Friday, December 29, 2023

Sisäpiiritieto: Nokia ennakoi tuloksensa jäävän alle vuodelle 2023 annetun taloudellisen ohjeistuksen, sillä lisenssien uusimisneuvottelujen odotetaan jatkuvan ensi vuoden puolelle


Nokia Oyj


30.12.2023 klo 00:15


Sisäpiiritieto: Nokia ennakoi tuloksensa jäävän alle vuodelle 2023 annetun taloudellisen ohjeistuksen, sillä lisenssien uusimisneuvottelujen odotetaan jatkuvan ensi vuoden puolelle


Espoo – Kuten Nokia on aiemmin kertonut, yhtiön vuodelle 2023 antamat taloudelliset näkymät sisältävät oletuksen siitä, että Teknologia-liiketoimintaryhmän käynnissä olevat lisenssien uusimisprosessit saadaan päätökseen. Yhtiö ei enää oleta neuvotteluiden päättyvän ennen vuodenvaihdetta, vaan arvioi niiden ratkaisun siirtyvän ensi vuoden puolelle ja näin ollen hyödyttävän vuoden 2024 tulosta (mukaan lukien aikaisempiin kausiin liittyvät maksut). Nokia on neuvotellut tiivisti eri osapuolten kanssa ja tuomioistuimet eri puolilla maailmaa ovat tukeneet Nokian kantaa, mutta yhtiö pitää patenttisalkun arvon puolustamista tärkeämpänä kuin ratkaisun saavuttamista tiettyyn määräaikaan mennessä.


Koska neuvotteluiden ratkaisu siirtyy ensi vuoteen ja lisäksi kysyntäympäristö on jatkunut haastavana viimeisellä vuosineljänneksellä, Nokia ei enää usko saavuttavansa vuodelle 2023 antamaansa taloudellista ohjeistusta liikevaihdon, vertailukelpoisen liikevoittoprosentin ja vapaan kassavirran osalta.


Tilikauden 2023 ollessa vielä kesken, Nokia ei voi antaa alustavia tietoja taloudellisesta tuloksestaan. Yhtiö julkaisee viimeisen vuosineljänneksen osavuosikatsauksensa ja koko vuoden 2023 taloudellisen tuloksensa 25.1.2024.


Tällä hetkellä Nokian verkkoliiketoimintojen* liikevaihdon odotetaan paranevan merkittävästi vuoden 2023 viimeisellä neljänneksellä edelliseen neljännekseen verrattuna. Kysyntäympäristön haasteet sekä yhden asiakkaan äskettäin julkistama hankintapäätös ovat kuitenkin tehneet vuosineljänneksestä jonkin verran oletettua haastavamman. Nokian kaikkien verkkoliiketoimintojen kannattavuuden odotetaan kuitenkin pysyvän tukevasti yhtiön aiemmin ilmoittamien vertailukelpoisten liikevoittoprosenttien vaihteluvälien sisällä.


Nokia kertoi sijoittajatilaisuuden yhteydessä 12.12.2023 ylätason oletukset eri liiketoimintaryhmilleen vuodelle 2024 ja nämä oletukset säilyvät muuttumattomina. Kysynnän elpymisestä on ollut havaittavissa selkeitä myönteisiä merkkejä viimeisellä vuosineljänneksellä erityisesti Verkkoinfrastruktuuri-liiketoimintaryhmässä, mikä tukee annettuja alustavia oletuksia. Nokia julkaisee 25.1.2024 konsernitason taloudelliset näkymät vuodelle 2024 yhdessä viimeisen vuosineljänneksen tuloksen kanssa.


* Nokian verkkoliiketoiminnot sisältävät Verkkoinfrastruktuuri-, Matkapuhelinverkot- ja Pilvi- ja verkkopalvelut -liiketoimintaryhmät.



Nokia luo teknologiaa, joka auttaa maailmaa toimimaan yhdessä.


B2B-teknologia- ja innovaatiojohtajana olemme tulevaisuuden aistivien, ajattelevien ja älykkäiden verkkoratkaisujen edelläkävijä. Johtoasemamme pohjautuu osaamiseemme matkapuhelin-, kiinteissä ja pilvipalveluverkoissa. Luomme arvoa immateriaalioikeuksilla ja pitkäaikaisella tutkimus- ja kehitystyöllä palkitun Nokia Bell Labsin johdolla.


Palveluntarjoajat, yritykset ja muut kumppanimme ympäri maailmaa luottavat Nokian verkkojen suorituskykyyn, vastuullisuuteen ja turvallisuusstandardeihin. Työskentelemme yhdessä kumppaneidemme kanssa kehittääksemme tulevaisuuden digitaalisia palveluita ja sovelluksia.






Puh. +358 10 448 4900


Kaisa Antikainen, viestintäpäällikkö




Puh. +358 40 803 4080



Tulevaisuutta koskevat lausumat


Tietyt tässä esitetyt lausumat, jotka eivät koske jo toteutuneita seikkoja, ovat tulevaisuutta koskevia lausumia. Nämä tulevaisuutta koskevat lausumat heijastavat Nokian tämänhetkisiä odotuksia ja näkemyksiä tulevaisuuden kehityksestä. Näitä ovat esimerkiksi: A) odotukset, suunnitelmat, hyödyt tai näkymät, jotka liittyvät strategioihimme, tuotejulkistuksiin, kasvun hallintaan, lisensseihin, vastuullisuus- ja muihin ESG-tavoitteisiin, liiketoimintamme operatiivisiin tunnuslukuihin sekä päätöksiin markkina-alueilta vetäytymiseksi; B) odotukset, suunnitelmat tai hyödyt, jotka liittyvät liiketoimintojemme tulevaan tulokseen (mukaan lukien mahdollisten maailmanlaajuisten pandemioiden ja yleisen tai alueellisen makrotaloustilanteen vaikutukset, vaikutusten ajankohta ja kesto liiketoimintaamme, toimitusketjuumme ja asiakkaidemme liiketoimintaan) ja tuleviin osinkoihin ja muuhun voitonjakoon; C) odotukset ja tavoitteet, jotka koskevat taloudellista kehitystä ja liiketoiminnan tulosta, mukaan lukien markkinaosuus, hinnat, liikevaihto, tuotot, katteet, kassavirta, saamisten ajoittuminen, liiketoiminnan kulut, varaukset, arvon alentumiset, verot, valuuttakurssit, suojaukset, investointivarat, inflaatio, tuotekustannusten alentuminen, kilpailukyky, tulojen syntyminen tietyllä alueella sekä lisenssitulot ja -maksut; D) toimeenpanokyky, odotukset, suunnitelmat tai hyödyt, jotka liittyvät muutoksiin organisaatiorakenteessa tai toimintamallissa; E) oikeudenkäyntien/uusimisneuvottelujen vaikutus liikevaihtoon ja F) lausumat, jotka sisältävät tai joita edeltävät "jatkua", "uskoa", "sitoutua", "arvioida", "odottaa", "tavoitella", "vaikuttaa", "aikoa" tai muut vastaavat ilmaisut. Näihin tulevaisuutta koskeviin lausumiin liittyy lukuisia riskejä ja epävarmuustekijöitä, joista monet ovat meidän vaikutusvaltamme ulkopuolella, ja jotka voivat johtaa siihen, että varsinaiset tuloksemme eroavat merkittävästi näistä lausumista. Tällaiset lausumat perustuvat johdon parhaaseen arvioon ja käsitykseen niiden tietojen valossa, jotka sillä on tällä hetkellä saatavilla. Tulevaisuutta koskevat lausumamme ovat vain ennusteita, jotka perustuvat tämänhetkisiin odotuksiimme ja näkemyksiimme tulevaisuuden tapahtumista ja kehityksestä ja niihin liittyy erilaisia riskejä ja epävarmuustekijöitä, joita on vaikea ennustaa, koska ne liittyvät tulevaisuuden tapahtumiin ja ovat riippuvaisia olosuhteista tulevaisuudessa. Tekijät, mukaan lukien riskit ja epävarmuudet, jotka voisivat aiheuttaa näitä eroavaisuuksia sisältävät ne riskit ja epävarmuudet, joista on kerrottu 2.3.2023 julkaistun vuoden 2022 20-F-vuosikertomuksen Operating and financial review and prospects–Risk factors -kohdassa.


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Inside Information: Nokia expects that it will not achieve its 2023 financial outlook as licensing renewal discussions are expected to continue into 2024


Nokia Corporation

Stock Exchange Release

30 December 2023 at 00:15 EET


Inside Information: Nokia expects that it will not achieve its 2023 financial outlook as licensing renewal discussions are expected to continue into 2024

Espoo, Finland – As previously stated, Nokia's financial outlook for 2023 assumes the closure of outstanding license renewals in Nokia Technologies. The company no longer expects these negotiations to conclude before year-end with resolution now expected to occur in 2024 and therefore benefit Nokia's financial performance in 2024 (including associated catch-up payments). While there have been intense negotiations between the relevant parties and courts around the world have found in Nokia's favor, the company will prioritize protecting the value of its patent portfolio versus achieving certain timelines for resolution.


Given this development combined with continued customer spending constraint in the quarter, Nokia now expects it will not achieve its financial outlook for the full year 2023 in relation to net sales, comparable operating margin and free cash flow.


As the financial period is not concluded – Nokia is not in a position to provide preliminary financial results and will report its fourth quarter and full year 2023 financial results on 25 January 2024.


Regarding the Q4 2023 performance to date of Nokia's networks businesses*, net sales are expected to demonstrate a significant improvement sequentially. The quarter has proved somewhat more challenging than expected given on-going customer spending constraint and the recently communicated customer purchasing decision. Profitability in Nokia's networks businesses is however expected to remain solidly within the comparable operating margin assumptions the company had previously communicated.


Within its Nokia Progress Update on 12 December 2023, the company provided initial planning assumptions for each of its units in 2024 which remain unchanged. The company has seen clearly improving order trends in the fourth quarter, particularly in Network Infrastructure, that support the assumptions. Nokia will provide a group financial outlook for 2024 with its fourth quarter results on 25 January 2024.


* Nokia's networks businesses include Network Infrastructure, Mobile Networks, and Cloud and Network Services.



About Nokia


At Nokia, we create technology that helps the world act together.


As a B2B technology innovation leader, we are pioneering networks that sense, think and act by leveraging our work across mobile, fixed and cloud networks. In addition, we create value with intellectual property and long-term research, led by the award-winning Nokia Bell Labs.


Service providers, enterprises and partners worldwide trust Nokia to deliver secure, reliable and sustainable networks today – and work with us to create the digital services and applications of the future.




Nokia Communications

Phone: +358 10 448 4900


Kaisa Antikainen, Communications Manager



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Forward-looking statements

Certain statements herein that are not historical facts are forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements reflect Nokia's current expectations and views of future developments and include statements regarding: A) expectations, plans, benefits or outlook related to our strategies, product launches, growth management, licenses, sustainability and other ESG targets, operational key performance indicators and decisions on market exits; B) expectations, plans or benefits related to future performance of our businesses (including the expected impact, timing and duration of potential global pandemics and the general or regional macroeconomic conditions on our businesses, our supply chain and our customers' businesses) and any future dividends and other distributions of profit; C) expectations and targets regarding financial performance and results of operations, including market share, prices, net sales, income, margins, cash flows, the timing of receivables, operating expenses, provisions, impairments, taxes, currency exchange rates, hedging, investment funds, inflation, product cost reductions, competitiveness, revenue generation in any specific region, and licensing income and payments; D) ability to execute, expectations, plans or benefits related to changes in organizational structure and operating model; E) impact on revenue with respect to litigation/renewal discussions; and F) any statements preceded by or including "continue", "believe", "commit", "estimate", "expect", "aim", "influence", "will", "target", "likely", "intend", "may", "could", "would" or similar expressions. These forward-looking statements are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties, many of which are beyond our control, which could cause our actual results to differ materially from such statements. These statements are based on management's best assumptions and beliefs in light of the information currently available to them. These forward-looking statements are only predictions based upon our current expectations and views of future events and developments and are subject to risks and uncertainties that are difficult to predict because they relate to events and depend on circumstances that will occur in the future. Factors, including risks and uncertainties that could cause these differences, include those risks and uncertainties specified in our 2022 annual report on Form 20-F published on 2 March 2023 under Operating and financial review and prospects – Risk factors.


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Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Nokia announces deal to sell Device Management and Service Management Platform businesses to Lumine Group


Press Release 


Nokia announces deal to sell Device Management and Service Management Platform businesses to Lumine Group


  • Deal marks further progress in Nokia's strategy to actively manage its Cloud and Network Services (CNS) business group portfolio in order to invest in other strategic areas and enhance technology leadership 

  • Deal enhances Lumine Group's software portfolio, and enables Nokia customers to benefit from Lumine's telecom industry expertise, financial resources, and strategic intent to invest in long-term product roadmap

20 December 2023

Espoo, Finland – Nokia today announced an agreement under which Lumine Group Inc. will buy Nokia's Device Management (DM) and Service Management Platform (SMP) businesses. The deal will enable Nokia DM and SMP customers to benefit from Lumine's telecom industry expertise, financial resources, and strategy to invest in a long-term product roadmap.

The agreement reflects CNS's investment focus on technology leadership areas, and the active portfolio management of others. CNS has executed a clear strategy over the past two years to grow faster than the market by establishing technology leadership and reorienting investment toward strategic areas of 5G Core, secure autonomous operations, private wireless and edge, network as code, and SaaS. The deal follows Nokia announcements earlier this year to divest its VitalQIP products to Cygna Labs Corp and to make Red Hat the primary infrastructure platform for Nokia Core Network applications.

Lumine Group acquires, manages, and builds industry-specific software, focused in the telecom and media space. With its strong balance sheet and market capitalization, Lumine Group intends to operate DM and SMP as a standalone business, which will be called Motive.

Approximately 500 Nokia Device Management and Service Management Platform employees are expected to transfer to Lumine Group as part of the deal. Both companies will work closely together to ensure a smooth transition and business continuity.

The deal is valued at EUR 185 million, which includes a contingent consideration of up to EUR 35 million based on the performance of the business during the first year following close. The deal is expected to close in the first quarter of 2024, subject to certain terms, conditions, and consultations with works council or other employee representative bodies where required by law.

Nokia Device Management software capabilities help communication service providers remotely manage home broadband access devices, as well as IoT sensors and devices from a variety of different vendors; while the company's Service Management Platform improves customer care service, with coverage spanning more than 150 deployments worldwide and more than 1 billion devices under management.

Raghav Sahgal, President of Cloud and Network Services, at Nokia said: "Nokia is pleased to enter this agreement with Lumine as another sign of progress in our strategy to focus investment in those areas most important to our business. Lumine Group has the telecom industry expertise as well as the strategic focus and resourcing to drive the Device Management and Service Management Platform businesses forward to a stronger future."

David Sharpley, Group President at Lumine Group said: "We are absolutely thrilled to welcome Device Management and Service Management Platform customers and employees to Lumine. Consistent with our autonomous operating model, we will be reviving the heritage Motive brand for this new stand-alone Lumine company and we look forward to partnering with Nokia to ensure operational continuity with all customers."

Resources and additional information

Nokia Web page: Home Device Manager

Nokia Web page: Service Management Platform


About Nokia

At Nokia, we create technology that helps the world act together.

As a B2B technology innovation leader, we are pioneering networks that sense, think and act by leveraging our work across mobile, fixed and cloud networks. In addition, we create value with intellectual property and long-term research, led by the award-winning Nokia Bell Labs.

Service providers, enterprises and partners worldwide trust Nokia to deliver secure, reliable and sustainable networks today – and work with us to create the digital services and applications of the future.


About Lumine Group

Lumine Group (TSXV: LMN) acquires, strengthens, and grows vertical market software businesses in the Communications and Media industry. Learn more at


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Nokia Communications, Corporate



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Nokia, University of Jyväskylä and Sitra collaborate to improve biodiversity footprint assessments



Press Release

Nokia, University of Jyväskylä and Sitra collaborate to improve biodiversity footprint assessments

  • Collaboration will help organizations develop effective strategies and measures to assess and reduce their biodiversity footprint.
  • The carbon footprint is already commonly used in organizations to assess climate impacts, but similar tools for assessing biodiversity footprints are rare.
  • The University of Jyväskylä conducts cutting edge research on biodiversity footprint assessments and the purpose of the collaboration is to enhance this research.
  • Nokia's support, together with a project funded by the Finnish Innovation Fund, Sitra, enables the University of Jyväskylä to establish a tenure-track professorship in global biodiversity footprint assessments.


20 December 2023

Espoo, Finland – Nokia today announced support for the University of Jyväskylä to improve the biodiversity footprint assessments of organizations. This activity is aligned with Nokia's Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) strategy, as well as a broader longstanding commitment to combatting climate change and minimizing environmental impacts. The international scientific community has stressed that climate change and biodiversity loss should be considered together when solutions aiming to reduce the impacts are developed, and the support announced today is aimed to facilitate this development.


If organizations know which activities cause the most significant biodiversity loss and how large their overall biodiversity footprint is, they can develop effective strategies and measures to reduce their biodiversity footprint. So far, standards and comprehensive tools suitable for different kinds of organizations and industries do not exist, although general accounting principles and tools are under development.


Complementing Nokia's contribution, the Finnish Innovation Fund Sitra has agreed to fund a project by the University of Jyväskylä on the same topic, aiming to unlock the key blockers standing in the way of an international standard on biodiversity footprint measurement. The core goal of the project is to establish a common language between the best metrics employed today. The project will be exploring ways to achieve convertibility between the current state-of-the-art measurement approaches, and between different biodiversity impacts in different ecosystems around the globe.


Subho Mukherjee, Vice President, Sustainability at Nokia, said: "The high-level COP15 United Nations conference clearly showed that biodiversity loss and climate change remain two of the biggest threats to our planet. Our University Donations Program aims to tap into the brightest minds in academia to explore high impact areas with future relevance to Nokia and society such as environment, nature, future skills and technologies like 6G, Quantum and AI."


Jari Ojala, Rector of the University of Jyväskylä, said: "In addition to climate change, biodiversity loss is one of the largest global sustainability challenges. Researchers at the Jyväskylä University School of Business and Economics, together with the School of Resource Wisdom, JYU. Wisdom, have concluded internationally pioneering work to calculate the biodiversity footprint of companies. The assessment of biodiversity impacts is the first step so that we can actively start reducing the impacts and contribute to reversing the biodiversity loss. We are very thankful for Nokia's significant support for developing the biodiversity footprint calculation of companies."


Lasse Miettinen, Director of Sustainability Solutions at Sitra, said: "The international field of biodiversity footprint measurement is progressing rapidly, with the work done by the University of Jyväskylä being one of the global frontrunners. However, there are many different measurement approaches being developed, with little common language yet between them. To achieve a common international standard would be a game changer for all the businesses and other organizations that strive to measure their biodiversity impacts. Sitra is excited to fund a project that aims to pave the way for precisely that."


Resources and additional information

Webpage: Nokia's approach to Biodiversity

Webpage: Nokia's annual sustainability report People & Planet

Webpage: Nokia at COP 28

Webpage: Value-transforming financial, carbon and biodiversity footprint accounting (

Webpage: A planetary well-being accounting system for organizations (


About Nokia

At Nokia, we create technology that helps the world act together.


As a B2B technology innovation leader, we are pioneering networks that sense, think and act by leveraging our work across mobile, fixed and cloud networks. In addition, we create value with intellectual property and long-term research, led by the award-winning Nokia Bell Labs.


Service providers, enterprises and partners worldwide trust Nokia to deliver secure, reliable and sustainable networks today – and work with us to create the digital services and applications of the future.


About Sitra

The Finnish Innovation Fund Sitra is an independent future-oriented fund mandated by the Finnish Parliament and accountable to it. Sitra acts as a think tank, promoter of experiments and a catalyst for co-operation. We bring together partners from different sectors of society to collaborate in shaping the successful Finland of tomorrow.


About the University of Jyväskylä

The University of Jyväskylä is one of the largest and most popular multidisciplinary universities in Finland and strives to be a global leader in the study of learning, wellbeing, and basic natural phenomena, reshaping expertise to build a sustainable society. We conduct open, influential, and ethically high-level research. JYU is among the top three percent of universities globally.


Media inquiries

Nokia Communications, Corporate



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Monday, December 18, 2023

Nokia extends partner program to accelerate Drones-as-a-Service business in North America



Press Release


Nokia extends partner program to accelerate Drones-as-a-Service business in North America


  • Nokia Drone Networks, available for purchase, lease or one-off flight hire are bundled with compelling services delivering lower cost of ownership so more enterprises and service providers can take advantage of industrial drones.
  • Nokia and its partners within the private wireless space, such as DXC Technology, will collaborate with regulators and the industry ecosystem for flight approvals to achieve drone innovation and safety.
  • Backed by 4G/LTE and 5G connectivity for safe, reliable and Beyond Visual Line of Sight operations, NDN will allow enterprises to see fastest return on investment, when deployed with Nokia Digital Automation Cloud private wireless-as-a-Service.


18 December 2024


Espoo, Finland – Nokia today announced the extension of a Drones-as-a-Service partner program with existing private wireless partners to provide Nokia Drone Networks benefits to industries in North America. Through this collaboration, enterprises and service providers will be able to rapidly realize the capabilities of drones, in a way that meets the needs of their business as well as benefit from new use cases and revenue streams.


Enterprises can opt to purchase the Nokia Drone Networks industrial grade drone-in-a-box solution or minimize upfront capital expense by leasing, sharing or simply hiring drones for one-off or regularly scheduled flights. Nokia and the members of its partner program will offer bundled service packages tailored to the needs of enterprises, including managing data analytics or drone maintenance. The companies will also manage flight scheduling, working with relevant spectrum and airspace regulators to gain approvals, where required.


Drone service providers will benefit from being able to diversify their offering to more industries and realize new revenue streams. This is made possible through Nokia's commitment to collaborating with industry partners, allowing users to customize the payloads, to meet their business needs.


Companies that choose to deploy or lease Nokia Drone Networks will benefit from an end-to-end solution, which has recently received certification from the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) for operation in North America.


Nokia Drone Networks uses public and private 4G/LTE and 5G network connectivity for the greatest reliability and safety of Beyond Visual Line of Sight (BVLOS) operations. Operated remotely for one-off or scheduled flights, the solution benefits from a highly ruggedized docking station that doubles as a recharging station. This makes it possible for enterprises to rely on the solution to realize new efficiencies and capabilities such as surveillance at remote facilities, environmental or stockpile monitoring at a mine, managing inspections in hazardous locations or for public safety search and rescue operations.


Deployed in conjunction with Nokia Digital Automation Cloud (DAC) and Nokia MX Industrial Edge at their campus network, enterprises will be able to leverage robust, reliable connectivity, service predictability and the ability to process data obtained from the drones in real-time, on-premises to open the door to an array of innovative use cases and accelerate their return on investment.


Stephan Litjens, Vice President of Enterprise Campus Edge Solutions at Nokia, says: "We are pleased to leverage our existing private wireless partnerships, such as the one with DXC Technology to offer Drones-as-a-Service to the North American market. This allows us to offer our innovative solution in a way that meets the complex needs of any enterprise or industry. Through our work with partners across all regions, we'll maintain a strong collaboration with spectrum and airspace regulators and the ecosystem to ensure we balance innovation with safety for customer flights." 


While visiting Nokia in Espoo, to witness the Drone use cases firsthand, the DXC Team stated: "We want our customers to book a drone flight with the simplicity of hailing a ride-share. Enterprises will benefit from simplicity, leveraging a complete FCC certified drone-in-a-box solution provided by a single vendor without headaches as we manage the flight approval for them working with the relevant authorities. They can adopt drones however it makes sense for their business. And those that choose to deploy the drone-in-a-box solution alongside Nokia DAC private wireless will leverage the greatest capabilities, unlocking new use cases for the fastest return on investment."



Resources and additional information


About Nokia

At Nokia, we create technology that helps the world act together.


As a B2B technology innovation leader, we are pioneering networks that sense, think and act by leveraging our work across mobile, fixed and cloud networks. In addition, we create value with intellectual property and long-term research, led by the award-winning Nokia Bell Labs.


Service providers, enterprises and partners worldwide trust Nokia to deliver secure, reliable and sustainable networks today – and work with us to create the digital services and applications of the future.


Media inquiries

Nokia Communications, Corporate



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HellasQCI and Nokia lead way to the future of Quantum-Safe Networks



Press Release

HellasQCI and Nokia lead way to the future of Quantum-Safe Networks



  • Trial showcases hybrid approach with both classic and quantum physics key generation to help HellasQCI reach its goal of Quantum-Safe Networks for critical infrastructure security across Greece
  • Results demonstrate critical interoperability in the quantum key distribution (QKD) architecture and how Nokia's portfolio is equipped to help secure the network against quantum attacks at the lowest latency and lowest cost per bit
  • HellasQCI project consortium is led by GRNET – National Infrastructures for Research and Technology, and operates under the auspices of the Greek Ministry of Digital Governance. GRNET provides networking, cloud computing and high-performance computing connecting more than 150 organizations across 50 cities and serves hundreds of thousands of users


18 December 2023


Espoo, Finland – Nokia today announced it has successfully completed a proof of concept (PoC) of Quantum-Safe Networks (QSN) in a complex optical network ring topology across three locations in Greece with HellasQCI, the Greek National Quantum Communication Infrastructure Consortium. Nokia successfully demonstrated hybrid key generation using both classic and quantum physics to generate and distribute Quantum-Safe keys for encrypted optical services. The goal of the PoC was to run use cases with the HellasQCI consortium members from government, research and education, defense, law enforcement and private sector critical infrastructure owners to ensure Quantum-Safe connectivity infrastructure.


The PoC was performed on a ring connecting three nodes in GRNET's Data Center, the National Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA) Network Operations Center (NOC), and the NKUA Department of Informatics and Telecommunications (DIT), Optics Communications and Photonic Technology Laboratory (OPTCOMMS-PTL).


The positive potential of quantum computing is enormous. Today, governments and research organizations are investing in the technology to address issues such as sustainability, defense, and other societal challenges. Enterprises are using it across industries for applications like advanced financial computations, shaping the future of electric vehicles, or to better understand the impact of climate change on the power grid. However, the development of quantum computing also introduces an ability for this technology to easily penetrate systems previously regarded as secure, for example, by breaking existing encryption. This threat could easily damage life sustaining critical infrastructure. Hence, there is an urgent need to ensure networks are ready for quantum attacks through consortiums like HellasQCI who conduct rigorous tests and trials on their systems before bad actors can attempt to leverage quantum computing, overwriting current encryption technologies.


The HellasQCI consortium consists of 14 public organizations and private corporations, and is led by GRNET as project coordinator and NKUA as its technical coordinator. GRNET operates under the auspices of the Greek Ministry of Digital Governance, providing networking, cloud computing, high-performance computing, and e-Infrastructures. It connects more than 150 organizations across 50 cities and serves hundreds of thousands of users daily in public administration, education, research, health and culture.


The Nokia QSN solution showcased the value added by the Nokia Security Management Server (SMS) to orchestrate Quantum-Safe keys and provide continuous monitoring and management of quantum secured connectivity. This particular SMS is the Quantum-Safe Key orchestrator, managing key requests and assuring Quantum-Safe services for the given crypto period. Upon continuous monitoring of Quantum-Safe connectivity service, the system's SMS can increase secured connectivity resiliency automatically by reverting to classic physics-based keys in case of issues on the QKD layer.


Dr. Ognjen Prnjat, Director for European Infrastructures and Projects Directorate at GRNET, said: "We are very pleased with the successful completion of the PoC with Nokia, which is one of the key milestones for the HellasQCI project that establishes the National Quantum Communication Infrastructure in Greece. GRNET plays a crucial role in various European infrastructures for research and education, including EOSC, EUDAT, EGI, GÉANT, PRACE, and EuroHPC, and we are honored to have been given the responsibility by the Ministry of Digital Governance to lead the implementation of this innovative quantum network infrastructure as part of the pan-European Quantum Communication Infrastructure (EuroQCI) initiative. The PoC demonstrated the feasibility and the benefits of Quantum-Safe Networks for securing critical communications in Greece and in Europe and we look forward to continuing our collaboration with Nokia and other partners to develop and deploy an operational and secure EuroQCI."


James Watt, Head of the Optical Networks Division at Nokia, said: "We are proud to partner with HellasQCI and its consortium members to demonstrate our QSN solution in this challenging and innovative PoC. Test environments like this are crucial to ensure networks are ready for quantum-level cybersecurity attacks, which are inevitable as quantum computing becomes more accessible around the world. Nokia brings a structured framework and a collaborative partner-based approach combined with our world-leading networking expertise with extensive experience managing large-scale and complex deployments with multi-connectivity domain and multi QKD vendor technologies."


About Nokia

At Nokia, we create technology that helps the world act together.


As a B2B technology innovation leader, we are pioneering networks that sense, think and act by leveraging our work across mobile, fixed and cloud networks. In addition, we create value with intellectual property and long-term research, led by the award-winning Nokia Bell Labs.

Service providers, enterprises and partners worldwide trust Nokia to deliver secure, reliable and sustainable networks today – and work with us to create the digital services and applications of the future.


Media inquiries

Nokia Communications, Corporate



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Thursday, December 14, 2023

Nokia Drone Networks launch in North America following successful collaboration with Rohde & Schwarz to secure FCC certification


 Press Release


Nokia Drone Networks launch in North America following successful collaboration with Rohde & Schwarz to secure FCC certification


  • First FCC-certified 5G-connected drone-in-a-box solution ushers in benefits of turnkey, operationally efficient, environmentally sustainable technology for U.S. industrial and public sectors
  • Collaboration utilizes R&S CMX500 radio communication tester from Rohde & Schwarz to proof standards compliance and reliability for mission-critical and business use cases


14 December 2023


Espoo, Finland – Nokia and Rohde & Schwarz, a leading network measurement technology provider today announced that the Nokia Drone Networks solution has been certified by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). This marks the agency's first full certification of a native 4G/5G drone-in-a-box solution. The achievement represents a significant step in providing U.S. customers a proven, industrial grade 4G/5G drone solution built for reliable Beyond Visual Line of Sight (BVLOS) operations. Going forward, Nokia will leverage its recently announced US partnerships for private LTE and 5G solutions to accelerate its market entry.


Drawing on an extensive history in telecom, Nokia prioritized robust and reliable connectivity in the Nokia Drone Networks solution. Highly resilient connectivity is critical to remote drone operation, real-time streaming of data collected during a drone mission, and BVLOS operation using a large set of 3GPP spectrum bands. Research and development efforts have pushed the boundaries in terms of RF design and connectivity performance. Innovative features such as full network connection redundancy, multi-operator support and hot failover also differentiate Nokia Drone Networks in terms of operational reliability.


Nokia and Rohde & Schwarz originally joined forces in 2022 with an MoU to embed Rohde & Schwarz QualiPoc 4.9G/LTE and 5G network measurement capabilities into the Nokia Drone Networks platform, a first of its kind solution that expands use cases for customers with deeper knowledge around wireless network coverage and performance for more efficient utilization of their networks.


Extending the cooperation to device testing and certification, Nokia collaborated with Rohde & Schwarz to complete the FCC's rigorous requirements for R&D component testing. The R&S CMX500 radio communication tester from Rohde & Schwarz was utilized in the Nokia Bell Labs Global Product and Compliance Laboratory for extensive radiated and conducted emissions testing. The rich tool set of the R&S CMX500 and the flexible web-based R&S CMsquares user interface were instrumental in conducting comprehensive signaling protocol tests.


Olaf Heisch, Director Target Accounts Mobile Network Testing at Rohde & Schwarz, said: "This achievement underscores the transformative capabilities of our Radio Communication Tester R&S CMX500. Its role in securing FCC certification for Nokia Drone Networks is a testament to its pivotal position in driving innovation in the 5G and drone technology landscape. This collaboration highlights the power of cutting-edge technology and strategic partnerships in shaping the future of the industry."


Thomas Eder, Head of Embedded Wireless Solutions, Nokia, said: "This achievement highlights the vital role that collaboration and diligent testing play in the 5G era. By meeting the FCC's rigorous standards, we are shaping the path in the U.S. for industrial and public sector use cases, improved 5G spectrum monetization, and the nationwide roll-out of drones for BVLOS operations on 3GPP spectrum. With more than 675 private wireless customers worldwide and leadership in building nationwide wireless networks, Nokia is well positioned to expand its market leadership into the U.S. with a certified industrial grade drone-in-a-box solution."


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About Nokia

At Nokia, we create technology that helps the world act together.


As a B2B technology innovation leader, we are pioneering networks that sense, think and act by leveraging our work across mobile, fixed and cloud networks. In addition, we create value with intellectual property and long-term research, led by the award-winning Nokia Bell Labs.


Service providers, enterprises and partners worldwide trust Nokia to deliver secure, reliable and sustainable networks today – and work with us to create the digital services and applications of the future.


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About Rohde & Schwarz


Rohde & Schwarz is striving for a safer and connected world with its Test & Measurement, Technology Systems and Networks & Cybersecurity Divisions. For 90 years, the global technology group has pushed technical boundaries with developments in cutting-edge technologies. The company's leading-edge products and solutions empower industrial, regulatory and government customers to attain technological and digital sovereignty. The privately owned, Munich based company can act independently, long-term and sustainably. Rohde & Schwarz generated net revenue of EUR 2.78 billion in the 2022/2023 fiscal year (July to June). On June 30, 2023, Rohde & Schwarz had around 13,800 employees worldwide.
R&S® is a registered trademark of Rohde & Schwarz GmbH & Co. KG.



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