Sunday, December 25, 2016

Nokia and Ooredoo Qatar achieve 40 Gbps with next-generation TWDM-PON fiber technology


Nokia and Ooredoo Qatar achieve 40 Gbps with next-generation TWDM-PON fiber technology

Press Release

  • Trial using Nokia's TWDM-PON technology shows the capacity of Ooredoo's existing single fiber network can be expanded significantly
  • With 40 Gigabits-per-second (Gbps) speed, subscribers can download, for example, a 2-hour 4K quality video in just a couple of seconds
  • Nokia's Fixed Access platforms can simultaneously operate multiple PON technologies including GPON, XGS PON and TWDM-PON


26 December 2016


Doha, Qatar - Nokia and Ooredoo Qatar have achieved a 40 Gbps download and upload speed using Nokia's Time and Wavelength Division Multiplexing Passive Optical Network (TWDM-PON) innovative fiber technology in a trial in Doha. The TWDM-PON, also referred to as NG-PON2 (Next Generation PON 2) technology, was deployed over Ooredoo's existing single fiber network as an overlay to achieve this speed. This overlay technology is capable of smoothly adding more capacity to existing networks, saving the additional cost of laying new fiber.


Nokia's TWDM-PON technology delivers four additional wavelengths, each providing 10 Gbps upload as well as download speeds, eventually providing a total of 40 Gbps. This significantly enhanced speed will allow Ooredoo Qatar to cost-efficiently upgrade its networks from the existing GPON (2.5Gbps) to XGS-PON (10Gbps) and in the future to TWDM-PON (40Gbps) using the same access node ISAM FX. Nokia is the industry leader in TWDM-PON technology with 8 commercial deployments and more than 20 completed trials around the world.


Waleed Al Sayed, chief executive officer of Ooredoo Qatar, said: "Every single step we take is to support the Qatar National Vision 2030, which aims to boost the knowledge-based economy. Through the current successful trial with Nokia's NGPON technology we are evolving toward deploying 40 Gbps speeds to provide a significantly enhanced broadband experience for individual subscribers and launching new, high-bandwidth services demanded by enterprise customers. It's yet another step for us in the direction of enabling IoT, smart home, and smart city services in the country."


Bernard Najm, head of the Middle East Market Unit at Nokia, said: "This trial with our long-term customer Ooredoo Qatar is a testimony to our continued commitment for bringing our latest innovations to the operator and the country. It also reiterates that Nokia continues to lead in the Fixed Access networks market. This technology will evolve Ooredoo's network now and in the long term to meet the increasing data demand of subscribers across the country."


Photo: Bernard Najm, head of the Middle East Market Unit at Nokia



About Nokia

Nokia is a global leader in creating the technologies at the heart of our connected world. Powered by the research and innovation of Nokia Bell Labs, we serve communications service providers, governments, large enterprises and consumers, with the industry's most complete, end-to-end portfolio of products, services and licensing.


From the enabling infrastructure for 5G and the Internet of Things, to emerging applications in virtual reality and digital health, we are shaping the future of technology to transform the human


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Thursday, December 22, 2016

Nokia nostaa lisäkanteita Applen patenttiloukkauksia vastaan Aasiassa, Euroopassa ja Yhdysvalloissa


Published: 17:33 CET 22-12-2016 /GlobeNewswire /Source: NOKIA / : NOKIA /ISIN: FI0009000681

Nokia nostaa lisäkanteita Applen patenttiloukkauksia vastaan Aasiassa, Euroopassa ja Yhdysvalloissa

Nokia Oyj
22.12.2016 klo 18.32 
Nokia nostaa lisäkanteita Applen patenttiloukkauksia vastaan Aasiassa, Euroopassa ja Yhdysvalloissa    
Nokia on nostanut uusia kanteita 21.12.2016 julkistettujen kanteiden lisäksi, koska yhtiö katsoo Applen tuotteiden loukkaavan useita Nokian patentteja. 
Nokian 11 maassa nostamat kanteet koskevat 40:tä muun muassa näyttö-, käyttöliittymä-, ohjelmisto-, antenni-, piirisarja- ja videokoodausteknologiaan liittyvää patenttia. Kanteet on nyt nostettu:  
  • Düsseldorfin tuomioistuimessa Saksassa - 8 patenttia *
  • Mannheimin tuomioistuimessa Saksassa - 4 patenttia *
  • Münchenin tuomioistuimessa Saksassa - 2 patenttia *
  • Helsingin Markkinaoikeudessa - 3 patenttia
  • Lontoon ylemmän oikeusasteen tuomioistuimessa Yhdistyneissä Kansakunnissa - 3 patenttia
  • Torinon tuomioistuimessa Italiassa - 4 patenttia
  • Tukholman patentti- ja markkinaoikeudessa Ruotsissa - 3 patenttia
  • Barcelonan kaupallisessa tuomioistuimessa Espanjassa - 1 patentti
  • Haagin alioikeudessa Alankomaissa - 3 patenttia
  • Pariisin korkeimmassa oikeudessa Ranskassa - 1 patentti
  • Hong Kongin korkeimmassa oikeudessa - 1 patentti
  • Tokion piirituomioistuimessa Japanissa - 2 patenttia
  • Texasin itäisen piirin alioikeudessa Yhdysvalloissa - 18 patenttia *
  • Yhdysvaltain kansainvälisen kaupan komissiossa - 8 patenttia
(* 21.12.2016 nostetut ja julkistetut kanteet).
Nokia on yksi maailman johtavista innovoijista. Sen jälkeen kun Nokia hankki täyden omistuksen NSN:sta vuonna 2013 ja Alcatel-Lucentista vuonna 2016, yhtiöllä on nykyisin kolme arvokasta patenttisalkkua. Nokia on investoinut yli 115 miljardia euroa tutkimukseen ja kehitykseen viimeisen 20 vuoden aikana, ja yhtiön kymmenettuhannet patentit käsittävät monia tärkeitä älypuhelimissa, tableteissa, henkilökohtaisissa tietokoneissa ja muissa vastaavissa laitteissa hyödynnettäviä teknologioita.
Nokia pääsi vuonna 2011 sopimukseen Applen kanssa osasta Nokia Technologiesin patenttiportfoliota, minkä jälkeen Apple on kieltäytynyt Nokian sittemmin tekemistä lisenssisopimustarjouksista liittyen muihin Nokian patentteihin, jotka ovat käytössä useissa Applen tuotteissa.
Nokian patenttiliiketoiminnasta vastaava johtaja Ilkka Rahnasto: "Pitkäaikaisten tutkimukseen ja kehitykseen kohdennettujen investointiensa myötä Nokia on luonut monia nykyisissä mobiililaitteissa, kuten Applen tuotteissa, hyödynnettäviä perusteknologioita tai vaikuttanut niiden kehitykseen. Olemme useiden vuosien ajan pyrkineet neuvottelujen kautta pääsemään Applen kanssa sopimukseen näihin teknologioihin liittyvien patenttien käytöstä, mutta nyt ryhdymme toimiin puolustaaksemme oikeuksiamme".

Nokia on globaali johtaja verkottuneen maailman teknologioiden kehittämisessä. Nokia Bell Labsin tutkimustyön ja innovoinnin vauhdittamana tarjoamme viestintäpalvelujen tarjoajille, viranomaisille, suuryrityksille ja kuluttajille toimialan kattavimman valikoiman tuotteita, palveluita sekä lisensointimahdollisuuksia.
Luomme mullistavaa tulevaisuuden teknologiaa ihmisten muuttuviin tarpeisiin rakentamalla infrastruktuurin 5G-teknologialle ja esineiden internetille sekä kehittämällä uudenlaisia virtuaalitodellisuuden ja digitaalisen terveyden sovelluksia.
Lisätietoja tiedotusvälineille: 
Puh. 010 448 4900
Nokiaan ja sen liiketoimintoihin liittyy erilaisia riskejä ja epävarmuustekijöitä, ja tietyt tässä esitetyt lausumat, jotka eivät koske jo toteutuneita seikkoja, ovat tulevaisuutta koskevia lausumia. Näitä ovat esimerkiksi: A) odotukset, suunnitelmat tai hyödyt, jotka liittyvät strategioihimme ja kasvun hallintaan; B) odotukset, suunnitelmat tai hyödyt, jotka liittyvät liiketoimintojemme tulevaan tulokseen; C) odotukset ja tavoitteet, jotka koskevat tuloskehitystämme, tulostamme, liiketoiminnan kuluja, veroja, valuuttakursseja, suojaukset, kustannussäästöjä ja kilpailukykyä sekä liiketoiminnan tulosta, mukaan lukien tavoitellut synergiat ja tavoitteet, jotka koskevat markkinaosuuksia, hintoja, liikevaihtoa ja katteita; D) vireillä olevien ja mahdollisesti tulevien oikeudenkäyntien, välimiesmenettelyiden, riita-asioiden, hallinnollisten menettelyjen ja viranomaistutkimusten lopputulokset; ja E) lausumat, jotka sisältävät tai joita edeltävät "uskoa", "odottaa", "ennakoida", "ennustaa", "näkee", "tavoitella", "arvioida", "on tarkoitettu", "tähdätä", "suunnitella", "aikoa", "keskittyä", "jatkaa", "arviomme mukaan", "pitäisi", "tulee" tai muut vastaavat ilmaisut. Tällaiset lausumat perustuvat johdon parhaaseen arvioon ja käsitykseen niiden tietojen valossa, jotka sillä on kyseisellä hetkellä ollut saatavilla. Koska tällaisiin lausumiin sisältyy riskejä ja epävarmuuksia, todelliset tulokset voivat poiketa olennaisesti niistä tuloksista, joita tällä hetkellä odotamme. Riskejä, epävarmuustekijöitä ja muita tekijöitä, jotka saattavat aiheuttaa tällaisia poikkeamia, voivat olla esimerkiksi: 1) kykymme toteuttaa strategiamme, ylläpitää tai parantaa operatiivista ja taloudellista tulostamme tai tunnistaa oikein tai tavoitella menestyksekkäästi liiketoiminta- tai kasvumahdollisuuksia; 2) altistumisemme lainsäädäntöön liittyvälle, poliittiselle tai muulle kehitykselle eri maissa tai alueilla, myös kehittyvillä markkinoilla, sekä muun muassa verotukseen ja valuuttakontrolliin liittyville riskeille; 3) kykymme kilpailla ja panostaa tehokkaasti ja kannattavasti uusiin kilpailukykyisiin ja korkealaatuisiin tuotteisiin, palveluihin, uudistuksiin ja teknologioihin sekä tuoda ne markkinoille oikea-aikaisesti; 4) Nokia Technologiesin kyky säilyttää patenttilisensointiin ja immateriaalioikeuksiin perustuvat tulonlähteensä ja luoda uusia tulonlähteitä erityisesti älypuhelinmarkkinoilla; 5) riippuvuutemme immateriaalioikeuksilla suojatuista teknologioista, mukaan lukien itse kehittämämme ja meille lisensoidut teknologiat, sekä immateriaalioikeuksiin liittyvien oikeudellisten vaatimusten, lisensointikustannusten ja käyttörajoitusten riskit; 6) altistumisemme suoralle ja epäsuoralle sääntelylle ja talous- tai kauppapolitiikalle, sekä hallinnossamme, sisäisessä valvonnassamme ja säädösten noudattamisen varmistamisessa käyttämiemme prosessien luotettavuus oikeudellisten seuraamusten estämisessä; 7) Nokia Technologiesin kyky tuottaa liikevaihtoa ja voittoa lisensoimalla Nokia-brändiä sekä kehittämällä ja myymällä tuotteita ja palveluita, sekä muut liiketoiminta-aloitteet, jotka eivät välttämättä toteudu suunnitelmien mukaisesti; 8) liiketoimintojamme koskevien oikeudenkäyntien, välimiesmenettelyjen ja sopimusriitojen epäsuotuisat lopputulemat ja niiden vaikutukset, mukaan lukien Appleen liittyvät oikeudenkäynnit; 9) kykymme hallita ja parantaa taloudellista ja toiminnallista suoritus- ja kilpailukykyämme sekä saavuttaa kustannussäästöjä ja synergiaetuja Alcatel Lucentin hankinnan jälkeen, sekä ne riskitekijät, jotka mainitaan Nokian 1.4.2016 jättämässä Yhdysvaltojen arvopaperisäännösten mukaisessa asiakirjassa (Form 20-F) sivuilla 69-87 otsikon "Operating and Financial Review and Prospects-Risk Factors" alla sekä muissa Yhdysvaltoin arvopaperi- ja pörssikomitealle (Securities and Exchange Commission) jätetyissä asiakirjoissa. Muut tuntemattomat tai odottamattomat tekijät tai vääriksi osoittautuvat oletukset voivat aiheuttaa todellisten tulosten olennaisen poikkeamisen tulevaisuutta koskevissa lausumissa esitetyistä odotuksista. Nokia ei sitoudu julkisesti päivittämään tai muuttamaan tulevaisuutta koskevia lausumia uuden tiedon, tulevaisuuden tapahtumien tai muun syyn johdosta, paitsi siltä osin kuin sillä on siihen lainmukainen velvollisuus.

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Nokia expands patent litigation against Apple in Asia, Europe and the US


Published: 17:33 CET 22-12-2016 /GlobeNewswire /Source: NOKIA / : NOKIA /ISIN: FI0009000681

Nokia expands patent litigation against Apple in Asia, Europe and the US

Nokia Corporation
Stock Exchange Release
December 22, 2016 at 18:32 (CET +1)
Nokia expands patent litigation against Apple in Asia, Europe and the US 
Espoo, Finland - Nokia has filed further complaints alleging that Apple products infringe a number of Nokia patents, expanding its litigation originally announced on December 21.
Across actions in 11 countries, there are now 40 patents in suit, which cover technologies such as display, user interface, software, antenna, chipsets and video coding. Cases have now been filed in: 
  • Regional Court, Dusseldorf, Germany - 8 patents *
  • Regional Court, Mannheim, Germany - 4 patents *
  • Regional Court, Munich, Germany - 2 patents *
  • Market Court, Helsinki, Finland - 3 patents
  • High Court, London, UK - 3 patents
  • Court of Turin, Italy - 4 patents
  • Patent and Market Court, Stockholm, Sweden - 3 patents
  • Commercial Courts, Barcelona, Spain - 1 patent
  • District Court, The Hague, Netherlands - 3 patents
  • High Court, Paris, France - 1 patent
  • High Court, Hong Kong - 1 patent
  • Tokyo District Court, Japan - 2 patents
  • US District Court, Eastern District of Texas - 18 patents *
  • International Trade Commission, US - 8 patents
(* actions filed and announced on December 21).
As one of the world's leading innovators, and following the acquisition of full ownership of NSN in 2013 and Alcatel-Lucent in 2016, Nokia now owns three valuable portfolios of intellectual property. Built on more than EUR 115 billion invested in R&D over the past twenty years, our tens of thousands of patents cover many important technologies used in smartphones, tablets, personal computers and similar devices.
Since agreeing a license covering some patents from the Nokia Technologies portfolio in 2011, Apple has declined subsequent offers made by Nokia to license other of its patented inventions which are used by many of Apple's products.
Ilkka Rahnasto, head of Patent Business at Nokia, said: "Through our sustained investment in research and development, Nokia has created or contributed to many of the fundamental technologies used in today's mobile devices, including Apple products. After several years of negotiations trying to reach agreement to cover Apple's use of these patents, we are now taking action to defend our rights."

About Nokia 
Nokia is a global leader in creating the technologies at the heart of our connected world. Powered by the research and innovation of Nokia Bell Labs, we serve communications service providers, governments, large enterprises and consumers, with the industry's most complete, end-to-end portfolio of products, services and licensing.
From the enabling infrastructure for 5G and the Internet of Things, to emerging applications in virtual reality and digital health, we are shaping the future of technology to transform the human experience.
Media Enquiries:
Tel. +358 (0) 10 448 4900
It should be noted that Nokia and its businesses are exposed to various risks and uncertainties and certain statements herein that are not historical facts are forward-looking statements, including, without limitation, those regarding: A) expectations, plans or benefits related to our strategies and growth management; B) expectations, plans or benefits related to future performance of our businesses; C) expectations and targets regarding financial performance, results, operating expenses, taxes, currency exchange rates, hedging, cost savings and competitiveness, as well as results of operations; D) outcome of pending and threatened litigation, arbitration, disputes, regulatory proceedings or investigations by authorities; and E) statements preceded by or including "believe," "expect," "anticipate," "foresee," "sees," "target," "estimate," "designed," "aim," "plans," "intends," "focus," "continue," "project," "should," "will" or similar expressions. These statements are based on the management's best assumptions and beliefs in light of the information currently available to it. Because they involve risks and uncertainties, actual results may differ materially from the results that we currently expect. Factors, including risks and uncertainties, that could cause such differences include, but are not limited to: 1) our ability to execute our strategy, sustain or improve the operational and financial performance of our business or correctly identify or successfully pursue business opportunities or growth; 2) our exposure to regulatory, political or other developments in various countries or regions, including emerging markets and the associated risks in relation to tax matters and exchange controls, among others; 3) our ability to effectively and profitably compete and invest in new competitive high-quality products, services, upgrades and technologies and bring them to market in a timely manner; 4) Nokia Technologies' ability to maintain and establish new sources of patent licensing income and IPR-related revenues, particularly in the smartphone and tablet markets; 5) our dependence on IPR technologies, including those that we have developed and those that are licensed to us, and the risk of associated IPR-related legal claims, licensing costs and restrictions on use; 6) our exposure to direct and indirect regulation, including economic or trade policies, and the reliability of our governance, internal controls and compliance processes to prevent regulatory penalties; 7) Nokia Technologies' ability to generate net sales and profitability through licensing of the Nokia brand, the development and sales of products and services, as well as other business ventures which may not materialize as planned; 8) the impact of unfavorable outcome of litigation, arbitration, agreement-related disputes or allegations of product liability associated with our businesses, including litigations with Apple; 9) our ability to manage and improve our financial and operating performance, cost savings, competitiveness and synergy benefits after the acquisition of Alcatel Lucent; and as well as the risk factors specified on pages 69 to 87 of our annual report on Form 20-F filed on April 1, 2016 under "Operating and financial review and prospects-Risk factors", as well as in Nokia's other filings with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. Other unknown or unpredictable factors or underlying assumptions subsequently proven to be incorrect could cause actual results to differ materially from those in the forward-looking statements. We do not undertake any obligation to publicly update or revise forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except to the extent legally required.

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Nokia, Vodafone and Telit collaborate to expand the IoT ecosystem using NB-IoT technology


Nokia, Vodafone and Telit collaborate to expand the IoT ecosystem using NB-IoT technology

Press Release

  • Nokia NB-IoT system built in Vodafone Open Lab in Dusseldorf using Nokia radio access network and cloud packet core solution
  • System to be used by device manufacturers and applications developers to expand the IoT ecosystem
  • Nokia teamed up with IoT technology enabler Telit to use its NB-IoT system to demonstrate transmission of data from residential gas meters over a 4G network at the Vodafone Innovation Day.

22 December, 2016


Espoo, Finland - Nokia, Vodafone and Telit, are collaborating to expand the Internet of Things ecosystem using Narrowband-IoT (NB-IoT) technology.


Nokia has deployed a fully integrated NB-IoT system at Vodafone's 'Open Lab' in Dusseldorf, Germany using its radio access network and elements from its Cloud Packet Core solution. The system leverages IoT technology from Telit and will be used by device manufacturers and applications developers in trials of innovative products and solutions to expand the IoT ecosystem.


In a trial during Vodafone's recent Innovation Day event in Dusseldorf,  Nokia and Telit used the technology to demonstrate how NB-IoT will meet the connectivity needs of devices. The companies used an Intel chipset integrated in a NB-IoT  module, which was embedded in a Shitek technology ultrasonic gas meter. The system connected with a meter to transmit data on gas flow over a 4G Vodafone test network, demonstrating how NB-IoT technology can be used to manage an integrated network comprised of components from multiple vendors.


NB-IoT will optimise 4G networks to meet the dynamic demands of billions of connected devices. It enables wider coverage indoors and outdoors, for example allowing the radio signal to reach further inside buildings such as factories and hospitals to connect sensors and devices and transmit information. Lower power consumption allows device battery life to be prolonged for up to 15 years, optimising the cost of maintaining the myriad devices that will be found within homes and enterprises.


Luke Ibbetson, Head of Research & Development and Technology Strategy for Vodafone Group, and Chair of the GSMA NB-IoT Forum, said: "NB-IoT will be commercially available from early 2017 and, because it has strong support from across the telecoms industry, will be the technology used to connect millions more things to the Internet. We are very pleased to make the Vodafone Open Labs available to companies that want to exchange ideas and to develop and test connected products and services powered by NB-IoT."


Marco Argenton, Product Marketing Manager, Telit, said: "We have the industry's broadest portfolio of integrated products, platforms and services to support IoT deployments. With the collaboration in this trial, we demonstrated real and tangible benefits of automation in the residential energy market, the nature of  which can be leveraged in many other industries and verticals."


Roberto Loiola, global customer business team head at Nokia, said: "The low power attributes and reach of NB-IoT make it an ideal technology to connect the Internet of Things. The trial with Telit showed how NB-IoT is perfectly suited to manage a network comprised of devices and sensors from multiple vendors. At Nokia we are constantly innovating to allow our customers to evolve their offer and anticipate the needs of their subscribers and our work with Vodafone at the Open Lab is a prime example of this."


About the technology in Nokia's NB-IoT system 

  • Nokia Cloud Packet Core: the Cloud Mobility Manager (CMM) supporting the Mobility Management Entity (MME), and the Cloud Mobile Gateway (CMG) supporting the System Architecture Evolution Gateway (SAE-GW) network functions.
  • Intel XMM7115 NB-IoT chipset
  • Telit NE910 module
  • Shitek Technology UGM-01 G4 Ultrasonic Gas meter


Did you know?

  • NB-IoT is a 3GPP Rel. 13 radio access technology. The enhanced coverage of NB-IoT compared to conventional LTE will allow for the tracking of objects deep within buildings and in rural areas.
  • NB-IoT will co-exist with operators' existing networks to benefit from mobile security and privacy features. All major network infrastructure, component and device manufacturers support the standard.




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About Nokia

Nokia is a global leader in creating the technologies at the heart of our connected world. Powered by the research and innovation of Nokia Bell Labs, we serve communications service providers, governments, large enterprises and consumers, with the industry's most complete, end-to-end portfolio of products, services and licensing.


From the enabling infrastructure for 5G and the Internet of Things, to emerging applications in virtual reality and digital health, we are shaping the future of technology to transform the human experience.


Media Enquiries:


Phone: +358 10 448 4900

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Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Nokia sues Apple in Europe and the US for infringement of Nokia patents


Published: 19:09 CET 21-12-2016 /GlobeNewswire /Source: NOKIA / : NOKIA /ISIN: FI0009000681

Nokia sues Apple in Europe and the US for infringement of Nokia patents

Nokia Corporation
Stock Exchange Release
December 21, 2016 at 20:08 (CET +1)

Nokia sues Apple in Europe and the US for infringement of Nokia patents

Espoo, Finland - Nokia announced that it has today filed a number of complaints against Apple in Germany and the US, alleging that Apple products infringe a number of Nokia patents.

As one of the world's leading innovators, and following the acquisition of full ownership of NSN in 2013 and Alcatel-Lucent in 2016, Nokia now owns three valuable portfolios of intellectual property. Built on more than EUR 115 billion invested in R&D over the past twenty years, our tens of thousands of patents cover many important technologies used in smartphones, tablets, personal computers and similar devices.

Since agreeing a license covering some patents from the Nokia Technologies portfolio in 2011, Apple has declined subsequent offers made by Nokia to license other of its patented inventions which are used by many of Apple's products.

Ilkka Rahnasto, head of Patent Business at Nokia, said: "Through our sustained investment in research and development, Nokia has created or contributed to many of the fundamental technologies used in today's mobile devices, including Apple products. After several years of negotiations trying to reach agreement to cover Apple's use of these patents, we are now taking action to defend our rights."

These actions have been filed with the Regional Courts in Dusseldorf, Mannheim and Munich in Germany and the US District Court for the Eastern District of Texas, with 32 patents in suit across all of the actions, covering technologies such as display, user interface, software, antenna, chipsets and video coding. Nokia is in the process of filing further actions in other jurisdictions.

About Nokia

Nokia is a global leader in creating the technologies at the heart of our connected world. Powered by the research and innovation of Nokia Bell Labs, we serve communications service providers, governments, large enterprises and consumers, with the industry's most complete, end-to-end portfolio of products, services and licensing. 

From the enabling infrastructure for 5G and the Internet of Things, to emerging applications in virtual reality and digital health, we are shaping the future of technology to transform the human experience.

Media Enquiries:

Tel. +358 (0) 10 448 4900


It should be noted that Nokia and its businesses are exposed to various risks and uncertainties and certain statements herein that are not historical facts are forward-looking statements, including, without limitation, those regarding: A) expectations, plans or benefits related to our strategies and growth management; B) expectations, plans or benefits related to future performance of our businesses; C) expectations and targets regarding financial performance, results, operating expenses, taxes, currency exchange rates, hedging, cost savings and competitiveness, as well as results of operations; D) outcome of pending and threatened litigation, arbitration, disputes, regulatory proceedings or investigations by authorities; and E) statements preceded by or including "believe," "expect," "anticipate," "foresee," "sees," "target," "estimate," "designed," "aim," "plans," "intends," "focus," "continue," "project," "should," "will" or similar expressions. These statements are based on the management's best assumptions and beliefs in light of the information currently available to it. Because they involve risks and uncertainties, actual results may differ materially from the results that we currently expect. Factors, including risks and uncertainties, that could cause such differences include, but are not limited to: 1) our ability to execute our strategy, sustain or improve the operational and financial performance of our business or correctly identify or successfully pursue business opportunities or growth; 2) our exposure to regulatory, political or other developments in various countries or regions, including emerging markets and the associated risks in relation to tax matters and exchange controls, among others; 3) our ability to effectively and profitably compete and invest in new competitive high-quality products, services, upgrades and technologies and bring them to market in a timely manner; 4) Nokia Technologies' ability to maintain and establish new sources of patent licensing income and IPR-related revenues, particularly in the smartphone and tablet markets; 5) our dependence on IPR technologies, including those that we have developed and those that are licensed to us, and the risk of associated IPR-related legal claims, licensing costs and restrictions on use; 6) our exposure to direct and indirect regulation, including economic or trade policies, and the reliability of our governance, internal controls and compliance processes to prevent regulatory penalties; 7) Nokia Technologies' ability to generate net sales and profitability through licensing of the Nokia brand, the development and sales of products and services, as well as other business ventures which may not materialize as planned; 8) the impact of unfavorable outcome of litigation, arbitration, agreement-related disputes or allegations of product liability associated with our businesses, including litigations with Apple; 9) our ability to manage and improve our financial and operating performance, cost savings, competitiveness and synergy benefits after the acquisition of Alcatel Lucent; and as well as the risk factors specified on pages 69 to 87 of our annual report on Form 20-F filed on April 1, 2016 under "Operating and financial review and prospects-Risk factors", as well as in Nokia's other filings with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. Other unknown or unpredictable factors or underlying assumptions subsequently proven to be incorrect could cause actual results to differ materially from those in the forward-looking statements. We do not undertake any obligation to publicly update or revise forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except to the extent legally required.

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Nokia haastaa Applen oikeuteen Euroopassa ja Yhdysvalloissa patenttiloukkauksista


Published: 19:09 CET 21-12-2016 /GlobeNewswire /Source: NOKIA / : NOKIA /ISIN: FI0009000681

Nokia haastaa Applen oikeuteen Euroopassa ja Yhdysvalloissa patenttiloukkauksista

Nokia Oyj
21.12.2016 klo 20.08

Nokia haastaa Applen oikeuteen Euroopassa ja Yhdysvalloissa patenttiloukkauksista

Nokia julkisti, että se on tänään nostanut useita kanteita Applea vastaan Saksassa ja Yhdysvalloissa, koska yhtiö katsoo Applen tuotteiden loukkaavan useita Nokian patentteja.

Nokia on yksi maailman johtavista innovoijista. Sen jälkeen kun Nokia hankki täyden omistuksen NSN:sta vuonna 2013 ja Alcatel-Lucentista vuonna 2016, yhtiöllä on nykyisin kolme arvokasta patenttisalkkua. Nokia on investoinut yli 115 miljardia euroa tutkimukseen ja kehitykseen viimeisen 20 vuoden aikana, ja yhtiön kymmenettuhannet patentit käsittävät monia tärkeitä älypuhelimissa, tableteissa, henkilökohtaisissa tietokoneissa ja muissa vastaavissa laitteissa hyödynnettäviä teknologioita. 

Nokia pääsi vuonna 2011 sopimukseen Applen kanssa osasta Nokia Technologiesin patenttiportfoliota, minkä jälkeen Apple on kieltäytynyt Nokian sittemmin tekemistä lisenssisopimustarjouksista liittyen muihin Nokian patentteihin, jotka ovat käytössä useissa Applen tuotteissa.

Nokian patenttiliiketoiminnasta vastaava johtaja Ilkka Rahnasto: "Pitkäaikaisten tutkimukseen ja kehitykseen kohdennettujen investointiensa myötä Nokia on luonut monia nykyisissä mobiililaitteissa, kuten Applen tuotteissa, hyödynnettäviä perusteknologioita tai vaikuttanut niiden kehitykseen. Olemme useiden vuosien ajan pyrkineet neuvottelujen kautta pääsemään Applen kanssa sopimukseen näihin teknologioihin liittyvien patenttien käytöstä, mutta nyt ryhdymme toimiin puolustaaksemme oikeuksiamme".

Kanteet on nostettu Düsseldorfin, Mannheimin ja Münchenin tuomioistuimissa Saksassa sekä Texasin itäisen piirin alioikeudessa Yhdysvalloissa. Kanteet koskevat yli 32:ta muun muassa näyttö-, käyttöliittymä-, ohjelmisto-, antenni-, piirisarja- ja videokoodausteknologiaan liittyvää patenttia. Nokia on parhaillaan nostamassa lisäkanteita muissa maissa.


Nokia on globaali johtaja verkottuneen maailman teknologioiden kehittämisessä. Nokia Bell Labsin tutkimustyön ja innovoinnin vauhdittamana tarjoamme viestintäpalvelujen tarjoajille, viranomaisille, suuryrityksille ja kuluttajille toimialan kattavimman valikoiman tuotteita, palveluita sekä lisensointimahdollisuuksia.

Luomme mullistavaa tulevaisuuden teknologiaa ihmisten muuttuviin tarpeisiin rakentamalla infrastruktuurin 5G-teknologialle ja esineiden internetille sekä kehittämällä uudenlaisia virtuaalitodellisuuden ja digitaalisen terveyden sovelluksia.

Lisätietoja tiedotusvälineille:

Puh. 010 448 4900



Nokiaan ja sen liiketoimintoihin liittyy erilaisia riskejä ja epävarmuustekijöitä, ja tietyt tässä esitetyt lausumat, jotka eivät koske jo toteutuneita seikkoja, ovat tulevaisuutta koskevia lausumia. Näitä ovat esimerkiksi: A) odotukset, suunnitelmat tai hyödyt, jotka liittyvät strategioihimme ja kasvun hallintaan; B) odotukset, suunnitelmat tai hyödyt, jotka liittyvät liiketoimintojemme tulevaan tulokseen; C) odotukset ja tavoitteet, jotka koskevat tuloskehitystämme, tulostamme, liiketoiminnan kuluja, veroja, valuuttakursseja, suojaukset, kustannussäästöjä ja kilpailukykyä sekä liiketoiminnan tulosta, mukaan lukien tavoitellut synergiat ja tavoitteet, jotka koskevat markkinaosuuksia, hintoja, liikevaihtoa ja katteita; D) vireillä olevien ja mahdollisesti tulevien oikeudenkäyntien, välimiesmenettelyiden, riita-asioiden, hallinnollisten menettelyjen ja viranomaistutkimusten lopputulokset; ja E) lausumat, jotka sisältävät tai joita edeltävät "uskoa", "odottaa", "ennakoida", "ennustaa", "näkee", "tavoitella", "arvioida", "on tarkoitettu", "tähdätä", "suunnitella", "aikoa", "keskittyä", "jatkaa", "arviomme mukaan", "pitäisi", "tulee" tai muut vastaavat ilmaisut. Tällaiset lausumat perustuvat johdon parhaaseen arvioon ja käsitykseen niiden tietojen valossa, jotka sillä on kyseisellä hetkellä ollut saatavilla. Koska tällaisiin lausumiin sisältyy riskejä ja epävarmuuksia, todelliset tulokset voivat poiketa olennaisesti niistä tuloksista, joita tällä hetkellä odotamme. Riskejä, epävarmuustekijöitä ja muita tekijöitä, jotka saattavat aiheuttaa tällaisia poikkeamia, voivat olla esimerkiksi: 1) kykymme toteuttaa strategiamme, ylläpitää tai parantaa operatiivista ja taloudellista tulostamme tai tunnistaa oikein tai tavoitella menestyksekkäästi liiketoiminta- tai kasvumahdollisuuksia; 2) altistumisemme lainsäädäntöön liittyvälle, poliittiselle tai muulle kehitykselle eri maissa tai alueilla, myös kehittyvillä markkinoilla, sekä muun muassa verotukseen ja valuuttakontrolliin liittyville riskeille; 3) kykymme kilpailla ja panostaa tehokkaasti ja kannattavasti uusiin kilpailukykyisiin ja korkealaatuisiin tuotteisiin, palveluihin, uudistuksiin ja teknologioihin sekä tuoda ne markkinoille oikea-aikaisesti; 4) Nokia Technologiesin kyky säilyttää patenttilisensointiin ja immateriaalioikeuksiin perustuvat tulonlähteensä ja luoda uusia tulonlähteitä erityisesti älypuhelinmarkkinoilla; 5) riippuvuutemme immateriaalioikeuksilla suojatuista teknologioista, mukaan lukien itse kehittämämme ja meille lisensoidut teknologiat, sekä immateriaalioikeuksiin liittyvien oikeudellisten vaatimusten, lisensointikustannusten ja käyttörajoitusten riskit; 6) altistumisemme suoralle ja epäsuoralle sääntelylle ja talous- tai kauppapolitiikalle, sekä hallinnossamme, sisäisessä valvonnassamme ja säädösten noudattamisen varmistamisessa käyttämiemme prosessien luotettavuus oikeudellisten seuraamusten estämisessä; 7) Nokia Technologiesin kyky tuottaa liikevaihtoa ja voittoa lisensoimalla Nokia-brändiä sekä kehittämällä ja myymällä tuotteita ja palveluita, sekä muut liiketoiminta-aloitteet, jotka eivät välttämättä toteudu suunnitelmien mukaisesti; 8) liiketoimintojamme koskevien oikeudenkäyntien, välimiesmenettelyjen ja sopimusriitojen epäsuotuisat lopputulemat ja niiden vaikutukset, mukaan lukien Appleen liittyvät oikeudenkäynnit; 9) kykymme hallita ja parantaa taloudellista ja toiminnallista suoritus- ja kilpailukykyämme sekä saavuttaa kustannussäästöjä ja synergiaetuja Alcatel Lucentin hankinnan jälkeen, sekä ne riskitekijät, jotka mainitaan Nokian 1.4.2016 jättämässä Yhdysvaltojen arvopaperisäännösten mukaisessa asiakirjassa (Form 20-F) sivuilla 69-87 otsikon "Operating and Financial Review and Prospects-Risk Factors" alla sekä muissa Yhdysvaltoin arvopaperi- ja pörssikomitealle (Securities and Exchange Commission) jätetyissä asiakirjoissa. Muut tuntemattomat tai odottamattomat tekijät tai vääriksi osoittautuvat oletukset voivat aiheuttaa todellisten tulosten olennaisen poikkeamisen tulevaisuutta koskevissa lausumissa esitetyistä odotuksista. Nokia ei sitoudu julkisesti päivittämään tai muuttamaan tulevaisuutta koskevia lausumia uuden tiedon, tulevaisuuden tapahtumien tai muun syyn johdosta, paitsi siltä osin kuin sillä on siihen lainmukainen velvollisuus.

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Monday, December 19, 2016

Zain KSA deploys Nokia NetGuard to protect subscribers from increasing malware threat; first operator to implement anti-malware solution in Saudi Arabia


Zain KSA deploys Nokia NetGuard to protect subscribers from increasing malware threat; first operator to implement anti-malware solution in Saudi Arabia


Press Release

  • Nokia NetGuard protected Zain KSA subscribers in Jeddah and Makkah from malware attacks during Umra and Hajj 2016 pilgrimage
  • Nokia NetGuard solution to deliver superior subscriber security as Zain KSA progresses toward transforming Jeddah into a model smart city by 2018


19 December 2016


Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia - Mobile and data services provider Zain KSA has selected the Nokia NetGuard Endpoint security solution to protect its subscribers from the increasing threat of malware.


Zain KSA is the first operator in Saudi Arabia to deploy an anti-malware solution. It selected the Nokia NetGuard solution to monitor and analyze mobile network activity in Jeddah and Makkah during Hajj and Umra, an event that typically generates a tremendous amount of network traffic including voice and video calls, text messages and the uploading/downloading of images and videos. With Nokia NetGuard, Zain protected millions of subscribers from malware threats to online transactions and mobile applications during the 30-day pilgrimage.


Initially deployed as a pilot project, the operator plans to continue using Nokia NetGuard to ensure the highest levels of network security as it aims to transform Jeddah, the second largest city in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA), into a model for smart cities in the country and the world. Based on the tremendous success of the project, Zain is planning to extend the service across the kingdom.


Malware is malicious software that hijacks the Internet of Things (IoT), mobile and other electronic devices as a means to extort money, or compromise or destroy sensitive user information. It can also harness the power of large numbers of these devices to attack other computer systems, such as the recent "Mirai" malware denial of service attack targeting Internet traffic management company DYN, which disrupted Internet service for millions of users.


The increasing prevalence of new and more damaging malware, coupled with the proliferation of new applications and connected devices due to IoT and smart cities, is demanding new, more advanced approaches data security. Nokia NetGuard Endpoint Security is a network-based anti-malware solution for fixed, mobile and IoT devices. Analyzing traffic patterns from within the network, it is much more efficient than traditional antivirus software, as it cannot be disabled and protects subscribers without requiring them to install any software. The NetGuard solution enables Zain KSA to deliver superior protection for its subscribers, while providing the operator with valuable insight to better manage and maintain the security of its mobile networks.


Sultan AlDeghaither, chief technology officer at Zain KSA, said: "With the increasing adoption of smart devices and new IoT applications, malware threats are increasing dramatically, enabling hackers to gather and exploit sensitive user information. We absolutely understand the importance of endpoint network security, and are investing to protect our individual and enterprise customers. In our pilot implementation, the NetGuard solution from our long-term trusted partner ensured the most reliable and secure network for us in the Kingdom - and the Middle East."


Ali Al Jitawi, head of the Zain KSA Customer Team at Nokia, said: "Security is an integral part of any network solution. Today, smart device users are well aware of security risks and expect effective malware protection from their operators. Our unique approach to malware detection and mitigation helps Zain KSA deliver unmatched network security while it continues to pursue its smart city development plans."


This announcement follows a major initiative announced earlier this year in which Zain KSA will apply advanced Nokia IoT and cloud networking technologies to transform Jeddah into a smart city by 2018. The use of these technologies will improve municipal services, enhance the business climate in Jeddah and create a better quality of life for the city's nearly three million residents.





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About Zain KSA

Zain KSA is the latest player in Saudi Arabia's mobile telecommunications market, having commenced commercial operations in August 2008. Through its state-of-the-art 4G LTE-Advanced network, the ever-evolving operator is striving to become the Kingdom's preferred choice for voice, data and other telecommunications services. Through constant development of the telecommunications infrastructure and proactive marketing initiatives, Zain remains committed to offering customers in Saudi Arabia the most dynamic products and services.


The basis of Zain Saudi Arabia's achievements lies in the company's ability to inspire its employees to deliver the best and most imaginative services at every level. With an energetic and inspired majority-Saudi workforce, the company is committed to employing high caliber people as well as nurturing the finest Saudi talent. For more on Zain KSA please visit


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Nokia is a global leader in creating the technologies at the heart of our connected world. Powered by the research and innovation of Nokia Bell Labs, we serve communications service providers, governments, large enterprises and consumers, with the industry's most complete, end-to-end portfolio of products, services and licensing.


From the enabling infrastructure for 5G and the Internet of Things, to emerging applications in virtual reality and digital health, we are shaping the future of technology to transform the human experience.


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Nokia Media Relations

Phone: +971 529 823 406




Phone: +358 (0) 10 448 4900



Zain KSA

Khalid Abdullah Mohammed

Zain KSA - Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

Phone: +966 5924 11490





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Thursday, December 15, 2016

Nokia announces its 2016 Bell Labs Prize winners


Nokia announces its 2016 Bell Labs Prize winners

Press Release


  • Top innovators demonstrate 'Future X' technology ideas to improve the human experience
  • Winners to earn up to $175,000 in cash prizes and an opportunity to collaborate with world-renowned Nokia Bell Labs researchers


15 December 2016


Espoo, Finland - Nokia announces the winners of its third annual Bell Labs Prize, all of whom demonstrated game-changing ideas in the fields of science, technology, engineering or mathematics. The first place prize, selected from over 250 innovative ideas, was awarded to the team of Sungwon Chung, Hossein Hashemi and Hooman Abediasl. The second place prize was awarded to Elad Hazan, and the third place prize was awarded to the team of Apostolos Georgiadis, Emmanouil Tentzeris and George Goussetis. In addition to the cash prizes, all of the winners are given the opportunity to collaborate with world-renowned Nokia Bell Labs researchers to further develop their ideas.


This year's Prize competition attracted more than 250 proposals from 41 countries, which described innovations in Future X network, system, platform or device technologies that have the potential to be an order of magnitude (10x) better than the state of the art today.


Proposals were narrowed down to seven teams of finalists who presented their ideas to a group of industry luminaries in the final judging event on December 14.


The top three prize winners:

  • First place prize ($100,000) was awarded to the team of Sungwon Chung, Research Associate; Hossein Hashemi, Professor; and Hooman Abediasl, PhD candidate; all with the Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Southern California, for their Large-Scale Plasmonic Optical Phased Array - an architectural innovation for nanodevices.        
  • Second place prize ($50,000) was awarded to Elad Hazan, Professor of Computer Science at Princeton University, for Linear Learning for Deep Insight.
  • Third place prize ($25,000) was awarded to the team of Apostolos Georgiadis, Associate Professor at Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, Scotland; Emmanouil Tentzeris, Ken Byers Professor at the School of Electrical & Computer Engineering, Georgia Tech; and George Goussetis, Professor at Heriot-Watt University, for their 3D/Inkjet Printed Millimeter Wave Systems.


Marcus Weldon, President of Nokia Bell Labs & CTO, said: "We are delighted to recognize this year's Prize winners and their brilliant ideas. The winners embody the essence of Bell Labs and the Bell Labs Prize - solving the great challenges facing humankind in the coming 10 years, with disruptive solutions that 'think differently.' We received an impressive variety of innovative proposals - from machine learning and computing technologies, to breakthroughs in optics, to new kinds of integrated circuits and component technologies, and novel wireless networking techniques and approaches. We look forward to collaborating with these leading innovators to help turn these ideas into reality."







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Nokia is a global leader in creating the technologies at the heart of our connected world. Powered by the research and innovation of Nokia Bell Labs, we serve communications service providers, governments, large enterprises and consumers, with the industry's most complete, end-to-end portfolio of products, services and licensing.


From the enabling infrastructure for 5G and the Internet of Things, to emerging applications in virtual reality and digital health, we are shaping the future of technology to transform the human experience.


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