Friday, March 27, 2015

Nokia julkisti Nokia vuonna 2014 -vuosikertomuksen


Published: 10:25 CET 27-03-2015 /GlobeNewswire /Source: NOKIA / : NOK1V /ISIN: FI0009000681

Nokia julkisti Nokia vuonna 2014 -vuosikertomuksen

Nokia Oyj
27.3.2015 klo 11.25

Nokia julkisti Nokia vuonna 2014 -vuosikertomuksen

Nokia on tänään julkistanut Nokia vuonna 2014 -vuosikertomuksen, joka sisältää tilintarkastetun tilinpäätöksen, hallituksen toimintakertomuksen ja Nokian selvityksen hallinto- ja ohjausjärjestelmästä.

Vuosikertomus on saatavilla pdf-muodossa osoitteessa, josta löytyvät myös Nokian aiemmat osavuosikatsaukset ja vuosikertomukset. Osakkeenomistajat voivat tilata painetun version Nokia vuonna 2014 -vuosikertomuksesta veloituksetta Nokian internetsivuilta.

Nokia sijoittaa teknologioihin, jotka mahdollistavat maailman, jossa miljardit laitteet ovat yhteydessä toisiinsa verkon välityksellä. Nokialla on kolme liiketoimintaa: verkkoinfrastruktuurin ohjelmistoihin, laitteisiin ja palveluihin keskittyvä Nokia Networks, sijaintitietoon keskittyvä HERE ja teknologiakehitykseen -ja lisensointiin keskittyvä Nokia Technologies. Kaikki Nokian liiketoiminnat ovat omien toimialueidensa johtavia toimijoita.

Lisätietoja tiedotusvälineille:
Puh. +358 (0) 10 448 4900

Nokia Vuosikertomus 2014

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Nokia published its Nokia in 2014 annual report


Published: 10:25 CET 27-03-2015 /GlobeNewswire /Source: NOKIA / : NOK1V /ISIN: FI0009000681

Nokia published its Nokia in 2014 annual report

Nokia Corporation
Stock Exchange Release
March 27, 2015 at 11:25 (CET +1)

Nokia published its Nokia in 2014 annual report

Espoo, Finland - Nokia has today published its Nokia in 2014 annual report, which includes audited financial statements, the annual review by the Board of Directors and Nokia's corporate governance statement.

The annual report is available in PDF format at, along with Nokia's past quarterly and annual financial reports. Shareholders may request a hard copy of the report free of charge through Nokia's webpage.

About Nokia
Nokia invests in technologies important in a world where billions of devices are connected. We are focused on three businesses: network infrastructure software, hardware and services, which we offer through Nokia Networks; location intelligence, which we provide through HERE; and advanced technology development and licensing, which we pursue through Nokia Technologies. Each of these businesses is a leader in its respective field.

Media Enquiries
Tel. +358 (0) 10 448 4900


Nokia 2014 Annual Report

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Notification under Chapter 9, Section 10 of the Finnish Securities Market Act: holdings of Dodge & Cox in Nokia Corporation below 5%


Published: 08:30 CET 27-03-2015 /GlobeNewswire /Source: NOKIA / : NOK1V /ISIN: FI0009000681

Notification under Chapter 9, Section 10 of the Finnish Securities Market Act: holdings of Dodge & Cox in Nokia Corporation below 5%

Nokia Corporation
Stock Exchange Release
March 27, 2015 at 9:30 (CET +1)

Notification under Chapter 9, Section 10 of the Finnish Securities Market Act: holdings of Dodge & Cox in Nokia Corporation below 5%

Espoo, Finland - According to information received by Nokia Corporation, the holdings of Dodge & Cox in Nokia have decreased below 5% of the total number of shares and voting rights of Nokia on March 25, 2015.

Dodge & Cox is located at 555 California Street, 40th Floor, San Francisco, CA 94104, USA.

About Nokia
Nokia invests in technologies important in a world where billions of devices are connected. We are focused on three businesses: network infrastructure software, hardware and services, which we offer through Nokia Networks; location intelligence, which we provide through HERE; and advanced technology development and licensing, which we pursue through Nokia Technologies. Each of these businesses is a leader in its respective field.

Media Enquiries
Tel. +358 (0) 10 448 4900

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Arvopaperimarkkinalain 9 luvun 10 §:n mukainen ilmoitus: Dodge & Coxin omistusosuus Nokia Oyj:stä alitti 5%


Published: 08:30 CET 27-03-2015 /GlobeNewswire /Source: NOKIA / : NOK1V /ISIN: FI0009000681

Arvopaperimarkkinalain 9 luvun 10 §:n mukainen ilmoitus: Dodge & Coxin omistusosuus Nokia Oyj:stä alitti 5%

Nokia Oyj
27.3.2015 klo 9.30

Arvopaperimarkkinalain 9 luvun 10 §:n mukainen ilmoitus: Dodge & Coxin omistusosuus Nokia Oyj:stä alitti 5%

Nokia Oyj:n saaman tiedon mukaan Dodge & Coxin omistusosuus Nokia Oyj:n osakkeiden kokonaismäärästä ja äänimäärästä on 25.3.2015 alittanut 5%.

Dodge & Coxin osoite on 555 California Street, 40th Floor, San Francisco, CA 94104, Yhdysvallat.

Nokia sijoittaa teknologioihin, jotka mahdollistavat maailman, jossa miljardit laitteet ovat yhteydessä toisiinsa verkon välityksellä. Nokialla on kolme liiketoimintaa: verkkoinfrastruktuurin ohjelmistoihin, laitteisiin ja palveluihin keskittyvä Nokia Networks, sijaintitietoon keskittyvä HERE ja teknologiakehitykseen -ja lisensointiin keskittyvä Nokia Technologies. Kaikki Nokian liiketoiminnat ovat omien toimialueidensa johtavia toimijoita.

Lisätietoja tiedotusvälineille:
Puh. +358 (0) 10 448 4900

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Friday, March 20, 2015

Conversion of Nokia Corporation's convertible bond into Nokia shares


Published: 08:30 CET 20-03-2015 /GlobeNewswire /Source: NOKIA / : NOK1V /ISIN: FI0009000681

Conversion of Nokia Corporation's convertible bond into Nokia shares

Nokia Corporation
Stock Exchange Release
March 20, 2015 at 9:30 (CET +1)

Conversion of Nokia Corporation's convertible bond into Nokia shares

Espoo, Finland - A total of 40 983 Nokia shares have been subscribed for by using the conversion right pertaining to Nokia's EUR 750 million convertible bond due in 2017. The conversion price is EUR 2.44 per share. The conversion amount, EUR 100 000, is recorded into the fund for invested non-restricted equity, hence the share capital of the company will not increase.

The total number of Nokia shares after registration of the shares with the Trade Register is 3 678 181 547. Each share carries one vote.

The new shares will carry the shareholder rights under Finnish law as of the date of registration on March 20, 2015. The shares can commence trading in Nasdaq Helsinki together with other Nokia shares (NOK1V) as of March 20, 2015.

About Nokia
Nokia invests in technologies important in a world where billions of devices are connected. We are focused on three businesses: network infrastructure software, hardware and services, which we offer through Nokia Networks; location intelligence, which we provide through HERE; and advanced technology development and licensing, which we pursue through Nokia Technologies. Each of these businesses is a leader in its respective field.

Media Enquiries
Tel. +358 (0) 10 448 4900

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Nokia Oyj:n vaihtovelkakirjalainaa konvertoitu osakkeiksi


Published: 08:30 CET 20-03-2015 /GlobeNewswire /Source: NOKIA / : NOK1V /ISIN: FI0009000681

Nokia Oyj:n vaihtovelkakirjalainaa konvertoitu osakkeiksi

Nokia Oyj
20.3.2015 klo 9.30

Nokia Oyj:n vaihtovelkakirjalainaa konvertoitu osakkeiksi

Nokia Oyj:n osakkeita on merkitty yhteensä 40 983 kappaletta käyttämällä yhtiön 750 miljoonan euron suuruiseen, vuonna 2017 erääntyvään vaihtovelkakirjalainaan liittyvää vaihto-oikeutta. Vaihtohinta on 2,44 euroa osakkeelta. Osakemerkinnän vaihtohinta, 100 000 euroa, kirjataan kokonaisuudessaan sijoitetun vapaan oman pääoman rahastoon eikä yhtiön osakepääoma merkinnän seurauksena kasva.

Nokian osakkeiden kokonaismäärä on uusien osakkeiden rekisteröinnin jälkeen 3 678 181 547 osaketta. Kullakin osakkeella on yksi ääni.

Uudet osakkeet tuottavat osakkeisiin liittyvät oikeudet rekisteröintipäivästä 20.3.2015 alkaen. Osakkeet otetaan kaupankäynnin kohteeksi Nasdaq Helsingissä 20.3.2015 vanhojen osakkeiden (NOK1V) kanssa.

Nokia sijoittaa teknologioihin, jotka mahdollistavat maailman, jossa miljardit laitteet ovat yhteydessä toisiinsa verkon välityksellä. Nokialla on kolme liiketoimintaa: verkkoinfrastruktuurin ohjelmistoihin, laitteisiin ja palveluihin keskittyvä Nokia Networks, sijaintitietoon keskittyvä HERE ja teknologiakehitykseen -ja lisensointiin keskittyvä Nokia Technologies. Kaikki Nokian liiketoiminnat ovat omien toimialueidensa johtavia toimijoita.

Lisätietoja tiedotusvälineille:
Puh. +358 (0) 10 448 4900

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Thursday, March 19, 2015

Nokia has filed its annual report on Form 20-F 2014 with the US Securities and Exchange Commission


Published: 21:01 CET 19-03-2015 /GlobeNewswire /Source: NOKIA / : NOK1V /ISIN: FI0009000681

Nokia has filed its annual report on Form 20-F 2014 with the US Securities and Exchange Commission

Nokia Corporation
Stock Exchange Release
March 19, 2015 at 22:00 (CET +1)

Nokia has filed its annual report on Form 20-F 2014 with the US Securities and Exchange Commission

Espoo, Finland - Nokia has filed its annual report on Form 20-F for 2014 today with the US Securities and Exchange Commission. The report will be available in PDF format from in the section entitled "Form 20-F". Shareholders may request a hard copy of the report free of charge through Nokia's Internet pages.

About Nokia
Nokia invests in technologies important in a world where billions of devices are connected. We are focused on three businesses: network infrastructure software, hardware and services, which we offer through Nokia Networks; location intelligence, which we provide through HERE; and advanced technology development and licensing, which we pursue through Nokia Technologies. Each of these businesses is a leader in its respective field.

Media Enquiries:
Tel. +358 (0) 10 448 4900

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Nokia on julkistanut vuotta 2014 koskevan Form 20-F -vuosikertomuksensa


Published: 21:01 CET 19-03-2015 /GlobeNewswire /Source: NOKIA / : NOK1V /ISIN: FI0009000681

Nokia on julkistanut vuotta 2014 koskevan Form 20-F -vuosikertomuksensa

Nokia Oyj
19.3.2015 klo 22.00 (CET +1)

Nokia on julkistanut vuotta 2014 koskevan Form 20-F -vuosikertomuksensa

Nokia on julkistanut tänään vuoden 2014 vuosikertomuksensa Yhdysvaltojen arvopaperisäännösten mukaisessa asiakirjassa (Form 20-F) Yhdysvaltojen arvopaperimarkkinoita valvovalle viranomaiselle (US Securities and Exchange Commission). Asiakirja tulee olemaan saatavilla pdf-muodossa Nokian verkkosivuilla osoitteessa valikosta "Form 20-F". Osakkeenomistajat voivat tilata painetun englanninkielisen version veloituksetta Nokian internetsivujen kautta.

Nokia sijoittaa teknologioihin, jotka mahdollistavat maailman, jossa miljardit laitteet ovat yhteydessä toisiinsa verkon välityksellä. Nokialla on kolme liiketoimintaa: verkkoinfrastruktuurin ohjelmistoihin, laitteisiin ja palveluihin keskittyvä Nokia Networks, sijaintitietoon keskittyvä HERE ja teknologiakehitykseen -ja lisensointiin keskittyvä Nokia Technologies. Kaikki Nokian liiketoiminnat ovat omien toimialueidensa johtavia toimijoita.

Lisätietoja tiedotusvälineille
Puh. +358 (0) 10 448 4900

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Wednesday, March 11, 2015

HERE for iOS now available as a free download


HERE for iOS now available as a free download

Berlin, Germany - HERE, a map app with true offline maps, navigation and search, is now available to download for free from the App Store.

After more than 4 million downloads of its Android app, with this release - the first native HERE app for iOS - HERE is now available on all leading mobile operating systems.

HERE for iOS offers iPhone users* access to high quality, accurate maps through a beautiful interface. Features include:

  • maps for more than 150 countries available to download and use offline;
  • voice-guided, turn-by-turn drive or pedestrian navigation for 118 countries, with or without an internet connection;
  • public transit routing for more than 950 cities in more than 50 countries, available offline;
  • a unified route planner with estimated arrival times, making it easier and more convenient to compare different options for walking, taking public transit or driving;
  • real-time traffic information for more than 40 countries, including France, Germany, Russia, the United Kingdom and the United States.

Sean Fernback, President of HERE, said: "We want to bring our maps and services to as many people as possible, no matter whether they are in the car or using a smartphone or smartwatch. Bringing the HERE experience to iOS is a natural step for us as we now extend our reach to all major mobile platforms."

Nitesh Patel, Director, Wireless Media Strategies at Strategy Analytics, said: "Extending the reach of its apps to both Android and iOS is the right move for HERE. The company has leading capabilities in the field of digital maps and location, and making them available through free apps to as many people as possible will not only help in growing its reach to consumers, but will also have benefits for other parts of HERE's business. In both automotive and enterprise markets, people's familiarity with HERE services will help build a platform for success in the age of the connected car and the internet of things."

For more information including a product video, screen shots and photos, please visit the HERE 360 blog.

* Minimum requirement is an iPhone 4S with iOS7

About HERE
HERE, a Nokia company, is a leader in navigation, mapping and location experiences. We build high-definition (HD) maps and combine them with cloud technology to enable rich, real-time location experiences in a broad range of connected devices - from smartphones and tablets to wearables and vehicles. To learn more about HERE, including our work in the areas of connected and autonomous driving, visit

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Tuesday, March 10, 2015




  • A Year-Long Initiative that Examines Technology's Impact on Our Future
  • Beginning Today with a Reddit Ask Me Anything Hosted by World Wide Web Inventor Sir Tim Berners-Lee

New York, NY - WIRED and Nokia today announced maketechhuman, a new initiative created to start a conversation about technology, its role in society, and whether it truly serves humanity. The goal of the initiative is to identify opportunities and challenges created by technology, and then shape the future in a positive direction through conversation, awareness, and content.

 "Although technology has ushered in an extremely exciting era of unprecedented productivity, convenience, collaboration, and creativity, it's also shaken up our security, our privacy, and our jobs in many ways. As the role of technology continues to expand our lives, we feel it's time to start a conversation to ensure that technology serves humanity and not the other way around," says Barry French, Head of Marketing and Corporate Affairs, Nokia. "Nokia turns 150 years old in May of this year. Our aim is to expand the human possibilities of the connected world and, true to that vision, we look forward to the future with a desire to talk about both the challenges and the extraordinary potential of our technological path ahead."

"We are very excited to launch this important and timely conversation with Nokia," said Kim Kelleher, publisher and chief revenue officer. "WIRED has always been optimistic about the future of technology." 

The initiative, which runs through November 2015, kicks-off today with a Reddit Ask Me Anything (AMA) hosted by Sir Tim Berners-Lee, the inventor of the World Wide Web. The AMA, intended to give a passionate social community the once-in-a-lifetime chance to speak with a luminary in the WIRED world, goes live at 2 p.m. EDT / 8:00 p.m. EET on Reddit, which receives more than 50 million visitors a day.

Also today, WIRED and Nokia are launching a content hub-a first-of-its-kind narrative on Throughout the duration of the initiative, the hub will serve as place for users to share their enthusiasm and concerns about technology. Based on user feedback, topics will be determined and content will be created. Videos, short web posts, and long form articles will be published regularly by WIRED's Brand Lab, comprised of industry luminaries, experts, and notable writers. 

Later in the fall, WIRED and Nokia will hold the first-ever maketechhuman Summit-an event that will highlight the innovative solutions for the important issues uncovered throughout the initiative. The program will wrap with a documentary recapping the key learnings. 

People can begin submitting topics for consideration today at or via social media with the hashtag #maketechhuman


About Nokia
Nokia invests in technologies important in a world where billions of devices are connected. We are focused on three businesses: network infrastructure software, hardware and services, which we offer through Nokia Networks; location intelligence, which we provide through HERE; and advanced technology development and licensing, which we pursue through Nokia Technologies. Each of these businesses is a leader in its respective field.

WIRED is where tomorrow is realized. It is the essential source of information and ideas that make sense of a world in constant transformation. The WIRED conversation illuminates how technology is changing every aspect of our lives-from culture to business, science to design. The breakthroughs and innovations that we uncover lead to new ways of thinking, new connections, and new industries. WIRED reaches more than 30 million people each month through, our digital edition, the magazine, social media, and live events.

Press Contacts 

Nokia Communications
+358 (0) 10 448 4900

Corey Wilson
(212) 286-2419 

Samantha Storch
(212) 286-2251


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Sunday, March 1, 2015

Nokia at Mobile World Congress: Built to win in the programmable world


Nokia at Mobile World Congress: Built to win in the programmable world

Innovative predictive marketing solution caps strong roster of launches for MWC 15
Barcelona, Spain - Nokia today outlined its strategy for seizing the opportunities of a programmable world, and rounded off its launch line-up for Mobile World Congress (MWC) by unveiling the innovative predictive marketing solution, which lets operators tap growing amounts of data to offer smarter services, boost revenues and improve customer loyalty.
At a media and analyst briefing on the eve of MWC, Nokia President and CEO Rajeev Suri outlined the bold, transformational steps Nokia has taken since the sale of substantially all of its Devices & Services business and rebirth as a company focused on a world of connected people and things.
"We see technology evolving to a point where almost all people and billions and billions of devices - 50 billion or more by 2025 - are connected, where software holds all those connections together, where analytics bring meaning, and where automation brings simplicity and efficiency," Suri said.
"We are inspired by the human possibilities of technology, and in a prime position to address its opportunities. We finished 2014 by showing growth across all three of our businesses - Nokia Networks, HERE and Nokia Technologies - and our honed operating model and strong balance sheet give us the wherewithal to make the right investments in innovation," he said.
"It's the perfect springboard for us as we celebrate our 150th year as a company. We are geared for 2015 and beyond, and moving forward with optimism and a readiness to unlock the extraordinary potential of our technological future."
Suri also launched Nokia's predictive marketing solution, part of the company's increasing focus on analytics which tap the vast amount of data available to provide a richer picture of mobile service experiences and ways that information can benefit both people and operators.
The predictive marketing solution leverages the capabilities and know-how of Nokia Networks' market-leading Customer Experience Management and the Mobile Marketing Suite from mapping and location intelligence leader HERE, bringing a contextual element to data and the opportunity to very quickly set up personalized offers for services tailored to individual customer needs.
"Predictive marketing is just a taste of what we can - and will - do as a company. I am proud of the innovation we announced today and in the run-up to Mobile World Congress, and excited about opportunities open to us as we move into 2015 and beyond," Suri said.
Predictive marketing is one of the many opportunities Nokia sees in big data and analytics, and part of the five blockbuster trends the company is discussing at Mobile World Congress 2015. In Barcelona, Nokia will also show how the telco cloud can help operators keep pace with the Internet world; how ultra-dense networks can ensure performance and meet growing capacity demands; explain how the latest application of location information can improve driving safety; and how to connect and manage the Internet of Things.
Visitors to Nokia's Experience Center in Hall 3, stand 3B10 can also have a hands-on with the Nokia N1 Android tablet, launched to wide acclaim in November, as well as see the latest demos from HERE. Sign up here to receive daily MWC updates from Nokia Networks, or click here for a virtual tour of our stand.
About Nokia
Nokia invests in technologies important in a world where billions of devices are connected. We are focused on three businesses: network infrastructure software, hardware and services, which we offer through Nokia Networks; location intelligence, which we provide through HERE; and advanced technology development and licensing, which we pursue through Nokia Technologies. Each of these businesses is a leader in its respective field.
Media Enquiries
Tel. +358 (0) 10 448 4900
Nokia Networks
Media Relations
Phone: +358 7140 02869

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