehittymisestä, yleisestä taloudellisesta tilanteesta ja rakenteellisista muutoksista maailmanlaajuisesti sekä kansallisilla ja alueellisilla markkinoilla, kuten Kiinassa; F) kykymme integroida hankitut liiketoiminnat toimintoihimme sekä toteuttaa liiketoimintasuunnitelmat ja saavuttaa tavoitellut hyödyt, mukaan lukien tavoitellut synergiaedut, kustannussäästöt ja tehokkuustavoitteet; G) odotukset, suunnitelmat tai hyödyt, jotka liittyvät mahdollisiin tuleviin yhteistyömahdollisuuksiin, yhteistyösopimuksiin, patenttilisenssisopimuksiin tai välimiesmenettelyihin, mukaan lukien tulo, joka tultaisiin saamaan yhteistyöstä, kumppanuudesta, sopimuksesta tai välimiesmenettelyn nojalla; H) tuotteidemme ja palveluidemme toimitusten ajoitus, mukaan lukien lyhyen ja pitkän aikavälin odotukset 5G palveluiden tuomisesta markkinoille ja kykymme hyötyä siitä, sekä yleisesti ottaen 5G-ekosysteemin valmius; I) oletukset ja tavoitteet, jotka koskevat yhteistyö- ja kumppanuusjärjestelyitä, yhteisyrityksiä tai niiden perustamisia ja niihin liittyvät hallinnolliset, oikeudelliset, viranomais- ja muut ehdot, sekä odotettu asiakaskuntamme; J) vireillä olevien ja mahdollisesti tulevien oikeudenkäyntien, välimiesmenettelyiden, riita-asioiden, hallinnollisten menettelyjen ja viranomaistutkimusten lopputulokset; K) oletukset, jotka koskevat uudelleenjärjestelyitä, investointeja, pääomarakenteen optimointitavoitteita, yritysjärjestelyistä saatavien tuottojen käyttöä, yrityskauppoja ja divestointeja, ja kykymme saavuttaa uudelleenjärjestelyjen, investointien, pääomarakenteen optimointitavoitteiden, divestointien ja yrityskauppojen yhteydessä asetetut taloudelliset ja toiminnalliset tavoitteet, mukaan lukien nykyinen kustannussäästöohjelmamme; L) odotuksemme, suunnitelmamme tai hyötymme, jotka liittyvät pääomakuluihin, tilapäisiin lisäkustannuksiin tai muihin T&KT kuluihin uusien ohjelmistojen ja muiden tuotteiden kehittämiseksi ja tuomiseksi markkinoille, mukaan lukien 5G; ja M) lausumat, jotka sisältävät tai joita edeltävät "uskoa", "odottaa", "odotukset", "sitoutua", "ennakoida", "ennustaa", "nähdä", "tavoitella", "arvioida", "on tarkoitettu", "tähdätä", "suunnitella", "aikoa", "vaikuttaa", "oletus", "keskittyä", "jatkaa", "arviomme mukaan", "pitäisi", "tulisi", "tulee" tai muut vastaavat ilmaisut. Näihin tulevaisuutta koskeviin lausumiin liittyy useita riskejä ja epävarmuustekijöitä, joista useat ovat meidän vaikutusvaltamme ulkopuolella, mikä voi johtaa siihen, että varsinaiset tuloksemme eroavat materiaalisesti näistä lausumista. Tällaiset lausumat perustuvat johdon parhaaseen arvioon ja käsitykseen niiden tietojen valossa, jotka sillä on kyseisellä hetkellä ollut saatavilla. Tulevaisuutta koskevat lausumamme ovat vain ennusteita, jotka perustuvat tämänhetkisiin odotuksiimme ja näkemyksiimme tulevaisuuden tapahtumista ja kehityksestä ja niihin liittyy erilaisia riskejä ja epävarmuustekijöitä, joita on vaikeaa ennustaa, koska ne liittyvät tulevaisuuden tapahtumiin ja olosuhteisiin.  Riskejä, epävarmuustekijöitä ja muita tekijöitä, jotka saattavat aiheuttaa tällaisia poikkeamia, voivat olla esimerkiksi: 1) strategiamme on alttiina erilaisille riskeille ja epävarmuuksille ja on mahdollista, että emme välttämättä onnistu toteuttamaan menestyksekkäästi strategisia suunnitelmiamme, ylläpitämään tai parantamaan liiketoimintojemme operatiivista ja taloudellista tulosta, tunnistamaan oikein tai tavoittelemaan menestyksekkäästi liiketoimintamahdollisuuksia tai muuten kasvattamaan liiketoimintaamme; 2) yleinen taloustilanne, markkinaolosuhteet ja muu kehitys maissa joissa toimimme, mukaan lukien 5G:n käyttöönoton aikataulu ja kykymme onnistuneesti hyötyä käyttöönotosta; 3) kilpailu sekä kykymme panostaa tehokkaasti ja kannattavasti olemassa oleviin ja uusiin korkealaatuisiin tuotteisiin, palveluihin, uudistuksiin ja teknologioihin sekä tuoda näitä markkinoille oikea-aikaisesti; 4) riippuvuutemme toimialojemme kehityksestä, mukaan lukien informaatioteknologia- ja televiestintäalojen syklisyys ja vaihtelu ja meidän potentiaalimme ja panostuksemme tutkimus- ja kehitystyön saralla; 5) riippuvuutemme rajallisesta asiakasmäärästä ja laajoista monivuotisista sopimuksista, sekä asiakkaisiimme vaikuttavat ulkoiset tapahtumat mukaan lukien fuusiot ja yrityskaupat; 6) kykymme säilyttää olemassa olevat aineettomaan omaisuuteemme liittyvät tulonlähteemme, mukaan lukien lisensoinnin avulla, luoda uusia tulonlähteitä ja suojata aineetonta omaisuuttamme loukkauksilta; 7) kykymme hallita ja parantaa taloudellista ja toiminnallista suoritus- ja kilpailukykyämme sekä saavuttaa kustannussäästöjä ja synergiaetuja yleisesti, odotukset ja ajoitus liikevaihtomme kirjaamisessa ja kykymme toteuttaa tehokkaasti muutoksia toiminnallisessa rakenteessamme ja toimintamallissamme; 8) globaali liiketoimintamme ja altistumisemme lainsäädäntöön liittyvälle, poliittiselle tai muulle kehitykselle eri maissa tai alueilla, myös kehittyvillä markkinoilla, sekä muun muassa verotukseen ja valuuttasääntelyyn liittyville riskeille; 9) kykymme saavuttaa hankituista liiketoiminnoista odotetut hyödyt, synergiaedut, kustannussäästöt ja tehokkuustavoitteet; 10) valuuttakurssien vaihtelut sekä suojaustoimenpiteet; 11) kykymme saavuttaa onnistuneesti odotukset, suunnitelmat tai hyödyt, jotka liittyvät yhteistyömahdollisuuksiin, yhteistyösopimuksiin, patenttilisenssisopimuksiin tai välimiesmenettelyihin, mukaan lukien tulo, joka tultaisiin saamaan yhteistyöstä, kumppanuudesta, sopimuksesta tai välimiesmenettelyn nojalla; 12) Nokia Technologiesin kyky suojata immateriaalioikeuksiaan ja ylläpitää sekä luoda uusia patentti-, tavaramerkki- ja teknologialisensointitulolähteitä ja IPR-liitännäisiä tuloja erityisesti älypuhelinmarkkinoilla, jotka eivät välttämättä toteudu suunnitelmien mukaisesti; 13) riippuvuutemme immateriaalioikeuksilla suojatuista teknologioista, mukaan lukien itse kehittämämme ja meille lisensoidut teknologiat, sekä immateriaalioikeuksiin liittyvien oikeudellisten vaatimusten, lisensointikustannusten ja käyttörajoitusten riskit; 14) altistumisemme suoralle ja epäsuoralle sääntelylle ja talous- tai kauppapolitiikalle, sekä käyttämiemme prosessien luotettavuus liiketoimintamme tai yhteisyritystemme hallinnossa, sisäisessä valvonnassa ja säädösten noudattamisen varmistamisessa estääksemme oikeudellisia seuraamuksia; 15) tukeutumisemme kolmansien osapuolten ratkaisuihin tietojen tallennuksessa ja palvelujen jakelussa, mikä altistaa meidät tietoturva-, sääntely- ja kyberturvallisuusriskeille; 16) tietoteknisten järjestelmien tehottomuus, tietoturvaloukkaukset, toimintahäiriöt tai -katkokset, sekä asiakkaidemme tietoturvaan kohdistamat huolet; 17) altistumisemme erilaisille sääntökehyksille, jotka sääntelevät korruptiota, petosrikoksia, kauppapolitiikkaa ja muita riskialueita, sekä mahdollisesti sakkoihin, seuraamuksiin tai pakotteisiin johtaviin menettelyihin tai tutkimuksiin; 18) asiakasrahoituksen epäsuotuisa kehitys tai pidennetyt maksuehdot, joita tarjoamme asiakkaillemme; 19) mahdolliset eri lainkäyttöalueilla kohdattavat monitahoiset veroihin liittyvät seikat sekä verokiistat ja -velvoitteet, joiden perusteella meille voidaan määrätä maksettavaksi lisää veroja; 20) kykymme hyödyntää laskennallisia verosaamisia muun muassa todellisen tai oletetun tuloksemme perusteella; 21) kykymme sitouttaa, kannustaa, kehittää ja rekrytoida osaavia työntekijöitä; 22) häiriöt valmistus-, palvelutuotanto-, toimitus-, logistiikka- ja toimitusketjuprosesseissamme sekä maantieteellisesti keskittyneisiin tuotantolaitoksiimme liittyvät riskit; 23) liiketoimintaamme liittyvien oikeudenkäyntien, välimiesmenettelyjen, sopimusriitojen tai tuotevastuita koskevien väitteiden vaikutus; 24) kykymme palauttaa luottoluokituksemme investment grade -tasolle tai säilyttää luottoluokituksemme; 25) kykymme saavuttaa yritysjärjestelyistä odotetut hyödyt tai toteuttaa yritysjärjestelyt onnistuneesti, sekä niihin liittyvät odottamattomat vastuut; 26) osallistumisemme yhteisyrityksiin ja yhteisessä hallinnassa oleviin yhtiöihin; 27) liikearvomme kirjanpitoarvo saattaa olla kerrytettävissä olevia rahamääriä matalampi; 28) osakkeenomistajille kultakin tilikaudelta jaettavien osinkojen ja pääomanpalautusten määrän epävarmuus; 29) eläkekustannukset, työntekijärahastoihin liittyvä kustannukset, ja terveydenhuoltokustannukset; 30) kykymme onnistuneesti purkaa tilauskantaa ja hyötyä siitä taloudellisesti; ja kykymme jatkaa myyntihankkeiden muuttamista liikevaihdoksi; ja 31) merenalaiseen infrastruktuuriin liittyvät riskit, sekä ne riskitekijät, jotka mainitaan Nokian 21.3.2019 jättämässä Yhdysvaltojen arvopaperisäännösten mukaisessa asiakirjassa (Form 20-F) sivuilla 60-75 otsikon "Operating and financial review and prospects - Risk factors" alla sekä muissa Yhdysvaltain arvopaperiviranomaiselle (US Securities and Exchange Commission) jätetyissä asiakirjoissa. Muut tuntemattomat tai odottamattomat tekijät tai vääriksi osoittautuvat oletukset voivat aiheuttaa todellisten tulosten olennaisen poikkeamisen tulevaisuutta koskevissa lausumissa esitetyistä odotuksista. Nokia ei sitoudu julkisesti päivittämään tai muuttamaan tulevaisuutta koskevia lausumia uuden tiedon, tulevaisuuden tapahtumien tai muun syyn johdosta, paitsi siltä osin kuin sillä on siihen lainmukainen velvollisuus.




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Nokia appoints Gabriela Styf Sjöman as Chief Strategy Officer and member of the Nokia Group Leadership Team



Nokia Corporation

Stock Exchange Release

August 22, 2019 at 09:30 (CEST +1)


Nokia appoints Gabriela Styf Sjöman as Chief Strategy Officer and member of the Nokia Group Leadership Team


Espoo, Finland - Nokia today announced the appointment of Gabriela Styf Sjöman, a proven technology and innovation leader, as Chief Strategy Officer and member of the Group Leadership team, effective December 1, 2019. Gabriela succeeds Kathrin Buvac as Chief Strategy Officer, who continues in the role of President of Nokia Enterprise and member of the Group Leadership Team.


Gabriela joins Nokia from Telia Company in Sweden, where she has held positions including Deputy Head of Global Services and Operations and Head of Group Networks, and most recently Vice President and Head of Group Network Services and Operations. In that role she was responsible for technology strategy, architecture, design, delivery and operations for Fixed and Mobile Networks, as well as strategy execution for 5G Readiness for Telia Company Nordics and Baltics.


"We are delighted to welcome Gabriela to Nokia at a pivotal moment in our 5G journey. She brings a wealth of international knowledge and a deep understanding of our industry, its customers and technologies," said Rajeev Suri, President and Chief Executive Officer of Nokia. "Her insight will be critical in refining our strategy for the future. I also want to thank Kathrin, who has continued to lead our strategy organization in addition to her role as President of Nokia Enterprise since January this year."


"I am excited to join Nokia at such a pivotal time," said Gabriela. "With its broad portfolio and innovative technology, Nokia is well positioned to help its customers realize the full potential of 5G, and I look forward to being part of further strengthening Nokia in this 5G journey".


Before joining Telia Company in 2017, Gabriela spent two years with Telecom Italia in Rome as Vice President, Engineering and Telecom Italia Group Labs, following more than ten years at Ericsson in a variety of senior roles in China, Germany and the US.


A true global citizen, Gabriela is multicultural with a Mexican mother and a Swedish father. Having grown up in Mexico, the US, the former Czechoslovakia and Sweden, she studied Basic Law, Political Science and International Relations at the University of Uppsala, Sweden and holds an MBA from Durham University, UK.


Gabriela will be based in Espoo, Finland and will report to President and Chief Executive Officer, Rajeev Suri.


With this appointment, Nokia's Group Leadership Team will consist of the following members: Rajeev Suri, Nassib Abou-Khalil, Basil Alwan, Hans-Juergen Bill, Kathrin Buvac, Ricky Corker, Joerg Erlemeier, Barry French, Sanjay Goel, Bhaskar Gorti, Federico Guillén, Jenni Lukander, Sandra Motley, Kristian Pullola, Sri Reddy, Gabriela Styf Sjöman, Tommi Uitto and Marcus Weldon.


Additional background on all current members of the GLT can be found at


About Nokia

We create the technology to connect the world. We develop and deliver the industry's only end-to-end portfolio of network equipment, software, services and licensing that is available globally. Our customers include communications service providers whose combined networks support 6.1 billion subscriptions, as well as enterprises in the private and public sector that use our network portfolio to increase productivity and enrich lives.


Through our research teams, including the world-renowned Nokia Bell Labs, we are leading the world to adopt end-to-end 5G networks that are faster, more secure and capable of revolutionizing lives, economies and societies. Nokia adheres to the highest ethical business standards as we create technology with social purpose, quality and integrity.


Media Inquiries



Tel. +358 (0) 10 448 4900


Katja Antila, Head of Media Relations




It should be noted that Nokia and its businesses are exposed to various risks and uncertainties and certain statements herein that are not historical facts are forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements reflect Nokia's current expectations and views of future developments and include statements regarding: A) expectations, plans or benefits related to our strategies and growth management; B) expectations, plans or benefits related to future performance of our businesses and any expected future dividends; C) expectations and targets regarding financial performance, results, the timing of receivables, operating expenses, taxes, currency exchange rates, hedging, cost savings and competitiveness, as well as results of operations including targeted synergies and those related to market share, prices, net sales, income and margins; D) expectations, plans or benefits related to changes in organizational and operational structure; E) expectations regarding market developments, general economic conditions and structural change globally and in national and regional markets, such as China; F) our ability to integrate acquired businesses into our operations and achieve the targeted business plans and benefits, including targeted benefits, synergies, cost savings and efficiencies; G) expectations, plans or benefits related to any future collaboration or to business collaboration agreements or patent license agreements or arbitration awards, including income to be received under any collaboration or partnership, agreement or award; H) timing of the deliveries of our products and services, including our short term and longer term expectations around the rollout of 5G and our ability to capitalize on such rollout; and the overall readiness of the 5G ecosystem; I) expectations and targets regarding collaboration and partnering arrangements, joint ventures or the creation of joint ventures, and the related administrative, legal, regulatory and other conditions, as well as our expected customer reach; J) outcome of pending and threatened litigation, arbitration, disputes, regulatory proceedings or investigations by authorities; K) expectations regarding restructurings, investments, capital structure optimization efforts, uses of proceeds from transactions, acquisitions and divestments and our ability to achieve the financial and operational targets set in connection with any such restructurings, investments, capital structure optimization efforts, divestments and acquisitions, including our current cost savings program; L) expectations, plans or benefits related to future capital expenditures, temporary incremental expenditures or other R&D expenditures to develop or rollout of software and other new products, including 5G; and M) statements preceded by or including "believe", "expect", "expectations", "commit", "anticipate", "foresee", "see", "target", "estimate", "designed", "aim", "plan", "intend", "influence", "assumption", "focus", "continue", "project", "should", "is to", "will" or similar expressions. These forward-looking statements are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties, many of which are beyond our control, which could cause actual results to differ materially from such statements. These statements are based on management's best assumptions and beliefs in light of the information currently available to it. These forward-looking statements are only predictions based upon our current expectations and views of future events and developments and are subject to risks and uncertainties that are difficult to predict because they relate to events and depend on circumstances that will occur in the future. Factors, including risks and uncertainties that could cause these differences include, but are not limited to: 1) our strategy is subject to various risks and uncertainties and we may be unable to successfully implement our strategic plans, sustain or improve the operational and financial performance of our business groups, correctly identify or successfully pursue business opportunities or otherwise grow our business; 2) general economic and market conditions and other developments in the economies where we operate, including the timeline for the deployment of 5G and our ability to successfully capitalize on that deployment; 3) competition and our ability to effectively and profitably invest in existing and new  high-quality products, services, upgrades and technologies and bring them to market in a timely manner; 4) our dependence on the development of the industries in which we operate, including the cyclicality and variability of the information technology and telecommunications industries and our own R&D capabilities and investments; 5) our dependence on a limited number of customers and large multi-year agreements, as well as external events impacting our customers including mergers and acquisitions; 6) our ability to maintain our existing sources of intellectual property-related revenue through our intellectual property, including through licensing, establish new sources of revenue and protect our intellectual property from infringement; 7) our ability to manage and improve our financial and operating performance, cost savings, competitiveness and synergies generally, expectations and timing around our ability to recognize any net sales and our ability to implement changes to our organizational and operational structure efficiently; 8) our global business and exposure to regulatory, political or other developments in various countries or regions, including emerging markets and the associated risks in relation to tax matters and exchange controls, among others; 9) our ability to achieve the anticipated benefits, synergies, cost savings and efficiencies of acquisitions; 10) exchange rate fluctuations, as well as hedging activities; 11) our ability to successfully realize the expectations, plans or benefits related to any future collaboration or business collaboration agreements and patent license agreements or arbitration awards, including income to be received under any collaboration, partnership, agreement or arbitration award; 12) Nokia Technologies' ability to protect its IPR and to maintain and establish new sources of patent, brand and technology licensing income and IPR-related revenues, particularly in the smartphone market, which may not materialize as planned, 13) our dependence on IPR technologies, including those that we have developed and those that are licensed to us, and the risk of associated IPR-related legal claims, licensing costs and restrictions on use; 14) our exposure to direct and indirect regulation, including economic or trade policies, and the reliability of our governance, internal controls and compliance processes to prevent regulatory penalties in our business or in our joint ventures; 15) our reliance on third-party solutions for data storage and service distribution, which expose us to risks relating to security, regulation and cybersecurity breaches; 16) inefficiencies, breaches, malfunctions or disruptions of information technology systems, or our customers' security concerns; 17) our exposure to various legal frameworks regulating corruption, fraud, trade policies, and other risk areas, and the possibility of proceedings or investigations that result in fines, penalties or sanctions; 18) adverse developments with respect to customer financing or extended payment terms we provide to customers; 19) the potential complex tax issues, tax disputes and tax obligations we may face in various jurisdictions, including the risk of obligations to pay additional taxes; 20) our actual or anticipated performance, among other factors, which could reduce our ability to utilize deferred tax assets; 21) our ability to retain, motivate, develop and recruit appropriately skilled employees; 22) disruptions to our manufacturing, service creation, delivery, logistics and supply chain processes, and the risks related to our geographically-concentrated production sites; 23) the impact of litigation, arbitration, agreement-related disputes or product liability allegations associated with our business; 24) our ability to re-establish investment grade rating or maintain our credit ratings; 25) our ability to achieve targeted benefits from, or successfully implement planned transactions, as well as the liabilities related thereto; 26) our involvement in joint ventures and jointly-managed companies; 27) the carrying amount of our goodwill may not be recoverable; 28) uncertainty related to the amount of dividends and equity return we are able to distribute to shareholders for each financial period; 29) pension costs, employee fund-related costs, and healthcare costs; 30) our ability to successfully complete and capitalize on our order backlogs and continue converting our sales pipeline into net sales; and 31) risks related to undersea infrastructure, as well as the risk factors specified on pages 60 to 75 of our 2018 annual report on Form 20-F published on March 21, 2019 under "Operating and financial review and prospects-Risk factors" and in our other filings or documents furnished with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. Other unknown or unpredictable factors or underlying assumptions subsequently proven to be incorrect could cause actual results to differ materially from those in the forward-looking statements. We do not undertake any obligation to publicly update or revise forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except to the extent legally required.




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Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Nordic CEOs for a Sustainable Future seek to collaborate with Nordic governments on climate action and diversity in the workplace


Press Release




20 August 2019


Reykjavik, Iceland The Nordic CEOs for a Sustainable Future, an alliance of the leaders of the Nordic region's leading businesses, met today with the Prime Ministers of the five Nordic countries to discuss a collaborative approach to addressing sustainability challenges.

The CEOs presented their vision for achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through greater public-private sector collaboration and the transition to purpose-driven business practices. The alliance will initially focus on climate action and diversity and inclusion in the workplace.


The meetings formed part of the Nordic Council of Ministers' session held in Reykjavik, Iceland, this week.


Integrating the SDGs into business strategies

The CEOs are committed to integrating the SDGs into their business activities and decision-making, incorporating sustainability into their own policies and across their value chains.


Recognizing that the 2030 deadline for achieving the SDGs is fast approaching, the companies are in particular looking at strengthening their efforts within the areas of climate change and diversity and inclusion. This will include:


  • Identifying scalable solutions across their value chains1 to accelerate reduction of emissions and collaborating on joint emission reduction efforts with other companies in the alliance.
  • Strengthening reporting on diversity and inclusion, using the insights gained to share best practices across the region, and joining forces on actions to improve.


Nordic CEOs for a Sustainable Future was created in 2018 to inspire joint leadership and action towards delivery of the SDGs in the Nordic region. The industry leaders in the group represent companies that have collective annual revenues of more than EUR110 billion, directly employing more than 290,000 people around the world, with operations in 119 countries, serving hundreds of millions of citizens every day.


Companies represented in the group include Equinor, GSMA, Hydro, Íslandsbanki, Marel, Nokia, Posten Norge, SAS, Storebrand Group, Swedbank, Telenor Group, Telia Company, Vestas and Yara International.


Nokia CEO Rajeev Suri, who supports the initiative, said: "The Nordic nations are respected around the world for two things: business innovation and strong social systems. We can combine those two qualities through public-private partnerships, and, in doing so, meet the UN's Sustainable Development Goals. By working closely together, business and governments can harness the advances of the fourth industrial revolution to fight climate change and make workplaces more diverse. No less than the futures of our children and grandchildren are at stake – let's collaborate now and start solving those challenges."


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About Nokia

We create the technology to connect the world. We develop and deliver the industry's only end-to-end portfolio of network equipment, software, services and licensing that is available globally. Our customers include communications service providers whose combined networks support 6.1 billion subscriptions, as well as enterprises in the private and public sector that use our network portfolio to increase productivity and enrich lives.


Through our research teams, including the world-renowned Nokia Bell Labs, we are leading the world to adopt end-to-end 5G networks that are faster, more secure and capable of revolutionizing lives, economies and societies. Nokia adheres to the highest ethical business standards as we create technology with social purpose, quality and integrity.


About the Nordic CEOs for a Sustainable Future

The Nordic CEOs for a Sustainable Future Initiative is a CEO-led initiative, launched in October 2018, aiming to drive progress on the SDGs through collaboration. Nordic companies are built on shared values of inclusion, equality and long-termism; these characteristics can help advance the collective efforts outlined by the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Paris Climate Accord. The initiative creates a platform for engagement between the CEOs and Nordic Prime Ministers on how to move from sustainability as a compliance matter to purpose-driven initiative. Read more here:



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Phone: +358 10 448 4900



1 Value chain refers to the full lifecycle of a product or process, including material sourcing, production, consumption and disposal/recycling processes.




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Thursday, August 8, 2019

Zain Saudi and Nokia use 5G network to support remote viewing of Hajj events via live, advanced Virtual Reality


Press Release



Zain Saudi and Nokia use 5G network to support remote viewing of Hajj events via live, advanced Virtual Reality


  • Nokia has deployed massive MIMO 5G technology using its AirScale platform in Hajj area for the advanced Virtual Reality (VR) application
  • The demonstration is in line with Saudi Vision 2030 and National Transformation Program 2020 for the development of digital infrastructure to improve the quality of life 

08 August 2019


Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia – Zain Saudi Arabia and Nokia successfully demonstrated a 5G-enabled VR (Virtual Reality) advanced use case in Mashaer area and the Holy Mosque area in Makkah. This technology allows visitors to experience Hajj* remotely as if they are present on site.


As part of the demonstration, high-resolution 360-degree video feeds are transmitted to room-size displays enabling the viewers to be immersed in the experience. Zain's 5G network is used to send the video feeds from cameras deployed in multiple locations in Makkah to cover the whole Hajj events in real time, utilizing the extreme mobile broadband capability for the content delivery and the low latency for the real-time camera control.


Eng. Sultan Abdulaziz AlDeghaither, CEO of Zain Saudi Arabia, said: "Millions of people from around the world visit Hajj every year. This use case will allow them to have immersive remote view of locations they have to visit such as the holy mosque to choose the best time and avoid crowds. Further, the concerned authorities will be able to provide better security to the pilgrims and the people of Saudi Arabia. We are committed to bringing innovative 5G use cases to the country. 5G collaboration with global technology-leader Nokia will help us provide innovative use cases to transform the way people live and work."


Ali Jitawi, head of the Zain Customer Business Team at Nokia, said: "We are committed to supporting Zain Saudi in realizing the enormous potential of 5G. This virtual reality demo on its 5G live network is an important achievement in shaping the 5G use cases towards further contributing to National Transformation Plan 2020 and Saudi Vision 2030. The successful demo of this 5G-enabled use case is crucial and establishes that Zain's network is now ready to provide innovative use cases which demand extremely low latency and ultra-high-speed."


Photos of the 5G VR dome attached.




About Nokia

We create the technology to connect the world. We develop and deliver the industry's only end-to-end portfolio of network equipment, software, services and licensing that is available globally. Our customers include communications service providers whose combined networks support 6.1 billion subscriptions, as well as enterprises in the private and public sector that use our network portfolio to increase productivity and enrich lives.


Through our research teams, including the world-renowned Nokia Bell Labs, we are leading the world to adopt end-to-end 5G networks that are faster, more secure and capable of revolutionizing lives, economies and societies. Nokia adheres to the highest ethical business standards as we create technology with social purpose, quality and integrity.


Media Inquiries:



Kannan K

Nokia Media Relations

Phone: +971 529 823 406




Phone: +358 (0) 10 448 4900




* Hajj is annual Islamic pilgrimage to Makkah, the holiest city for Muslims. More than two million pilgrims visited Makkah as part of Hajj in 2018.








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Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Nokia wins 5G network deal with Vodafone New Zealand



Press Release 


Nokia wins 5G network deal with Vodafone New Zealand

  • Vodafone New Zealand chooses Nokia to deploy a  5G network in the country
  • Includes Nokia AirScale radio access solution, cloud-native core and design services


8 August 2019


Espoo, Finland - Nokia is set to bring 5G to New Zealand, following the announcement of the first commercial 5G network available to New Zealanders by Vodafone New Zealand.


Nokia will supply and integrate a 5G network for Vodafone New Zealand, which will be launched in Auckland, Wellington, Christchurch and Queenstown in late 2019. The deal, including Nokia's AirScale radio access network, cloud-native core and design services, provides further proof of the strength of Nokia's end-to-end portfolio. Nokia's 5G portfolio offers operators the necessary flexibility and capabilities to deliver 5G services to both consumers and enterprises.


"We are excited to be joining forces with Vodafone New Zealand, our partner of over 20 years, to bring 5G to New Zealand," said Tommi Uitto, Nokia's President of Mobile Networks. "With this agreement, we will enable Vodafone New Zealand to deliver 5G services to their customers and create an even more connected society."


Commenting on the agreement, Tony Baird, Technology Director, Vodafone New Zealand said: "We are excited to be working with Nokia to deliver a commercial 5G network for Vodafone and New Zealand, building on our proud heritage of being first to deliver to Kiwis, the best mobile technology available at the time, including 2G, 3G, 4G and now 5G."


"This is a tremendous milestone for Vodafone NZ and Nokia, particularly since 5G already has mindshare amongst consumers and enterprises in New Zealand", said Phil Marshall, Chief Research Officer, Tolaga Research. "It marks the next chapter in a long and prosperous partnership between Vodafone NZ and Nokia, and is testament to the robustness of Nokia's 5G portfolio."


About Nokia

We create the technology to connect the world. We develop and deliver the industry's only end-to-end portfolio of network equipment, software, services and licensing that is available globally. Our customers include communications service providers whose combined networks support 6.1 billion subscriptions, as well as enterprises in the private and public sector that use our network portfolio to increase productivity and enrich lives.


Through our research teams, including the world-renowned Nokia Bell Labs, we are leading the world to adopt end-to-end 5G networks that are faster, more secure and capable of revolutionizing lives, economies and societies. Nokia adheres to the highest ethical business standards as we create technology with social purpose, quality and integrity.


Media Inquiries:

Phone: +358 10 448 4900




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Thursday, August 1, 2019

TIM Brazil expands edge cloud capability powered by Nokia AirFrame servers and new Intel processors


Press Release


TIM Brazil expands edge cloud capability powered by Nokia AirFrame servers and new Intel processors


  • TIM is the first operator in Latin America to adopt the Nokia AirFrame technology featuring 2nd generation Intel® Xeon® Scalable processors for its datacenter servers
  • The deployment consists of 1000 state-of-the-art AirFrame servers, expanding edge datacenter concept and virtualizing network functions to deliver better customer experience
  • The infrastructure paves the way also for the launch of 5G services as part of TIM's cloud and digitalization journey


01 August 2019


Espoo, Finland – TIM Brazil has selected Nokia AirFrame servers featuring new, 2nd generation Intel Xeon Scalable processors to virtualize its datacenters by the end of 2021. TIM is the first operator in Latin America to adopt the AirFrame technology for its datacenter servers to improve server capacity and deliver better service quality, internet access and video consumption for its users across Brazil.


The agreement represents a major step in TIM Brazil's cloud and digitalization journey, supported by Nokia, as the operator creates advanced services for its customers. The deployment consists of 1000 state-of-the-art AirFrame servers, virtualizing network functions to guarantee better customer experience. Alongside the creation of edge datacenters, the agreement with Nokia also signals important progress for TIM Brazil as a company as it moves towards 5G, a requirement of which is evolving to a cloud core for network activities.


The 2nd generation Intel Xeon Scalable processors were launched globally on 2 April 2019, and this agreement marks the first use of the new generation in Latin America. Nokia and Intel highlighted the capabilities available to customers through this technological partnership at MWC 2019 via a demonstration of VR gaming over a 5G network.


Leandro Monteiro, Nokia Sales Director in Brazil, said: "Nokia's unique solution, designed to support precisely this evolution to 5G, will give TIM Brazil a crucial ongoing competitive advantage as they evolve their core networks into cloud. Nokia is proud to partner with TIM as it invests in cloud native technologies to maintain its position as one of Latin America's most efficient networks."


Leonardo Capdeville, TIM CTIO, said: "Virtualization is important to improve user experience in our network, which will count with more speed and data usage stability. With this core virtualization, TIM is leading with a 5G pilot project over the network. This process also allows us to strengthen our customers' data protection."


Lisa Spelman, Vice President and General Manager Intel Xeon Processors and Data Center Marketing, said:  "5G communications networks are being built today with a data-centric, edge-enabled approach using high-performance Intel architecture platforms as their foundation. Nokia AirFrame servers featuring 2nd generation Intel Xeon Scalable processors give TIM Brazil the opportunity to deliver advanced digital services and compelling experiences to their customers throughout Brazil."


Additional Information:

About TIM

TIM remains true to its mission of connecting and caring for each one so that everyone can do more. Therefore, it focuses on the strategic pillars of offer, infrastructure, efficiency and customer experience, based on an internal culture of accountability and on the change of processes and platforms allowing digital transformation. Our new brand signature - "Evolution never stops" - underpins the company's commitment to its Investment Plan and the goal of becoming the best telecommunications operator in Brazil.


Since 2015, the company has been leading 4G coverage in the country as well as a benchmark in mobile and land line networks. It is also the only telecommunications company in the Novo Mercado segment of Brazil's stock exchange B3, the highest level of corporate governance, as well as being the telecommunications operator for the longest consecutive time featured in the Corporate Sustainability Index (ISE). For more information, please go to


About Intel

Intel (NASDAQ: INTC), a leader in the semiconductor industry, is shaping the data-centric future with computing and communications technology that is the foundation of the world's innovations. The company's engineering expertise is helping address the world's greatest challenges as well as helping secure, power and connect billions of devices and the infrastructure of the smart, connected world – from the cloud to the network to the edge and everything in between. Find more information about Intel at and


Intel and the Intel logo are trademarks of Intel Corporation in the United States and other countries. *Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others.


About Nokia

We create the technology to connect the world. We develop and deliver the industry's only end-to-end portfolio of network equipment, software, services and licensing that is available globally. Our customers include communications service providers whose combined networks support 6.1 billion subscriptions, as well as enterprises in the private and public sector that use our network portfolio to increase productivity and enrich lives.


Through our research teams, including the world-renowned Nokia Bell Labs, we are leading the world to adopt end-to-end 5G networks that are faster, more secure and capable of revolutionizing lives, economies and societies. Nokia adheres to the highest ethical business standards as we create technology with social purpose, quality and integrity.


Media Inquiries:

+358 10 448 4900



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